Calculate Your Potential Passive Income Using This Simple Method | 719

MORI 719 | Calculating Passive Income

Have you ever wondered what resources you have that could help increase your passive income right now? Is there an easy way to do it?

Chris Miles shares how he has helped hundreds discover which resources they may be overlooking, and how YOU can calculate what’s realistically possible in your situation. Learn to do it for yourself right here!

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Calculate Your Potential Passive Income Using This Simple Method

This show is for you, those that work so hard for your money and you want your money to start working harder for you right now. You want that freedom of cashflow today, not 30 or 40 years. You want it right now so you live that life that you love with those that you love. Most importantly, it’s not about getting rich. It’s not about having your own financial freedom and making a lot of money and then disappearing off the planet. No. This is about creating a rich life because as you are blessed financially, you now have a greater capacity to bless the lives of those that are around you. Guys, I appreciate you allowing me to create the ripple effect through you.

I couldn’t do it without you. You seriously are the coolest audience. I love hearing the stories you guys have. In fact, I invite you right now. Shoot us an email at and say if you’ve gotten anything out of this show. I would love to hear it. Sometimes, I feel like I’m talking to myself, but in truth, I do care. I want you guys to get the biggest results possible. I love to hear from you guys there. I want to talk today about financial freedom. Is it possible in your situation? Can you achieve it? I know I have full faith that what we do for clients has 100% success, meaning that if somebody hires us, they’re going to create passive income.

All they have to do is invest. It’s not hard. I realize that I take that for granted sometimes that when we do that, it is making a difference in people’s lives. Sometimes I get caught in the gap. If they aren’t hitting over 100% of their cashflow goal, whether it’s $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, or $30,000 a month, then it’s not worth it. The reality is that they’re making even a few thousand dollars a month as a passive income. That’s dang better than almost anything you see out there today. That’s a pretty amazing thing. I know for my clients that’s true too because sometimes they hear about our other clients, they’ll hear from each other like, “I did it. I got it done in less than a year.”

Some people are like, “It took me a couple of years. I’m 4 or 5 years into this and I’m at 40%, 20%, or 80% of my goal,” or whatever it might be. The truth is that they still get consistent results. I know for many of you, because you’re not in this world or this space, you’re not seeing it happen for you, you’re doing something on your own, but for the most part, most of you reading right now are still trying to see if this is possible. Is it too good to be true? It can happen that way. I can bring on guests all day long, bring on our own clients, and tell you until they’re blue in the face. I can tell you until I’m blue in the face because it’s worked for me and hundreds of other people as well. What about you? I want to take you through something that is my brain.

When I see a person’s situation, I can see pretty accurately how much they can create. The truth is it’s simple math. I’ll give you a secret here. Say that for example, we have an investment you decide to do. That investment pays you 12% a year or 1% a month. Yes, there are investments that do pay that contractually. It doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed. I’m not saying I’m an investment advisor because we’re not giving investment advice on this show. I’m just saying understand the concept and there are deals out there that pay this. Some pay more, several pay less. For 12%, that’s 1% a month. That means if you have $100,000, that could be generating you $1,000 a month without touching your $100,000.

That means you don’t get to have to kill your golden goose to lay those $ 1,000-a-month golden eggs. Understand that for me, that was a big deal because when I was a financial advisor, I remember thinking people got to live on 3%. That’s it. If you have $100,000, that’s $3,000 a year. That’s not even an option. In reality, you had to get people into the millions for it to even look decent or reasonable. Think about it. You save up $1 million to live on $30,000 a year. That’s a horrible budget to live on as a millionaire, don’t you think? By the way, another side thought as well. Notice that all the financial advice you get, most of it is around accumulating money inside of things like 401(k)s and paying off your debt. “Become debt free, save up lots of money, and you’ll be financially free.” That’s the traditional advice.

Isn’t it funny that saving up the money goes into financial companies? Those financial companies are holding and storing that money, making guaranteed cashflow whether you make money or not. On the flip side, paying off the debt, that money goes to financial institutions like banks that get paid that money. It’s not the debt interest. They make their money off debt interest, we get that, but they love it when you pay more on your house because you lessen their risk for the investment and you’re still going to be paying all that money that they’re going to turn around and lend back anyways. They’re going to lend out more than what you give them because legally, they’re allowed to lend out up to ten times the amount of money that they have in cash reserves. Good job.

