How To Accelerate Your Retirement Goals With LESS Money | 717

MORI 717 | Accelerate Retirement Goals

Is it possible to become financially independent within 7-10 years? Is there a way to do it faster than that?

Chris Miles shares how you can speed up your passive income results based on what he learned as a ballroom dancer.

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How To Accelerate Your Retirement Goals With LESS Money

This show is for you who work so freaking hard for your money. You’re ready for your money to start working harder for you right now. You want that freedom and cashflow today, not 30 or 40 billion years from now. You want it right now so you can live that life that you love with those that you love. I know it’s not just about getting rich for you. It’s much deeper than that because as a rippler, you want to create a ripple effect in the lives of others. Therefore, you want to create a rich life because when you’re blessed financially and when you’re liberated financially, you have a greater capacity to bless the lives of those around you. Thank you for tuning in. I appreciate it. Shout out to those of you who are bingeing and have been sharing this episode.

A special shout-out to our friends. I know that you’re bingeing the Passive Income Brothers Podcast, the hosts there. Shout out to you guys there. I appreciate you guys. You have been tuning in and I’m so excited that we’re able to have an episode come out for your show as well. As a reminder guys, if you haven’t subscribed to us on our YouTube channel, do that with the Money Ripples channel. Subscribe to us there.

However, also understand that if you’re watching YouTube, you already know that the Money Ripples Podcast channel is switched. We now have separated into two channels. If you want the podcast go to the Money Ripples Podcast, but do not forget the Money Ripples channel where I have lots of great short videos and education to help build up your education. Check that out.

I’ve been taking this seriously today about what I want to talk about because I understand this. If you’ve been to this show enough, there are plenty of strategies that have been mentioned. You hear me talk about these concepts over and over. I talk about the numbers maybe more than you want to hear. For those who are analytical, you’re like, “Okay. I’m getting the numbers.”

Maybe you feel like there’s still something missing, and I get that. I understand that sometimes people think that I’m holding back and that I’m not sharing all my secrets. The truth is I am sharing quite a few things. I’m not giving away everything and that’s only because I know that each one of you is different. The natural tendency for humans is if you’re going to hear one thing, you get an idea, everybody wants to rush to do that one thing. That’s not good. That’s not what I use in my stewardship. I don’t want you guys taking action on things that might be harmful to you potentially.

I want you to do things that are good. That’s why I’m educating you first. If you want more help, that’s what we do one-on-one. We help you strategize and connect you with deals and things like that. However, we’re not investment advisors and I don’t want to be in that place of you taking some advice that maybe is great for somebody else and crappy for you.

I do want to get into this. How do you accelerate your results? This is something that once you understand and once this shifts, you’ll get it. The truth is I can teach you about all kinds of strategies, and I have on this show. I’ve mentioned several of them. We’ve talked about turnkey rentals several times. We’ve talked about even oil and gas from time to time and how I’m in raw land. I’ve even talked about things like apartment syndications and self-storage, you name it. Also, short-term lending.

I’m probably missing several others. It’s not coming off the top of my head but we have so many different types of opportunities out there and available even to our one-on-one clients that still we talk about. I even bring people on this show that sometimes have their own deals. Not that we ever give recommendations or advice to go do those deals, but it’s not that you have a lack of strategies here. If anything, I’m giving you way more strategies than almost any show that I’ve listened to because we do want you to get some good hardcore stuff. I’d be doing you a humongous disservice if I weren’t addressing the real issue or the real problem that’s keeping you from accelerating your results and retiring faster.

It actually has nothing to do with the strategies, although sometimes that’s related, it has more to do with you and what’s going on in your head. Those things are what’s limiting you. You are getting in your own way. I want to address that because the things that you believe, whether you have fears around money, and if you watch the news, they’re going to amplify those fears because they sell you on fears.

