The Investing Broke People Like to Talk About

The Investing Broke People Like to Talk About

Broke people aren’t always those who don’t have money. Sometimes, they are the people who make great money, but unfortunately, don’t keep any of it.

You probably already know what this is about because it’s all over social media and mainstream media, but I want you to hear about it from an investor’s point of view too.

If you don’t want to be broke and you want to build real wealth, this episode is for you. In this episode, I’m telling you what kind of investing broke people are talking about, why you should avoid them, and how you can change your mindset so you can become successful!


“Every single week or month that goes by, opportunities are just going by.”

“There are plenty of opportunities out there, but the one thing that you can never get back is time.”

“Time is what you need right now to get some value in your life because you don’t know how long you’re gonna be on this planet.”

“Remember, just because somebody makes a lot of money or is successful in one aspect of their life, doesn’t mean that they are a great investor.”

“Those shiny objects can throw people off if you’re not disciplined.”

“Whatever’s creating a hype is usually what you wanna run away from. When you start hearing everybody talking about it, that is not the thing you wanna get into.”

“The stock market and crypto are the two places where gamblers are trying to invest right now.”

“Here’s the deal – it’s the same mentality. The same thing that’s getting people caught up is greed. Greed is something you want to watch out for.”

“Stay in your lane and invest in what you know.”

“It’s much easier to build wealth from where it is than losing it and trying to build it once again.”

“Focus on what works. Go for the stable, predictable stuff.”

“There are great investments out there with lower risk than stocks and crypto.”