No More Burnout with Mary Hyatt | 436

Can slowing down speed up your results?

What do alignment and intuition have to do with reducing stress?

Mary Hyatt is a life and business mindset coach who specializes in helping high achieving female entrepreneurs move from living a life of burnout to a life where they are connected to their emotions, their body, and their spirit.

Mary is the host of the Living Fully Alive podcast that airs weekly where she dives deeper into the mindset and helps her listeners learn to embody a life fully lived. She is also a Top Earner with doTERRA Essential Oils, helping teach women how to support their bodies and emotions holistically. As a trained Hypnotherapist and Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Mary brings a level of consciousness and soul focused inner work to everything she does.

Tune in as Chris Miles discusses burnout and other topics with Mary Hyatt.


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Chris Miles (00:08):
Hello! My fellow Ripplers. This is Chris Miles, your Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor. Hey, I’m welcoming you out for a wonderful show. A show that’s for you and it’s about you. Those you work so hard for your money and you’re ready for your money to start working harder for you. Now! You want that freedom. You want that cash flow. You want that prosperity. Today, not 30 or 40 bazillion years from now, but right now, because you want to have that life that you love to be with those you love doing whatever you love, right? But on top of that, it’s not just for your own comfort or your own convenience. It’s so much more than that. Because as a Rippler, you’re here to create a ripple effect through the lives of others. Because as you’re blessed, you can bless more lives too. So it’s so much bigger.

Chris Miles (00:48):
It’s so much bigger than you would. All of us are. And guys, I appreciate it so much for allowing me to create my ripple effect through you guys. I love the fact you’re bingeing. I love the fact you’re sharing with others and creating powerful conversations from this. And that’s exactly what we’re here for. Hey, quick reminder, check our website, WWW.MONEYRIPPLES.COM We’ve got a great eBook on there called Beyond Rice and Beans. Seven secrets free up cash today. You can check out for free. And you just can check out the other videos and blogs and things like that. We have online. So check that out. All right guys. So today I’ve got a special guest here that somebody had tagged me on Facebook said, Hey, you need to interview somebody. You need to interview with this person. And, as I start to look at, you know, more about her, you know, and her background, I thought this is an awesome woman.

Chris Miles (01:31):
You guys are going to love her. So that’s why I brought her on here. So Mary Hyatt, she’s actually a Life and a Business Mind Coach who specialized in helping high achieving female entrepreneurs move from living a life of burnout to a life where they are connected to their emotions, their body, and their spirit. She brings, help brings her one-on-one and group coaching clients back to their enoughness, wholeness and femininity. She’s also the host of the Living Fully Alive podcast that airs weekly, where she dives deeper into this mindset and also helps her listeners embody this life of living fully. Right? She’s also a top earner with doTERRA, which I know some of you guys are doTERRA people. So shout out to doTERRA, those you’re following. She’s also a top earner with doTERRA essential oils, and she’s been helping women, their support, their bodies and emotions holistically as well.

Chris Miles (02:17):
She’s also a Trained Hypnotherapist and a Kundalini Yoga Instructor, which is pretty awesome as well as she brings this higher level of consciousness and soul focused inner work to everything that she does so excited to bring her on, because the one thing I know that all we talk about strategies and money and things like that, which is great. The thing is that if it doesn’t change your life, it doesn’t matter, right? It has to actually do something to give you a better quality of life, right? Because why have all this money, if your life still stinks, right? Like what’s the purpose. And I know a lot of you guys have mentioned, you know, same man. Like, I feel like I’m just burning the candle at both ends, or especially with all the things going on with the virus and everything else. Like there’s so much pulling your attention, pulling you away that you’re mentally and emotionally burning out, even if you’re not physically burning out. And so that’s why I really want to bring Mary on here to really dive into this. So Mary, welcome to our show.

Mary Hyatt (03:10):
Hey! Chris, I’m so excited to be here. Thanks for having me.

Chris Miles (03:13):
Absolutely! So tell us, why did you even go down this little path of yours? You know, because I mean, you definitely have this very broad variety of things going on. I mean, it all comes back to wellness, but what really inspired that?

