Often, when working with my clients, they’ll ask me, “Chris, should I get a business loan?” My answer is typically the same – “That depends on what kind of business owner YOU are.” Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark Tank star, Mark Cuban, offers some pretty bold advice on this subject. Watch Here! What… Continue reading Should You Get a Business Loan?
Making Money Fun
Have you ever noticed that we take money way too seriously? Do you ever feel negative emotions when you think about your money situation, or the lack thereof? As I was going through my roughest times financially 5 years ago, I remember I had mornings where I would wake up and have no clue how… Continue reading Making Money Fun
Change Your Words – Change Your Results!
The other day, I heard my son say about buying a certain toy, “I can’t afford it.” As you can imagine, I jumped all over that. I quickly corrected him and said, “You mean you are still saving up the money to get it, right?” Of course he agreed, and went on his way. This… Continue reading Change Your Words – Change Your Results!
Turning Problems Into Profits
I saw this Stephen Covey quote the other day that really inspired me: “GOD wants you to turn your MESS into your MESSage, your TEST into your TESTimony, your TRIal into your TRIumph, from being VICTim into a VICTor. GOD is GOOD… all the time! Be a blessing to others, make your loss become someone’s… Continue reading Turning Problems Into Profits
Why Monthly Cash Flow Trumps Savings?
Have you ever saved money for retirement, but still felt worried about money? Could saving for retirement cause you to go broke? Why is cash flow so important? Some of these questions might have struck a cord with you. If so, good! Powerful questions can lead to powerful results. So which is most important? Focusing… Continue reading Why Monthly Cash Flow Trumps Savings?
Does Education = Compensation?
We’ve all heard studies that show those with higher education, on average, earn more money. Does this mean we can assume that getting an education guarantees our success? Does this only apply to a college degree? Every so often, this is something I hear from certain people who believe I should finish my college degree… Continue reading Does Education = Compensation?
How to Know If Your Financial Advisor Is Costing You Money
Do you have a financial advisor that you have trusted with your money? Are they a good friend or family member of yours? Are you 100% positive that you are getting the best, unbiased advise? If so, how do you really know? How much could they be taking away from your family? I’m not… Continue reading How to Know If Your Financial Advisor Is Costing You Money
3 Biggest Mistakes Made When Choosing a Business or Investment
Do you ever feel like there are too many “good” opportunities? Would you like to make your life simpler by having less to work on? When working with clients and listening to other entrepreneurs, I see a common thread where saying “yes” to the wrong opportunities means they are saying “no” to the right… Continue reading 3 Biggest Mistakes Made When Choosing a Business or Investment
The Fastest and Safest Way to Pay Off Your Debt
Have you ever been frustrated having to use a credit card again after just paying it off? Does it ever seem like it’s a never-ending circle of charging it up, paying it off, and then charging it up again? That’s what I mean by the “Rubber Band Debt Effect.” Paying off debt only to use… Continue reading The Fastest and Safest Way to Pay Off Your Debt
Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow?
If this statement is true, why are there so many broke people that are passionate about what they do? Is the statement “Do what you love and the money will follow” false? Based on my experience…YES! However, that’s not the whole story. Let me explain. Passion is absolutely necessary for your business or your investments.… Continue reading Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow?