Is Max Funding a 401k Enough to Retire | 441

Today, Chris Miles focuses on the question: Is Max Funding 401K enough to retire? He’s here to tell you that he has already run through the numbers so many times, enough to tell you that it is impossible to retire in an abundant lifestyle with your 401K. One of the main struggles in discussing this… Continue reading Is Max Funding a 401k Enough to Retire | 441

Why Stocks Are NOT Real Assets | 440

Do your investments hold water? What are the fundamental flaws in most people’s investment strategies? Whose money are banks investing? Hint: Is not theirs… What does Warren Buffett do that gives him success? In this episode, Chris Miles tackles the topic of why stocks are not real assets. This is aimed to help you make… Continue reading Why Stocks Are NOT Real Assets | 440

Investing in Trailers with Jay Harvey | 439

In this episode, Chris Miles brings in a great guest in Jay Harvey Jay and Samera Harvey founded Trailer Cash Academy in 2019, which is the fastest-growing mobile home investing education and training program in the country. Jay and Samera’s academy trains investors on how to close their first real estate deal in under 30… Continue reading Investing in Trailers with Jay Harvey | 439

Why This Australian Invests in the US with Reed Goossens | 438

In 2012, Reed quit his job in Australia and moved halfway across the globe to the US to change his life, and to chase a dream. With limited funds, no investing experience, and no credit, Reed went from purchasing a small duplex to growing his own real estate investing firm, Wildhorn Capital. Reed now syndicates… Continue reading Why This Australian Invests in the US with Reed Goossens | 438

My Rules for Investing | 437

Everyone has had different paths in this business. There are a variety of factors that can affect decisions such as what is available, what experiences have they gone through, what are their goals. Chris Miles has had extensive experience in business over the years, especially with investing. Through that, he has created rules or lessons… Continue reading My Rules for Investing | 437

Im Ticked About ANOTHER IBC Policy – Saved Her $200K

It happened again! Chris Miles, again, encountered the same case, where the same “infinite” banker and the same company gave their client a quotation and this time it is even more drastic. They gave her the numbers but they didn’t give her the “MAXIMUM ROI” of infinite banking. In Chris’ policy, by the time the… Continue reading Im Ticked About ANOTHER IBC Policy – Saved Her $200K

Im Ticked About This Infinite Banking Policy And here Is Why

What Chris is about to share is not something that he would want you to feel depressed about. Even though he has been semi-retired and out of the rat race, he has to come back out of retirement; primarily because he keeps seeing things that cost people thousands or maybe even millions of dollars. Now… Continue reading Im Ticked About This Infinite Banking Policy And here Is Why

No More Burnout with Mary Hyatt | 436

Can slowing down speed up your results? What do alignment and intuition have to do with reducing stress? Mary Hyatt is a life and business mindset coach who specializes in helping high achieving female entrepreneurs move from living a life of burnout to a life where they are connected to their emotions, their body, and… Continue reading No More Burnout with Mary Hyatt | 436

Skate to Where the Puck Is Going | 435

What is the current state of the economy and what is really going on? What is the medium-term outlook for the economy? Where is the opportunity going to be? Chris Miles has been in the industry for many years. His experience and wisdom helps him make predictions of what will happen later on and position… Continue reading Skate to Where the Puck Is Going | 435

Illinois Real Estate Investing with Mike Fisher | 434

Chris Miles is joined by Mike Fisher about real estate investing in Illinois. Mike Fisher is the Founder and CEO of Get CashFlow Today Inc. and MF CashFlow. Starting his career as a builder/contractor, he gained 20+ years of experience building customer relationships, negotiating supplier and subcontractor contracts, and performing hands-on building, renovations, and rehabilitation… Continue reading Illinois Real Estate Investing with Mike Fisher | 434