With that extra $1,000 a month of principal, you pay down on your mortgage, you’re feeling so happy even though your payment and your cashflow are still the same. Nothing has changed until it’s fully paid off. You still have high risk. Now they have an extra from that $1,000 you gave them. In $10,000, they can loan out and make more interest than you’re ever going to make. Interestingly, both of those strategies are taught to you by financial institutions, isn’t it? That’s why financial advisors are paid by those institutions to then teach you the same stuff. The financial experts also have worked for those institutions which tell you to do those very things. Save up your money on their side and their portfolios and pay off your debt.

MORI 719  | Calculating Passive Income
Calculating Passive Income: Financial advisors are paid by institutions to teach you the same stuff: save up your money in their portfolios and pay off your debt. Nowhere do they talk about going into alternative investments—main street investing versus Wall Street investing—because they don’t get paid on it.

Nowhere do they talk about going into alternative investments. Main Street investing versus Wall Street investing doesn’t tell you to do that because they don’t get paid for it. That’s the difference. When you’re trying to live on 3%, that’s not enough, is it? It doesn’t work. You’ve been taught and trained to say, “Hopefully someday I can retire. I better hope Social Security is still around.” That’s the truth. You have to count on social security to make the traditional retirement method work. The truth is, most of you, if you’re older, probably won’t hit $1 million. Maybe some of you have, and that’s great. The younger generation will hit $1 million, but that’s because inflation will be so much worse. $1 million won’t be that much in the future.

How I used to think $100,000 was an amazing amount of money, and now, that’s a minimum investment for a lot of these alternative investments. It’s not that special anymore to have $100,000. $1 million in the future will be the same way. If you’re younger, you’ll probably hit $1 million, but it won’t be enough to live on. You’ll still live in poverty. You need multi-million dollars to do that. You can understand that as a financial advisor, this is what depressed me. I’m running these numbers and I’m trying to run real numbers. I’m trying to run the real S&P 500 returns being less than 8% a year. That’s if you even get as high as those returns because most mutual funds don’t even get that high. Remember, I ran the numbers again.

In the 30-year average, the actual yield of the S&P is 7.65%, not 10% or 12%. If you put those into the compounding interest calculator and put maybe 5% inflation, which I think is higher than that, but not 2% or 3%, even when I put in 2% or 3%, it was still depressing when I put in 7% or 8% returns for the stock market. It’s not good. You don’t have the lifestyle that you want. Could you imagine my excitement when I realized, “That same person with $1 million and would be living on $30,000 a year could take that money, and if they’re making 1% a month, that means they’re making $10,000 a month.” That means what I thought they’d be making in a year, they could make it in 3 months instead of 12. That’s incredible. $10,000 a month is $120,000 a year. Is that possible?

If you have $500,000 sitting around, that could turn into more money. That would turn into $5,000 a month. That’s impressive. In 2006, I was on cloud nine. Not because my financial situation had changed at all, but because I realized the possibilities of what can happen. There are some investments that could pay you more, especially if you hold long-term like certain types of real estate and things like that. I’m not saying you’re going to count on that. In fact, you could always take warm buckets of ice and get used to making less. What if we only made 10%? 10% on $500,000 is still $50,000 a year. Maybe not $60,000 or $5,000 a month. $50,000 a year is still pretty dang good, isn’t it? What if you made 8% on $500,000? That’s still $40,000 a year.

That’s still better than living on $15,000 a year based on the traditional financial model. Again, you’re not using your money. We’re in the traditional financial model. They’re trying not to run out of money sooner. You’re only taking out 3% so you don’t run out of money before you die because you may not be making that much. What if the market goes down? All of a sudden, if you pull out money while a market goes down, it will hardly ever recover. You’re trying to not lose money. It’s like trying to crash land an airplane and hope that you don’t die and you don’t crash too quickly. That’s all people are doing with retirement accounts. What we’re talking about is taking your money, turning it into a golden goose that lays those eggs, and you keep the golden goose healthy. That’s the difference.