It creates a chemical reaction in your brain that makes you can’t look away. It’s like that movie. You can’t turn away, but you don’t want to watch it either. That’s what the news tries to do with you. Media tries to sensationalize everything and as a result, you live in fear either out of ignorance. You live out of fear either because you wonder if things are as bad as they say they are. You live in fear because you’re afraid and maybe you don’t trust yourself. Maybe you’re afraid you will screw this up.

The media tries to sensationalize everything and as a result, you live in fear. Click To Tweet

Accelerate Your Results

Those are all legitimate feelings to have, but at what costs? What is it costing you by letting these fears overtake you? I want to read something that inspired me to do this show to accelerate results because this was his story. This is an old client of mine that has had some rough times on and off financially. He was lamenting about how he wished he had more money. It was an email that we sent out to our list. If you guys aren’t part of our email list, go to our website, We sent out some pretty good stuff. He was responding to that by saying, “I didn’t save as much in my retirement accounts as I thought.”

He ended up liquidating some of this money to go and try to avoid bankruptcy but still, the recession hit him hard, especially because he had a job that got him laid off. Shout-out to you. You know I’m talking about you right now but I’m not going to reveal who you are. I believe that this guy, as much as he gets down on himself, has an amazing heart.

For the most part, he doesn’t lack the strategies. For him, it is battling those demons in his own mind. I want to share this because he does talk about what shifted him. This is specifically when he was going through our Wealth Accelerator Academy Program. You’ll see it right here. He says, “Chris, what lit the bulb for me was something you said.” I think it was in the Wealth Accelerator Academy, which I’m sure it probably was.

Even if I didn’t say this word for word, it’s not what I say. It’s what you hear that makes a difference. He says, “Chris, something to the effect of why spend 30 to 40 years trying to amass a large lump sum, then have to figure out how to convert that lump sum into cashflow so you can retire. Why not instead figure out now how to generate passive cashflow and build it up until it’s enough to retire?”

In other words, you can either build up and try to save up your retirement account until you get to the point of saying, “Now, I’m in my 60s. It’s too late. I better switch strategies to what Chris was saying twenty years ago, or why not just do it now and get freedom faster? He even adds to this. He says, “You’re going to have to solve the passive cashflow problem sooner or later anyway. Why not learn to solve that problem directly now and cut out the extra step? Plus less steps mean less chances of failure.

With the accumulation model, the traditional model, you can fail either in accumulating or converting the cashflow. With the other model, you can only fail to convert the cashflow, but that was a risk you were going to have to take sooner or later anyway.”

He said it even more eloquently than I said it when I was trying to sum it up. He even mentions later some of the steps that he’s taken himself and the benefits he’s received. For example, he just recently was laid off and he was saying, “I’m glad that at least I had some passive income coming in.” He’s like, “Granted, I’m underemployed,” because he has some income coming in, but it’s much less than what he’s used to or accustomed to but he did say, “At least, I had some other cashflow coming in.” This is something I’ve been saying for a long time. I’ve been repeating this a lot. In fact, I was saying this for a long time because it’s not just about that someday goal. Many people get excited about being debt free in fifteen years.

Some people get excited about their retirement potentially in 40 years that they think they might have, assuming all the stars align correctly. What about now? What if you can create that today because there are going to be curves thrown at you along the way? There are going to be market tanks and losses that will affect your retirement account putting it out, just like it did for my dad and for many others, especially the Baby Boomer generation. They watched their accounts get nailed to the point where it took 15 to 20 years to get back to where they were.

Even then, because of inflation, they never got back to where they were. They were still trying to catch up. I don’t want you guys to be in that place. I want to take the costs that he is referring to because I think it’s very important. I’ve had people say, “Chris, I’m going back to what’s comfortable.” They’ll make an excuse. They’ll say, “That’s a great idea. We took this into account. I’m going to take your easy option.”

I had somebody even say that recently where I said, “Here’s a way you can improve your cashflow by over $10,000 a month in this year.” He says, “I’m going to take the other option,” and it’s still a good option. It wasn’t bad or good. It was good, better, or best. He went back to the comfortable good option because he had a hard time trying to explain to his wife why they should do something that is like what I’ve discovered with cashflow and passive income.

They said, “We’re going to go back. We’re just going to pay off our debt. We’re going to go do that strategy. We know that works.” It’s true. They do know it will work eventually. It’s not today but eventually. The problem with that is you don’t know how many days you have left on this planet. You don’t know how many days you have left with your children. You don’t know how many days you have left for anything, yet you keep procrastinating and delaying.

Improve Your Quality Of Life Now

I’m not saying don’t be patient. I’m not saying this doesn’t take time. This is not a get-rich-quick. It never has been. What I am saying is that you can have benefits along the way. You can improve your quality of life right now rather than waiting. Let me show you an example here. Let’s say that maybe you’re 40 years old. Maybe you’re right around 40 and you’ve got $200,000 saved in your retirement account and you’re contributing $20,000 a year to it.

You’re being pretty aggressive right here. We’ve talked about the interest rates for a long time, but you’d be dang lucky if you get a net 6.5% on your money here, especially if it’s in a 401(k). Let’s say we go along with this. Let’s say you wait until 30 or 40 years to retirement. In this case, let’s say it’s 20 years from now. By the time you’re 60, you know that you could probably be doing something with your account and you say, “Maybe I’ll just do that.” Let’s say you make 6.5%. If you do that for 20 years, you’re going to have about $1.5 million.

In the traditional model, if you have $1.5 million you live on 3%, which means you’re living on about, in this case, $46,000 a year. That’s $46,000 in actual money. In 20 years, I can guarantee inflation will be at least double. It might be more than that, but I would say very conservatively double. More likely, it’s going to be about triple. Think about it. If you’re living on $46,000 a year and let’s say it’s somewhere between double and triple, that’s like living on $20,000 a year.

Every time you’ve heard me say this, I’m like, “When you save $20,000 a year in mutual funds, you’re going to live on after inflation $20,000 a year.” I even put in 4% inflation. When you look at the actual inflation type of buying power at the end, it says about $700,000. Still $700,000, 3%, $21,000 a year. It’s not that far off but think about it. You’re living on about $20,000 a year after saving $20,000 a year. You say, “This cannot happen.”

You say, “Chris, we’re going to hire you guys twenty years later.” Chris in twenty years is going to be in his mid-60s. I’ll be at retirement age at that point. In any case, we have this money, $1.5 million. Let’s say you happen to get that return. Maybe the market did smile on you, at least average. It wasn’t a bad year or something before this happened. That $1.5 million is great. Let’s say you got 10% a year, that’s $150,000 a year. It’s much better. Now after inflation, that’s not going to be as much. That’s going to be a little less than half in this same situation.

It doesn’t make it apples and apples. You’ll probably live more with $70,000 a year, but isn’t $70,000 a year a heck of a lot better than a $ 20,000-a-year lifestyle? It is. Here’s what’s even cooler. In the accumulation model where you’re supposed to live on 3%, they do that because inflation’s going to naturally keep upticking. You’re going to have to pull out more and more. It’s the difference between having a hoard of food or having your food storage versus having a garden.

If you have your food storage, you’re going to try to ration as much as you can. You’re going to be living off that food, but you’re going to try to ration it. Hopefully, it doesn’t do too bad. Eventually, before you starve, you die. You die before you run out of food versus dying of starvation. That’s what most people are doing in the retirement accumulation model.

We’re not even talking about killing that golden goose. Instead, we’re talking about let’s grow your own food. We pick the fruit, but the tree is still there growing that fruit. Not only do you live on a better amount of cashflow at that point, but it’s paying you more. It’s the same cash. The same $1.5 million, but that $1.5 million pays you a better return and it is still not consuming the principal. You’re living on the interest. It’s way better

In that 3% model, when you’re pulling off the retirement account, you’re pulling off what eventually becomes principal and interest. You’re trying to not run out of money before you die. That’s why you do 3%. Four percent is too aggressive in the current models. That’s the one thing they’ve debunked. The 4% retirement rule doesn’t work. That’s one thing you can do and that’s still better, but you’re still taking a big gamble and a big risk, hoping that the market does return to 6.5%.

