Retirement Is a Lie!

The concept of retirement you have been taught is a lie! Billions of dollars of marketing, and hundreds of thousands of financial advisors & so-called “experts” will tell you saving 10-20% of your income for 40 years will make you financially independent. WRONG! (Don’t worry. I have an answer at the end of this.) Let… Continue reading Retirement Is a Lie!

So Much Passion, So Much Purpose….So What!

Have you ever heard, “Do what you love, and the money will follow?” What a lie! In this episode, I’m going to teach why there are so many broke yet passionate people out there and how you can actually make money living your passions. Be sure to listen in! — Listen to the podcast here… Continue reading So Much Passion, So Much Purpose….So What!

How Can I Make Money WITHOUT Money? | 15

Have you ever felt it impossible to make more money because you don’t have a lot of money? Worry no more! In this episode, I’m going to teach you how you can make money WITHOUT money. It might surprise you how easy it really is. Listen in if you want to make money without money!… Continue reading How Can I Make Money WITHOUT Money? | 15

If Not Mutual Funds, Where Should I Put My Money? – 14

You obviously know I’m not a big fan of retirement plans. The inevitable question I get is, “If not retirement plans, where should we put our money?” Find out some safe, and powerful places where you can trust your money can work for you. Listen in! — Listen to the podcast here   If Not… Continue reading If Not Mutual Funds, Where Should I Put My Money? – 14

Stop Networking! My Secret Sauce for Building My Business

Many people will ask me, “Chris, how do you network and get inside so many circles of influence?” My response is, “I don’t network.” The real key to networking is to NOT network! Instead, focus on building real, authentic, long lasting relationships with people. In other words, become a real friend, not a short-term, scarcity-driven,… Continue reading Stop Networking! My Secret Sauce for Building My Business