Have you ever paid off a loan really quickly using all of your savings, only to charge a credit card again to pay for some unexpected expense? Do you feel guilty when you have to dip into your savings? In this episode, Cash Flow Expert Chris Miles shares some quick nuggets that will help you… Continue reading The Rubber Band Effect | 56
Retire In Less Than 10 Years | 55
Is it really possible to retire in 10 years or less? Not only is it possible, but if done right, it can be highly probable. The thing is you have to question EVERYTHING you think you know about retiring. Learn how Chris Miles was able to retire when he was 28 years old with… Continue reading Retire In Less Than 10 Years | 55
Find Your Divine Genius | 53
Show host, Chris Miles, celebrates The Chris Miles Money Show’s 1-year anniversary by teaching you how to find your divine genius. When you tap into this genius, you create wealth faster and bless more lives. Learn how you can discover yours and live a richer life. Listen now! Chris Miles Bio: Chris Miles, the “Cash… Continue reading Find Your Divine Genius | 53
Prospering With Your Spouse Part 2 With Carolyn Norris | 49
Last week, we heard from Rebel Entrepreneur Gary Norris about their “mess to success” story. But what about the wife’s perspective? And what was it that earned her trust and got her on board with Gary to make them a powerhouse team? Join us as Chris Miles interviews Carolyn Norris, the other half of this… Continue reading Prospering With Your Spouse Part 2 With Carolyn Norris | 49
Little Things Mean a Lot!
If there is anything I have learned in business…. It’s that we are all just one idea, or one relationship, away from massive success. Little things do mean a lot! I’ve seen the power of one idea within my cash flow process, such as the Cash Flow Index, save my clients a large chunk of… Continue reading Little Things Mean a Lot!
Prospering With Your Spouse Part 1 With Gary Norris | 48
How do you come back from a mess and create success? And how do you get your spouse to support you? Gary Norris, Rebel Entrepreneur and leader in the real estate investment and personal development company, Strongbrook, shares how he was able to bounce back from his financial mess and earn his wife’s support.… Continue reading Prospering With Your Spouse Part 1 With Gary Norris | 48
Stewardship Is The Foundation For Prosperity | 47
What really is at the heart of creating wealth and prosperity in our lives? Stewardship! In this episode, Chris Miles teaches how to think and act like a steward rather than a saver or spender. If you want to increase your wealth while blessing others’ lives, you NEED to listen to this episode! Chris Miles… Continue reading Stewardship Is The Foundation For Prosperity | 47
Teaching Your Children About Money…But Abundantly!
My wife finally got her wish! She’s been asking me to teach parents about teaching kids money from an abundant (steward) paradigm. I’ve always hesitated because I’m a little of a perfectionist when it comes to teaching content. I want to feel confident that what I teach works. This week, I had to get over… Continue reading Teaching Your Children About Money…But Abundantly!
The Power Of Purpose | 45
Money without a mission is merely materialism! What’s the one thing that can help you overcome virtually any obstacle? A strong sense of purpose! In this episode, Chris Miles will be teaching some powerful questions to get more clear on your purpose. When you’re clear about that, money is no longer just about surviving. Instead,… Continue reading The Power Of Purpose | 45
Improving Your Relationship with Money
Do you remember the line from the movie The Matrix where Neo visits a little bald kid bending spoons? You know! The part where he tells Neo that it’s not the spoon that bends, but ourselves? The line I love is when Neo asks what is the one thing he needs to understand. The… Continue reading Improving Your Relationship with Money