Up to 2020, the twenty-year return was closer to about 4% of the actual yield from 2000 to 2020. Why? It’s because 2000 was at the height of the market. That was Y2K, and then all of a sudden, it crashed and then we had the Great Recession. Even though 2010 was straight up, it still wasn’t enough to make that big of a return. I made that 4%. This number gets more depressing.

Now, let’s switch it. Let’s say that instead, you have this $200,000. You’re putting away $20,000 but instead, you’re investing in other alternative investments. Let’s say the average return here, I put at 11%. I know there are plenty of investments that pay 8%, 9%, or 10% returns, but there are also other investments. As you have heard me talk about with my real estate properties and many other people’s real estate where it can do much better.

There are even deals that sometimes they can do at least 15% to 20% or more returns. I’m averaging this out. I want to stay on the conservative end of 11%. That’s not too far off what you heard some of our guests are even talking about what their portfolio is doing. If you had that growing for the next twenty years, here’s what’s crazy. The total number ends up being double. You end up having $3 million instead of $1.5 million. That alone is great because if you live on even 10% of $3 million, that’s still $300,000 a year.

Even with inflation, you’re still going to be in a much better place but here’s what excites me because just like what my client here had been mentioning. Along the way, you still prosper. You still have this cashflow coming in. It’s real. It’s not like a retirement account where it’s imaginary until you finally pull that money out. Understand that until you get that money, it’s not real. It’s zeros and ones on a printed paper or computer screen. You have a bunch of zeros and ones or a bunch of numbers on there, but they’re not real until the money is in your pocket and it’s being used in your life.

MORI 717 | Accelerate Retirement Goals
Accelerate Retirement Goals: Understand that until you get that money, it’s not real. It’s zeros and ones on a printed paper or computer screen.

Here’s what is cool. Let’s look at this annual schedule. As you see the money growing and compounding, five years in, remember we talked about in the other example where they have about $46,000 a year they can live on. Those dollars are not even factoring in inflation. In five years, $475,000. If you’re making 10% of $475,000, you’re living on $47,500 a year. The cash is coming in already by year five. They are coming in better. The cool thing is you saved yourselves fifteen years of inflation. You didn’t have to even wait that long.

The great way to battle inflation is to do it faster. You didn’t even have to wait that long and then even if we go out ten years, $939,000, you’re almost at $1 million at this point. Even at year eleven, over $1 million at 10% means over $100,000 a year. Even with inflation still, it’s not as big of an issue. You still have a decent middle-class lifestyle there in 10 or 11 years. Over 20 years, if you have that $3 million, that’s more, but the cool thing is along the way, you have that income coming in.

That cashflow is what’s so important. This is doable. I’m not saying that $20,000 a year is easy for everybody. This takes work and sacrifice for a lot of you to be able to even save that much, and I’m starting with $200,000. Even if you started from zero. I’ll start from zero. Let’s say you’re starting from scratch. Maybe you’re in your 20s or 30s starting from scratch. Good. You’re getting going.

I tell people that until you’re at least $100,000, don’t even worry about trying to make big returns and that thing. A big word or warning for those of you in your 20s and 30s. You’re now starting to see a glimpse of bad markets. You’ve never seen it before in your life or at least not while you’re an adult. Maybe as a child, you might have seen the Great Recession happening or Y2K, but don’t try to accelerate this. Don’t try to shortcut this or anything.

The best thing you do is try to save and build your own personal assets and your own personal balance sheet from what you’re doing and then you do that. This is where infinite banking can be a great strategy for you, but as you build and grow that, eventually it does get better. Once you get to that $100,000 mark, now you can make about $10,000 a year. That’s where you’re making better interest. Twenty years down the road, still $1.425 million. Starting from scratch, you could not just hit the same dollar amount almost as the person that had $200,000 in their mutual funds.