Mary Hyatt (03:27):
Yeah. So if you were to kind of rewind the clock like eight years, nine years ago, the person that you see today was not the person that I was, I was 240 pounds dealing with anxiety, like debilitating anxiety, panic attacks, all of that horrible depression. I had auto-immune stuff going on. I was in a really dysfunctional, unhappy marriage and was just dealing with a lot of trauma. And so there’s a saying that I can’t remember where exactly I heard it, but that the things that you struggle with in life, the things that are sort of like your cross to bear can end up becoming your medicine for other people. And so that’s kind of what I feel like has happened for me is that along my own journey of just figuring out, okay, who am I? Why have I sort of woken up and found myself in a place where I’m coping? where I’m numbing, where I’m totally checked out of life.

Mary Hyatt (04:23):
And I just went on this honest to God, like personal self discovery journey of figuring out who am I really? How do I engage in life? How do I become a true? Like fully alive human being, where I’m feeling again, where I’m engaging with life again, where I’m experiencing all that life has to give us. So I think I was really honestly through this, just, okay, let me learn this and then let me learn this. And then let me learn this. And just sort of that like almost snowball effect of one thing, the different tools in our toolbox that led me to being a coach that led me to teaching yoga and meditation. That taught me all about incorporating essential oils into my life and into just the lives of so many other women that I work with. So it’s sort of like this hodgepodge medicine that got me to the place where I have this idea of, okay, let me help women come back to themselves, identify with who they really are and embrace that fully.

Chris Miles (05:24):
You know, I could see that like your pain has kind of become, like I tell people your pain has become everybody else’s gain. Right?

Mary Hyatt (05:30):

Chris Miles (05:32):
And it’s interesting too, because you mentioned like being overweight, but you’re going through your own trauma. Like the thing is like, people don’t realize that a lot of times weight gain does, it has nothing to do with just, you know, just eating, right? It’s not, it has nothing to do with just calories in and calories out. A lot of times, like it’s more reflection of some sort of trauma, whether it’s physical or emotional trauma, there’s something there that your body’s trying to protect itself by adding these layers of fat around, right? Like it’s trying to protect your body. And people don’t realize that that often is the core. It’s not like, Hey, am I going to do Keto today or not? It’s more about how am I healing and really tuning into myself?

Mary Hyatt (06:08):
Yeah. You know, everything, when you think about it comes back to mindset, it’s usually not what’s presenting. It’s usually not that surface layer that we see, whether it’s weight, whether it’s issues with our money, whether it’s our relationships, whatever it might be. There’s always a root to what’s going on the external, whether it’s money in your bank account, the car you drive, the house, you live in, the state of your body, the kind of relationship you have, all of that. It’s sort of the results of your way of thinking your way of believing your way of operating in the world. And that can be based out of trauma. That can be based out of just what you’ve had to do to kind of exist through life as you become an adult. And so to me, all the external stuff really isn’t that big of a deal.

Mary Hyatt (06:53):
Isn’t really that exciting or that important. Like a lot of people are like, Oh! I want to, you know make a million dollars. I want to have this gorgeous home. I want to travel all over the world. It’s like, yeah, that’s great! But let’s take a look at the mindset. That’s going to be able to get you to that place. And then for me, it really boils down to that root, like, what’s really going on here? What are you coping? What are you numbing with? What are you giving your energy and focus to that’s causing your life to look this certain way that it is?

Chris Miles (07:26):
Right. Yeah. Essentially you go, let’s go that route a little bit. Let’s go a little bit deeper with that. Right? This is keep going deeper. Right?

Mary Hyatt (07:33):

Chris Miles (07:33):
Cause you already do that anyways. But yeah, cause I see that a lot too. Cause people will say, Chris, what did you do to be able to retire twice before you were 40? Right?

Mary Hyatt (07:43):

Chris Miles (07:43):
And I’m like, well, there’s what I did. But more importantly, it was what was going on up here. Right? Like what was going on inside of me and especially where some of the biggest results I had, had very little do with anything like it wasn’t like what a magic investment. That’s what everybody wants to hear, right? There was like, what was that magic investment? What did you do to make lots of money? I’m like, honestly I did the simple things. Like, I actually had to deal with some trauma and get through that actually went through a divorce that actually I hit bigger highs after my divorce, after that drag was, you know, not saying my ass is a drag, it sounds horrible. But there was some drag, there was emotional drag there that was kind of pulling me back. And when that was gone, it was amazing how I could almost feel lighter. I could almost go farther faster.

