Three Easy Ways to Achieve Your Financial Goals in 2013

How do you feel about your money situation in 2012? Was it better than expected? Worse? Are you “planning” on making 2013 better? Are you committed to making it happen, or are you going to be like most people and “should” all over yourself talking about what you’re not doing. Are you committed to use… Continue reading Three Easy Ways to Achieve Your Financial Goals in 2013

Chris Miles Interview on Dr. Ande’s Solutionspreneur Radio

Had a fantastic time interviewing on Dr. Ande’s Solutionspreneur Radio Show! My interview begins 60 minutes in, but you’re welcome to listen to the other experts in other fields as well. On this show, I addressed: The importance of tracking your money or you will lose it How having a corporation can save you in… Continue reading Chris Miles Interview on Dr. Ande’s Solutionspreneur Radio