Is the Eviction Moratorium Affecting Apartment Rentals with Lane Kawaoka

Is the Eviction Moratorium Affecting Apartment Rentals with Lane Kawaoka

In real estate, the best things aren’t always the ones that are hyped up. Some of the great deals fly under the radar and that’s what our special guest, Lane Kawaoka, will talk about today.

Lane Kawaoka has been investing in residential real estate and he now has thousands of doors he’s managing, operating, and syndicating all over the country. He invests in apartment buildings and in tertiary markets, and he’s going to tell us more about that and how eviction moratoriums have affected his rentals.

Listen to the episode now to hear more about what it’s like to be investing in and operating rental properties during a pandemic that caused so many changes in the market!


“If you can’t pay, you can’t stay.”

“Since the beginning of the year in January, rent’s been on fire.”

“The mom and pop investors who own their own rental properties are getting robbed. They are still giving rent concessions because they don’t have the data on their side.”

“Most people would say you make your money on the get go, but I kinda say, you gotta go into a deal that cash flows strongly so your occupancy can drop.”

“Apartment buildings will typically stay above 80% if you run it forwardly.”

“If you keep flipping houses and do a lot of active stuff, you can’t get to other stuff.”

“It’s not always about the stuff that’s hyped up. Some of the best stuff fly under the radar.”


Podcast: Simple Passive Cashflow

LinkedIn: Lane Kawaoka