You’re already starting at a disadvantage, y. You still catch up to them but the difference is, once again, you can live on the bigger interest. The 10% of that is $140,000 a year versus $46,000 a year from your mutual funds. You still kick the crap out of anything they do by about 3 to 4 times. My point is that starting now is the best thing you can possibly do. Start today. Start building your assets. Control your cash flow. Do what you can right now.

Accelerate Your Retirement With LESS Money

I’m going to give you the advice that I promised at the beginning which is how can you accelerate your retirement without or with very little money if no money at all? There’s a book I read recently. Maybe many of you have too. It’s called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. The big crux of the book talks about the outliers. If you see the bell curve and the bell curve is where the mass of people is. Outside of the curve, you have these anomalies. These people are on the far outreaches. These are the people that they say, “What happened to these people?

MORI 717 | Accelerate Retirement Goals
Outliers: The Story of Success

What led somebody to become a professional athlete out of having a one-in-a-million chance or one-in-a-hundred-thousand chance? How did they do it? How did this person become one of the most brilliant minds ever? How did Bill Gates become Bill Gates? What happened? He is trying to study these outliers, these successful people. It’s a great book. There’s something I like about it and also partly disagree. This is where I think you can accelerate things and do better than what his book says. His main point is that you can’t get around hard work.

He says that those that are the outliers, regardless if they’re born with talent or not, they could be born with no talent. If someone focuses 10,000 hours on a particular skill, a trade, or a particular type of learning, whatever it might be, they will become a master. They’ll become the expert. They’ll become the outlier. Think about 10,000 hours. Many people are trying to become star gymnasts. They’ll start as a little kid. Maybe they’ll start tumbling classes when they’re 3 or 4, but they might be spending at least 20 hours a week doing that, especially if they’re serious.

Think about 20 hours times 50 weeks. That’s 1,000 hours. After ten years, by the time they’re teenagers, they’re now competing at top levels. That’s true with anybody. If they don’t have access to those gyms, they don’t have it. Larry Bird is shooting hoops in his backyard. He had some opportunities and we already know the story. Guys like Larry Bird, Wayne Gretzky in hockey, and Michael Jordan. They weren’t just skilled. They were relentless workers. They were people that spent many hours practicing those things and eventually got to that point.

Even Venus and Serena Williams. Look at them. Their dad and their mom were coaching them in tennis, but they started to accelerate. Once they got into that club in Florida, they started getting noticed more because they got to that next coach. They had to work many hours to be noticed enough by those people to accept them into their program and into that club. That’s what I mean by those 10,000 hours.

I’ll give credit to one of my clients and friends, Jared Smithson. I know the Smithsons, Amber and Jared, both listen to this show as well, but he was mentioning this 10,000-hour thing. He’s saying that the top fraction of a percent end up doing these 10,000 hours. I’ve personally done over 10,000 hours of coaching and coaching people in this space. We have a show. I haven’t approached 10,000 hours of doing these shows and doing interviews, but I’m pretty darn close.

I’m in several thousand hours, at least over the last decade. I’m probably getting close to that 10,000 hours but here’s the thing. He said, “Even if you do something for 100 hours, it will put you in the top 5%. Forget about 10,000 hours. Ten thousand hours is great if you want to be an expert or amazing in anything, but you don’t have to be an expert in this realm of finance or this alternative space.

What if you only committed yourself to 100 hours of study to do that very thing? Some of you are already there. Some of you have probably already dedicated those 100 hours and done that. If you’ve listened to 300 of my episodes, you’ve probably hit 100 hours. That’s cool because that could put you in the top 5% right there.

Here’s where I disagree, and here’s where the secret is to do this better. I’m going to take you back to my ballroom dancing days. I haven’t shown you this on the show. I don’t know if I’ll ever show you ballroom dancing on this show. The truth is I would be embarrassed because I’m rusty at it. At one time, over twenty years ago, I was among the top. I don’t know if I would say I was in the top 1%. I was with the world championship team that I danced with at Utah Valley University. I danced with them.