Mary Hyatt (08:28):
Oh my gosh! I can so relate. And I also divorce, a divorcee, a divorcee I don’t know the right term, but I totally get that. Yeah. Tomato, tomato. I totally get that. And like for me, I think that when we look at okay, I think doTERRA is a great example. I’ll use that because I think it’s really helpful in this scenario to look at, you’re dealing with a group of people who sign on to sell these Essential Oils and you have the same product. You have the same shipment, you have the same way of building the business. So you have the same education on, okay, here’s kind of, you know, XYZ how you do it, implement it, et cetera. And having worked with not only my own team, but then also being a coach of a lot of people that are in doTERRA, outside of my team.

Mary Hyatt (09:16):
What I find is that here people have the exact same resources. Some are successful and some are not. And when you look at gosh! Well, what’s the reason for that? It’s not that the people who are successful are special in some kind of way, like they have a better product or there’s more of a margin or whatever it might be. No, it really comes down to their mindset, their belief system, and based on how they see their own resourcefulness, their own capacity to create this business that is thriving. And you know, I mean, I’m sure for you, this is very true, but I know for me, like I had to get past so many of my own money blocks like this, this fear as a woman while I was becoming very successful while I was married. So I had a lot of fear around making more husband, more money than my husband and I had to get past that. I had to get past this idea that if I took money away from the pie in the sky, there was like a finite amount. It was going to leave other people without money. So it was like, I had to challenge all of the things I thought about success, all of the things that I thought about money, about being a woman with success before my doTERRA business took off, like I was going to inadvertently self-sabotage if I didn’t address those things.

Chris Miles (10:39):
That’s right. So let’s, let’s give some examples, like were some people you would even work with where that was the case? Cause I know there’s people here that are listening right now that I know have these kind of money blocks they’re, you know, they’re stressed out, burnt out. Like what are some examples of people maybe you’ve worked with and maybe they did think it was something external and realized they had to go internal to find that answer.

Mary Hyatt (11:01):
Yeah. So typically people think like when you’re, when you’re dealing with going out, let’s say you have to sell a product or a service of some kind and you, you see yourself doing these actions. So like for a lot of my clients and I work with female entrepreneurs of all kinds, not just doTERRA and business owners. And so they’re going out, you know, they’re making their contacts, they are doing the right marketing. They’re doing all the things, quote unquote. Right. But what’s so interesting is you start listening to their language and you start hearing how they’re talking about what they’re doing. So one of the things that I see so often is that people want the success, but they’re actively planning for failure, right? So like you might hear them say things like well they’re not going to really want to probably buy this from me or I’m going to come as salesy and pushy and that’s going to turn them off.

Mary Hyatt (11:55):
I don’t want to come off that way. And so if you had this fear that people are going to assume that your pushy, ‘that you’re salesy it’s like based on that fear, you can imagine that that’s going to create a reaction and it’s going to cause you to shrink. It’s going to cause you to be quiet. You’re not going to be confident when you walk in the door, you’re not going to maybe talk about your pricing in a confident way. You’re not going to give them options like the whole time. It’s almost like you’re going to feel like you’re a burden, your an annoyance to the people that you’re approaching. And because we’re always communicating subconsciously whether that’s through micro expressions, through our energy that we give off, like, we all know that kind of experience where you walk into the room and you go, oh! This is a bad vibe.

Mary Hyatt (12:50):
Or this is a creepy vibe or something. Right? So it’s like, people are going to connect with you and ultimately buy your products if they have this sort of unspoken connection. And so if you’re coming in, in a posture of insecurity of, I’m sorry to bother you to buy this, that person who’s on the receiving end, isn’t going to have that sense of trust or reciprocal confidence in what you’re selling them. And you’re probably not going to make that sale. So it ends up being like this giant mirror kind of experience where, what you believe internally. And this is what I see my clients. Oh my gosh! So often is that they have this idea of low self confidence, whatever it might be. And they end up basically creating that in their lives. People don’t buy. People don’t show up. People want to refund. They ended up thinking the worst about you because it’s all that projection that you’re giving off in the first place. And that’s what I see people. They just like shoot themselves in the foot, by the way, they see themselves in the language that they’re using.