I’m going to take you into my brain, how I calculate stuff, and where you can find the resources to invest your money. It’s literally the answer because people say, “You’re probably holding back.” I’m not holding back, guys. I’m actually giving you a lot of the answers. Am I telling you the people we’re investing with? No, I don’t tell you that because that’s reserved for our VIP clients, and we want to make sure it’s a good matchup if we’re going to introduce somebody to them. Again, there are no guarantees. The truth is the strategies, even if there are great returns, may not fit what somebody’s goal is or what they’re trying to do with their money. It might be a different focus.

There are no guarantees, and the truth is that the strategies, even if there's a great return, may not fit what somebody's goal is or what they're trying to do with their money. Click To Tweet

What if they’re going for cashflow and they go into a growth type of investment where they have to wait 5 to 6 years and see those returns show up? That’s not going to be a good thing for you versus those that say, “I got IRA money. It’s going to sit there forever.” They put that in a growth thing, and they love it. They don’t care about having more cashflow. Everybody has their own unique flavor and situation, and that’s why the strategies differ. I’m going to show you based on your situation where you can do it because it’s been there the whole time. It’s on my website, I’m going to take you in here. If you’ve been here, awesome. I invite you to go check it out. You’ll see at the top the big green button that says Try Our Passive Income Calculator Now.

I’m going to take you through it. I’m going to explain what happens. I’m going to do my own thing here. I got to put my name, Chris Miles, and start calculator. We keep changing this stuff because we’re trying to make it easier. We used to do it with one question at a time. Now we put all the questions here. Notice, there are only ten questions. It’s very possible that some of those questions won’t even apply. You might fill out only a few. For annual income, I’m going to put in a typical client we have coming in. I’m going to put $200,000. Some make more, some make a little less. It’s not too uncommon. What are my monthly expenses? I’m going to put it at $10,000. I’m spending $10,000 a month. What’s my passive income goal? I’m going to say it’s $10,000 a month.

There’s this annual income. This helps us a little bit to understand where somebody is coming from if they have extra cash because it is calculating that a little bit. Monthly expenses, why am I asking for monthly expenses? It is because when we start asking about liquid savings, we’re going to take out six months of those monthly expenses. Number four, what’s your total liquid savings? Let’s say that I have $250,000. We generally recommend people have at least $200,000 to work with us one-on-one. I’m going to put in $250,000. Now what it’s going to do is it’s going to take most monthly expenses. $10,000 times 6, that’s $60,000. It’s like what I do normally when I would do this manually. It’s only going to calculate $190,000.

In fact, after I put this in, you’ll probably see a negative $6,000. If you’ve ever seen negative numbers, it’s because you don’t have enough cash reserves. If I put in $250,000, this should turn into $19,000. What are my average monthly contributions to savings and 401(k) accounts? This is the time we talk about 401(k)s that we can’t access. I want to find out how much you are adding to this because that will add to your savings that could also be invested in the next year. I’m trying to figure out what could you do in the next year. Just so you’re clear, if you haven’t figured this out already, the $190,000 that was left to invest when we took the $60,000 out for the emergency fund, $190,000 times 10% equals $19,000. You take away zero. Easy math.

For average monthly contribution, this is going to add back into the number. Let’s say you’re saving $15,000 monthly. That’s $1,250 a month. I’m saving $1,250 a month between my 401(k) and savings. That means I’m having $15,000. That should bump this up by $1,500. It’s $20,500. How much money do you have in old 401(k)s and IRAs? This should calculate here as well. Notice I say old 401(k)s. Do not put in your current employer’s 401(k). You can’t invest that money. It’s locked up. That’s why most of our clients stop contributing to 401(k)s because it’s locked up. You can’t do jack squat with it, and they’re in crappy funds anyways that don’t even make market returns, so old 401(k)s and IRAs.

Let’s say you’ve got some of that stuff too. Let’s say that we add another $200,000. What do you think is going to happen to this number? It’s $20,000 more, 10%. I will put this preface here. When you have old 401(k)s and IRAs, this may not lead to actual monthly cashflow unless you can pull them out. If you cash out those 401(k)s and IRAs, that leads to cashflow. If you did that, you might have 20% or more or less. You might only have $160,000 because they hold for taxes and penalties. Maybe even less than that depending on your tax bracket. That number pops in there because I put that number in. The market value of the home is not going to make it move the needle a whole lot, but let’s put that in. Let’s say that the market value of your home is $600,000. That’s what it’s worth.