I competed at pretty high levels even when I did the national competition. In the last competition I did, in one of the categories, I got fourth place. I got beat by my roommate who got third. If I had a different partner, it probably would’ve happened, but it is what it is. I still got in the finals of at least one Latin dance there at nationals. I only danced for four years seriously. There were people that had been dancing since they were four years old, maybe hunker much like these gymnasts.

These guys have been training for a long time. How was I able to do that? Did I have a natural gift or talent for dancing? Heck no. I was very uncoordinated. I had a hard time picking up dancing in the first place. It was very rough and uncomfortable for me. As time went on, I worked at it. I had so much fun enjoying it. I loved it so much that I kept learning. I kept dancing. I would do dances. The great thing is the college I was at, I thank for the opportunities that I went to the right college.

I went to a small college in Southeast Idaho. It’s a very small and relatively rural college, but they had an amazing dance program. The only reason I went to the dance class is because I was short one credit to be a full-time student. I was going to take a Math class and then they told me I’d already had two semesters of calculus in high school. They said, “You don’t need it.” I had to find a Math or some kind of one-credit class that’s like a PE class.

A girl said to another guy right there. This is back when they put the paper up. There was no internet yet. Those papers where you rip those things off on the side. I’m looking at the board trying to see what class I’m going to add. I hear this girl tell this guy, “There are lots of girls in this class.” I ended up going to that class only because there were a lot of girls, from what I was told. I started that social dance class that led to a ballroom dance class. Eventually, after two years of dancing at that college, I moved to Utah Valley University. I was just good enough. I had some professional help and whatnot when I was at the college in Idaho. I was good enough that I was able to make the team.

I got there, and this is the key thing for me. There was one instructor, Stacy Houston. She is an amazing ballroom dance instructor. She said, “Chris, you’re good but you’re not great. There’s one thing off in your dancing that would make you good.” She’s like, “I can tell that you work hard at it. You’ve been dancing for a lot of hours. I can tell you know your steps, but you’re missing one thing.” What did she teach me? She taught me about my center.

She’s like, “You got to work on your core, your center of gravity.” She’s like, “It’s all over the place. Yes, you’re doing the steps but you’re not spinning as tightly. When you do spins, it’s not as tight as it could be. In fact, all your moves will be sharper and look so much better and you’ll have much more natural flow, especially in Latin dancing but it even applies to dancing waltz and things like that.” She’s like, “If you do this right, it’ll work.” I did.

I started to apply what she said. It was uncomfortable. It did not feel natural at all, and she had to keep reminding me. She’s like, “Chris, it looks better. Keep doing it. It looks right.” She was coaching me through this the whole way. Finally, it got to the point where it became second nature and what happened? I went from not just doing all right in competitions where I had to struggle even to try to get to the semi-finals. Now, when I go into competitions, I was starting going to the finals, even winning some of these competitions in certain dances, and that was the key.

It wasn’t about working harder. Imagine if I kept doing the same thing and have never known about my center or my core and how to do that right. Imagine if I had kept doing hundreds of hundreds of hours or doing the wrong thing. Eventually, maybe somebody had come around and corrected me, and that’s what I’m going to tell you. It’s not about working harder and it’s not even about working smarter. It’s about working right.

It's not about working harder and it's not even about working smarter. It's about working right. Click To Tweet

You want to accelerate this. You want to become a master at this to the point where you feel confident and comfortable being able to do these kinds of investments. It requires you to have the right education with the right perspectives doing the right things. That’s what’s truly required. You can speed this up and I do challenge you. If you have to binge on these shows, do so, because I focus a lot on trying to help you do it right. I’m not saying I’m perfect. I probably will teach something wrong from time to time. I’ll be wrong about my predictions from time to time too but I’m telling you, when you focus on those core principles, the true core of these financial principles, everything else makes sense.

This is why I don’t worry so much about what the news says. I’m watching things like, “How many people are defaulting on their credit cards or their auto loans right now? How are things happening with prices? How that’s happening? What’s happening to the average consumer, the family, and the daily life of real people? What’s happening there? What’s happening with banks and that response with them and their consumers? What happens there?”