Chris Miles (13:54):
Well, whatever you worry about you bring about, right? If you fear something it’s gonna happen. I mean, it was like when I played high school sports, you know, if I was worried about dropping a ball, I would guaranteed drop the ball. If I stopped thinking so much, it’s amazing how things would just work out fine. Right? But it’s that fear. You start psyching yourself out. And I see that even with people’s sales conversations, like there’s a sales Facebook group that I’m a part of, right? That they give different tips and they talk about the stuff. And some people say, what was it that made you, like what sales strategy or tactic that you use to get better? And the funny thing is I just joke with people a lot of times, but I’m actually being serious. I say I stopped trying to sell. Like,

Mary Hyatt (14:37):
Yeah. Totally!

Chris Miles (14:37):
I just try to solve problems. Like you don’t have to worry about selling. You just say, great, is this gonna work or not? Like, if I can’t help you, then don’t waste each other’s time. You know? Like it’s easy.

Mary Hyatt (14:46):
Well, and I think when you’re coming out of a place of I’m here to serve and I’m here to help, then that desperation, that desperate energy doesn’t come off. And like, there’s been so many times where I’ve had people come to me for one on one coaching. And I just know instinctively based off what they’re saying. I’m like, I’m not the right coach for them.

Chris Miles (15:06):

Mary Hyatt (15:06):
And so for me, like if I was just so focused on, I got to get this client to sign up and I’m in that, like, hyper-focused kind of desperate energy. I mean, that’s gonna be a miserable six months to a year and it’s not going to serve them. And I’m going to probably get a bad review. I’m probably not going to help them. I mean, it’s just, it’s not going to go well. And so for me, it’s slowing down and checking in and going, am I the right fit for them? Can I really help them? Can I really serve them? And ultimately, how can I be confident in myself, in what I have to offer and know in my confidence that, Hey, I’m not the right fit for you or I’m actually the perfect fit for you. And here’s why like, I want to help you. Like, let’s get this easier for you. And let me show you how,

Chris Miles (15:56):
Yeah. That’s so much easier, so much lighter. It’s just better in general. Right?

Mary Hyatt (16:03):

Chris Miles (16:03):
So what are the things people can do that actually start to release a lot of trauma or be able to kind of get out of this burnout that they’re dealing with?

Mary Hyatt (16:12):
You know, I think that so many of us, we are in this perpetual state of hustle. It’s like, go, go, go, go, go, do more, create more. I gotta, you know, be the last one to leave at work. I wouldn’t be the first person to show up in the morning, especially for people who are sort of building a secondary passive income in addition to their regular job. There’s a lot of like, Oh! I got to work till 2:00 AM. I’ve got to sacrifice my self-care. I’ve got to sacrifice everything to build this business. And to me, what I love to talk about and what I teach my membership clients, my one on one clients is what does it look like to come from a place of alignment? Because when you are aligned and when you are in flow, and to me, that means being connected to source.

Mary Hyatt (16:55):
So everything can, to me could be fixed by slowing down, recognizing in yourself, why am I feeling all of this pressure to hustle? Why am I willing to sacrifice myself to get to this end goal? Like where? And that, to me, that’s the whole mindset piece. That’s the whole belief piece. It’s like, where is my thinking? Where’s my thinking wrong in this? And ultimately slow down and go, okay, let me connect a source. Whether that’s prayer, meditation, whatever that might be slowing down. And I said, going up, getting aligned first, what am I here for? What is my purpose today? What is it that I need? Like today might not be the day to push it. I may need to rest. I may need to nourish my body. I may need to connect with a friend, call a therapist, call my coach, whatever it might be, but just kind of like taking that time, scarcity off the table to slow down realign, go up, connect to source higher power, whatever that looks like for you. And then from that almost informed place then sort of going, okay, so what does my aligned action look like? If I’m not in this perpetual looping hamster wheel of hustling, what does it look like as contrast to take aligned action, informed action, that isn’t desperate, that isn’t fueled by stress and fear and pressure, but it’s like, okay, what, what needs me today? What does asking for my highest attention today? And, and what kind of energy do I actually have to show up for that?

