Little Things Mean a Lot!


If there is anything I have learned in business….

It’s that we are all just one idea, or one relationship, away from massive success.

Little things do mean a lot!

I’ve seen the power of one idea within my cash flow process, such as the Cash Flow Index, save my clients a large chunk of the $50 Million+ over the last 5 years.

I’ve personally witnessed the power of just one relationship generate $5 Million in just a few years.

I’ve seen this “Secret of One” impact lives in ways I never expected!  

For example, last year, a woman named Aubrey wanted to attend my Wealth Empowerment Intensive just days prior to the event. Her friend, who was also attending, was helping her thru some tough times of transition. Aubrey didn’t just want what I was teaching. She NEEDED IT! Her back was against the wall and she needed to fight back.

Aubrey and her friend learned some valuable information over those few days. After the event was over, I only heard updates here and there. However, the ripple effect from our event was literally life changing and launched a very successful career for Aubrey.


Here’s her experience in her own words….

When I attended Money Ripples I expected to learn tips to create a more positive relationship with money, and balance my budget. What I didn’t expect was that it would put me directly on the path to a successful business. Money Ripples attracts people who want to create success, and are willing to work in order to achieve that.

Fast forward one year and I’ve created a successful Design and Technology Firm. I owe a large portion of my success to Money Ripples. I learned to stand up and speak for my success, be confident in my skills, seek knowledge & positivity, and most importantly, I’ve connected with many amazing individuals.


These kind of experiences are inspiring, aren’t they?

It’s hearing experiences like these that get me thru the tough times and keep me moving forward towards my vision of helping 30,000 people save and earn an extra $1 Billion more over the next 3 years!

This then caused me to wonder….

How many people have been blessed from seemingly simple moments like this?

For Aubrey, how many thousands of dollars had just a few relationships created for her?

I know one of the people she met is one of my clients, Heidi. Heidi cannot say enough good things about Aubrey to everyone. She is referring her left and right! The question for Aubrey is no longer “How do I make more money?” Now the question is “How do I duplicate myself so I can work and still have a life?”

Great problem to have, isn’t it?

It’s the little, seemingly insignificant things, that remind us why we need to focus on maintaining an abundant state of mind.

Scarcity causes blindness. Abundance illuminates opportunity.

When we’re seeing with the eyes of abundance, we see those subtle moments. We see those subtle opportunities. We notice certain people that just seem to stand out, AND THEY NOTICE US!

Every little thing can work in our favor, whether we see it or not. Our job is to look for that one idea. That one opportunity. That one person. That one, simple thing that can make a dramatic impact in your life and business. Don’t miss out on these!

P.S. For anyone interested in attending our Wealth Empowerment Intensive, use promo code lastcall to save $300 AND claim one of the last seats avaiable!