All of that makes a bigger predictor than anything else with Fed rates. It’s important, but it isn’t in the grand scheme of things. The Feds make dumb mistakes all the time. They say things and then they do another. You can’t trust them. You can’t trust politicians because they’re going to tell you that unemployment is at 3.4%. It’s historically low since 1969, which we all know is bull crap. We hear about Facebook and Meta laying off people left and right. Tesla is laying off people left and right, and then somehow magically, the unemployment numbers go down.

We know the truth here. We know that stuff’s not true but when you have real core principles in play. When you know what’s happening, this thing speeds up. Even if you don’t have any money, you have plenty of these things. I’m not saying my show is the only one. There are plenty of things. There are plenty of books you can be reading right now. Master these things, understand these, and if you want to accelerate it, this is what I did in ballroom dance and they got me to do it faster.

Not only did I practice what she taught me, but I also taught it to somebody else. Many ballroom dancers wouldn’t teach other people. They’d say, “I paid professionals to learn what I learned. You go figure it out yourself. I don’t want to have to do it.” The truth is sometimes these ballroom dancers didn’t know how to teach it, but I loved teaching. I still love teaching. That’s why I’m here doing this show.

What I would do is I would teach people. I would teach people that I would pay money to teach it to other dancers or people trying to become dancers. I would teach it to them and naturally, the teacher becomes the best student. We hear that phrase all the time. The teacher is the one that becomes the best student because you have to master it yourself. If you want to accelerate your time and shorten your timeframes to accomplish your financial freedom goals, teach it to somebody else.

This is why I say don’t just binge on these episodes, but share it with others. Find an episode you like. Share with somebody that you think might be open. Share it with somebody who’s extremely skeptical. Neither are the biggest Dave Ramsey fan in America. They want to kiss his little toes. I had a bad image there, but you get what I’m saying. You know that they love Dave Ramsey. Share this with them and then when they come back with their feedback and say, “That Chris Miles guy is full of crap. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” or whatever they say. Great. Talk with them about it. Get their perspective and understand it.

Maybe they’re asking great questions that you say, “You know what? I need to understand this deeper so I can even answer this in response.” People always ask me all the time. They’re like, “Chris, why don’t financial advisors teach us all the time?” I say, “Easy. It’s because they don’t get paid for it.” They don’t get paid to tell you to do real estate investments. They get paid to put you in mutual funds. The companies that pay them are the ones that teach them how to sell back to you. You’re not told what to do. You’re sold on what to do when it comes to financial advising.

These are all things that have been out there. This should be common sense, yet it’s not because there’s too much money and things involved with certain parties that want to brainwash you to believe that somehow you can live on 3% of your retirement account. That doesn’t perform that well by taking high risk and mediocre returns. By the way, when people say, “Chris, what you’re talking about sounds risky.”

If you don’t know what you’re doing, it is. You’re right. If you have zero hours focused on this, you’re going to probably fail. You’ll probably find the worst deal ever. You’ll probably find some charlatan out there that will set you up with bad deals. Many people hire us because they know that we’ve vetted some of these people. It doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed, but we help reduce some of that risk by saying, “Here are people that we like. You can invest with them. You don’t have to. You can do whatever the heck you want, but here are some people that I’ve even put money with. Here are the people that I’ve done that with.”

That’s the one thing I do to save that time. That’s where you can condense those timeframes. Having the people to be able to see what’s there. Just like what my coach did for me, others can do for you. Take that and apply it. Learn this stuff and apply it. Take it and teach it to somebody else. I don’t even care if you only go through five episodes of mine, but if you try to focus hard on putting it to practical application, awesome. That’s exactly why I’m doing this show for you.

I know I’m taking a lot of time explaining this, but I have to give kudos to my client who brought this up. In between that and listening to Outliers, it got me to think, “No, it can be done better. You don’t need 10,000 hours to become a master at this stuff.” You just need the right training. You can accelerate it. You can get past it. The great thing is because of what is available today with the internet and everything else, you’re here right now.