Chris Miles (18:36):
Guys? I would rewind this last two minutes over and over again. Cause seriously, you know, when I mentioned like, you know, for me like about five years ago, going through that divorce burning out and then where I accelerated my progress, what she described is exactly what I did. So it wasn’t just, yeah, I bought a couple of rental properties or this or that invested here or put my money there. I’ve got my business to do this or that. It was seriously about aligning with that intuition. Right? It’s about aligning with who you are listening, slowing the freak down. Cause like I stopped passing. I went from 50 or 60 hours a week down to like five to 10, you know? And then all of a sudden, like I was working about 10 hours or so a week. But my profits 10 times themselves, you know, my revenue even jumped up five to 10 times as well, all because I slowed down and sort of listen to that intuition and start checking in versus just go, go, go, go, go! Right? Like the Energizer Bunny, you know, where it’s almost like a Tony Robbins mentality. I’m not or Grant Cardone or you know, those kind of guys were as awesome as they are still. There is a lot of like, Hey, you gotta make it happen! Go, go, go! And it’s almost like a power versus force scenario. Isn’t it?

Mary Hyatt (19:47):
Totally, I was like force versus flow. And I can tell you, because I’ve done both, I’ve gone the forest route. I’ve gotten the hustle route and the flow route that inspired action connecting to your intuition. Number one, it’s really effective. Number two, it’s way more enjoyable. Like it just feels better. And it’s going to allow you to get there in a way that you’re not losing your hair. You’re not having panic attacks. You’re not ending up in the hospital. It’s like, Oh! This is how it’s supposed to be. But it requires that slowing down, which I know for entrepreneurs can feel a little bit like pulling teeth, but I promise the more you do it, it gets easier and you’re going to prefer it. I promise. and a lot

Chris Miles (20:29):
Guaranteed. And it’s scary too, because I remember when I started doing it, I started thinking, wait, am I working hard enough? Am I doing it right? You know, like this doesn’t seem right. Like I should be doing more. And so there’s all that guilt that was trying to pop up as like, no, I know it feels right. Just go with it, trust it. And a months, you know, as months went by, it was like, Oh my goodness! How did I not trust this before?

Mary Hyatt (20:52):
Yeah. It’s almost like you have to redefine what it means to be successful. Successful doesn’t mean exhaustion. Successful doesn’t mean burnout. It doesn’t mean hustle, working hours and hours and hours. It’s like, what would it look like if it’s success meant being in total alignment and flow that you worked less, that it felt easier that it was more enjoyable and that you felt like totally in supported to me. I mean, I had to do that. Totally redefined. What was possible when I thought about success, that it doesn’t have to be so miserable and hard. That’s an old model. It’s like, busyness does it equal productive? And so I had to rewire all of, again, it goes back to mindset. I had to rewire those beliefs to, Oh, what if this were easy? What if I could go up instead of just grind? Okay, let me sit. Get still listen and then move from that place.

Chris Miles (21:46):
Absolutely. Ah! Guys, I know we’ve had great guests on, but seriously, like if you’ve listened to this and actually apply this, this will make a bigger difference than any of the other strategies we’ve taught you. I hope you understand that this is huge. So awesome. Hey Mary, I know we’re short on time, but you know, tell us if they want to follow you and get to know more, even like, I know you have an eBook as well, right?

Mary Hyatt (22:10):

Chris Miles (22:10):
Oh, how can they do that?

Chris Miles (22:13):
Just go to MARYHYATT.COM Go ahead. Follow me there. I’m on Instagram, Facebook, which you can find on my website, subscribe to the podcas,t Living Fully Alive. And yeah, if you just go to MARYHYATT.COM/RECOVERYKIT I have an Anxiety Recovery Kit that includes Three Guided Meditation. From me included one, is about panic attacks. I have a breathing technique that you can do that instantly lower stress and cortisol. So great in times of major stress and panic, and also a PDF full of my favorite Essential Oil blends For Anxiety. So MARYHYATT.COM/RECOVERYKIT To grab all those resources.

Chris Miles (22:55):
Awesome. We’ll put that in the show notes for sure. So everybody can click on that, especially if they’re driving, we don’t want them to like kill somebody while they’re trying to get this down. So Mary, again, I appreciate your time so much. It’s been so valuable. Thank you again.

Mary Hyatt (23:07):
Thanks Chris!

Chris Miles (23:08):
And everybody else, as I always say, it’s not enough to be hear the words that also be a doer as well. So internalize this except, you know, really try to integrate this as part of your life, because that is where the real difference. That’s where real wealth and real joy and happiness is made. Not just the money, it’s so much bigger, but when you get these things in place, the money is just a natural byproduct. So guys go and make a wonderful and a prosperous week! And we’ll see you later.