What’s the one thing your clients or customers will NEVER tell you? The answer is: “You should increase your prices.” The only time I ever hear this is when I hire a business consultant who looks at my business and says, “You’re still underpriced.” Ever heard or thought that before? One big money leak I… Continue reading How Much Do You Think You Are Worth?
The Easy Way to Get Out of Scarcity
Do you have those occasional moments, just like me, when something in your future doesn’t look as bright as it did the day before? Where you get into a little “funk?” I’ve noticed that there are days or moments when I slip into fear and scarcity for no reason other than that’s the way I… Continue reading The Easy Way to Get Out of Scarcity
One Financial Mistake EVERYONE Makes And Doesn’t Know It!
What would you guess is the one thing where EVERYONE falls short with their money? Even worse, they don’t even know it! It’s not taxes (although that is true about 90% of the time) It’s not cash flow, although that is usually the case too. The answer – Protecting your money! This is the one… Continue reading One Financial Mistake EVERYONE Makes And Doesn’t Know It!
What’s the Right Investment for You?
I get asked constantly, “Chris, you talk a lot about how investing in 401k’s and IRA’s can be bad. So where should I be investing?” The answer is pretty simple: Wherever you are very knowledgeable and passionate! Knowledge Most people lack the discipline to to take the time to really master any investment. Most hope… Continue reading What’s the Right Investment for You?
How to Wisely Use Debt
Some of you might be thinking, “Chris, can debt really be used wisely? Shouldn’t it be avoided?” On the other hand, others of you might think, “I love using debt!” However, you might be struggling paycheck to paycheck as well. So how can debt be used wisely where it doesn’t affect your peace of mind?… Continue reading How to Wisely Use Debt
Why Thinking Big Is Crazy
How many times have we heard…. “Just think big and your dreams will come true?” When I hear people say that, INSTEAD I think of Pedro from the movie “Napoleon Dynamite,” when he says…. “Vote for me and all of your wildest dreams will come true.” Both statements in my mind are just hot air.… Continue reading Why Thinking Big Is Crazy
5 Easy Ways to Earn More Money
One of the biggest money leaks I see in my clients is they are so focused on the expenses, they forget about making money. As you’ll here me say time and time again, dollars follow the value you create for others. You need to be a creator, not a consumer, if you want to make… Continue reading 5 Easy Ways to Earn More Money
Is Real Estate a Good Investment Right Now?
Have you wondered if now is a good time to invest in real estate? Are things starting to pick up in your area? Many of you know that I didn’t have the best experience with real estate. Part of the money I had to pay back was because some of my real estate went… Continue reading Is Real Estate a Good Investment Right Now?
What Isn’t the Media Telling You About Your Money
Although I’ve been talking about this for 6 or 7 years, I’m making a bold prediction that most in the media ignore because it’s NOT comforting for the average person. In fact, it’s down right frightening! (Don’t despair too much. Unlike some of those conspiracy theorists out there with no answers, I do have a… Continue reading What Isn’t the Media Telling You About Your Money
How to Teach Your Kids About Money
Even though I’ve coached hundreds of financial clients across U.S. and Canada and been interviewed on TV and radio, I’ve found teaching one group of people to be the most challenging of all….my 5 kids! Do you feel like this sometimes too? Teaching kids about money isn’t always easy when they are constantly bombarded and… Continue reading How to Teach Your Kids About Money