MORI 717 | Accelerate Retirement Goals
Accelerate Retirement Goals: You don’t need 10,000 hours to become a master at this stuff. You just need the right training. You can accelerate it.

You didn’t have to find me in person face-to-face to learn this stuff. You found me however the heck you found me. Whether it’s through YouTube, iTunes, or somebody else, great. That’s the ripple effect I’m here to create. I know for a fact it can work for you. Why? It’s because we’ve already had plenty of people on this show. We already had Eric that was on here earlier. I’ve had several of you reach out saying that Eric’s story inspired you. You could relate to the things going on in his head.

I’m going back to the mindset a lot more because I know that that’s what’s hanging you up. It’s not the strategies. The strategies are easy once you get past your own freaking blocks, the things stopping you from achieving the freedom that you and your family truly deserve. As I said before, you don’t know how many days you’re on this planet. You don’t even know how many days your family might be on this planet or they don’t even want to be around you.

You can’t control that, but you can control today. Live your life now, not tomorrow. It’s a cute little sign, but it’s more than that. This is what I truly believe and I want that to be a part of you too. That is why we’re here. That is a ripple effect I want for you so that you can prosper. As you prosper, you have a greater ability to amplify your stewardship to use your money and your resources for good, to bless more lives.

That is why I believe that God has put me on this planet to do this. Not only this but one of the main reasons that I’ve experienced all the crap that I’ve gone through, all the ups and the downs, the lows and highs. Having to become financially independent twice so that I could be here right now talking to you, which I believe is no accident. That is what I have here for you.

Reach Out For Some Help

I want to thank our Wealth Accelerator Academy students. Shout out to you guys as well. Guys, we want to take this to the next level. Check out the Wealth Accelerator Academy. It’s an easy way to do it, to learn, and study up on the stuff. There are hours upon hours of things that I’ve taught. I am giving all the education I give my clients. It’s in those videos right there for you to study that on your own if you want to, or you got some decent amount of cash and you’re saying, “How do I get it to work for me?”

If you want some help, reach out to us at You can contact us that way but regardless, whatever you decide to do at this point forward, I want you to take that next step, whatever that looks like for you. It might be, “Chris, I have been able to save $200.” Start there. Save $20. If you’re at the point where you’re saying, “I don’t know if I should be in the market.” You can move your money around if you want to. You can move into places that are safer.

“What if I don’t make money?” What if you lose money? Are you going to keep gambling? I don’t know. It’s up to you. You have so many decisions to do. You might be paying off debt. That could be the best strategy for you right now, paying off a bunch of debt or loans. The truth is maybe the way you’re paying off your debt is hindering you. Maybe because you have those blinders on of what you’ve been taught. Maybe you could be doing that better. Maybe you’re paying too much in taxes and had no clue. You thought that was the way your life was supposed to be.

Most likely, the thing that’s blocking you right now is that you believe your life is supposed to look a certain way or that your finances are supposed to be a certain way when in reality, it could be much better. I hope this is valuable for you. I know this was an extended episode in a sense. I could almost make two episodes out of this, but I want to drive this home. I want you to truly understand from the bottom of my heart that I know you guys have hope.

All of you have hope to have a better life than you’re living today. It requires you to make better decisions with what you’re doing right now, and that starts with making that decision. Make that commitment to yourself, believing that this could work for you because it has for not just me but many others as well, and it will continue to happen. Hopefully, you’ll be at least one of those thousand people who become financially independent by the year 2030.

Maybe you believe it, maybe you don’t. Why not try? You got a better chance or 100% chance of losing by investing in the same old way that everybody else has. Tens of millions of people have invested in mutual funds and they haven’t made it yet. I was to say, “You’re going to be the first.” Why not instead of fighting against that, trying to be the one person that might succeed? Why not succeed where everybody else has succeeded and done it consistently over the years historically? That’s my challenge to you guys. Make it a wonderful and prosperous week today so you can make it a prosperous life tomorrow.

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