What do you owe in your mortgage? Let’s say you owe $300,000. You’re going to see a slight increase here. Now I jumped up to $44,000. It goes up a little bit. Why? Because you can cash out up to 80% of that mortgage or that home’s value. 80% of $600,000 would mean you could access $480,000. That means you could potentially get a line of credit for $180,000 and invest it. It’s very little spread on that money. We don’t show a lot because interest rates are higher. We count that as bonus money if you decide to do it. It does jump the number up. If you don’t have any investment properties that say what’s the net cashflow you’re in for investment properties, if it’s zero, put zero. That means if it’s applicable, enter zero.

It’s still $44,000. Nothing changes, does it? Let’s say that we do have cashflow come from property. Let’s take the example of one of my clients. He was in California and making $200,000 net a month. His whole goal was to try to pay off his house, but he had $700,000 of equity in that property. Watch what happens here. It’s $104,000. Why? Because that $700,000 of equity could be earning $70,000 a year. You take that $70,000 minus out to $2,400 and that’s where you get the $104,000 there. I’m going to even lower that number a little bit. Let’s say you have $100,000 of equity in your property. It’s $200 a month there. It hands back down to about $50,700. Still, it’s $50,000 next year.

As we said, if you receive a number above $15,000, you should probably talk to us about doing consulting. In other words, depending on your assets and where they are between savings, possibly all 401(k)s or IRAs, and/or equity in your home, or if you have investment properties, in those 3 or 4 key areas, we can determine what pretty accurately how much you can start creating. This doesn’t mean that twelve months from this moment on, you’re going to have $50,000. What we’re saying is that by the time you finally get the money deployed and it starts working for you, it could generate about $50,000 a year, assuming a 10% rate of return. It could be more or less depending on what you pick as investments. Again, there are no guarantees. That’s basically how we do this. That’s how we figure it out.

I try to make this as easy as possible. Of course, there are other things that could happen. There are people that we see in a situation where they’re not managing their money well. They make good money, but they’re wondering where it’s all going. It’s money management stuff like the cashflow secrets we talk about. That could help them free up hundreds, maybe even thousands a month. We don’t count that in this calculator. You could be a business owner or save money in taxes. Usually, we find at least $5,000 a year that some business owner can save in taxes with different strategies that we use. I showed a business owner the other day that she would save about $8,000 a year with one tax strategy. That pretty much paid for all of our coaching with us.

It was pretty awesome. There are things you can be doing that can add to this number as well. Again, we’d like to underpromise as much as we can, but nothing is guaranteed. You might change your mind and not invest all your money. That means you make less. Maybe only make $30,000 next year. Still, that’s the way it goes. Notice these are not humongous numbers. For some people, this might feel humongous, but for a lot of our clients that are in that middle class and upper-middle-class place, this is money that they’ve been saving for the last 10 or 20 years. They’re trying to get to work for them better instead of making a few thousand dollars a year. That’s if the market smiles on them the right way.

Imagine how much big these numbers get. I’ve seen numbers come through. Sometimes, over $1 million has been the result. Usually, it’s because they have crazy amounts of equity in a house or something like that. Maybe they have a big property, land, or something. That’s the thing, guys. Everybody’s results are different. Results do vary. The great thing is that you have lots of potential. This is not stuff that isn’t hard to achieve. It’s very simple to do. It’s a matter of you got to be willing to believe that it’s possible. I’ve seen it for years, but because I’ve seen it doesn’t mean you’ve seen it. You got to to be an open-minded person.

You can’t be closed-minded and say, “That’s not possible. It’s too good to be true.” It’s too good to be true if someone said you’re making 100% or 200% per year. I would call bull on that depending on the investment. One of my investments is paying me about 40%-plus a year. I don’t ever say it’s guaranteed. Truthfully, even though that’s true for me and it’s been a reality, I try not to talk about that much publicly. It’s because I don’t want you to get high expectations because there are other investments that paid people 15% to 20%. There’s one company I invested with. They paid me 8% last year, but my other clients went to a different deal with that same company and made 35% last year. It varies.

That’s the thing. There’s so much variety here. There are so many things you could be doing, but the truth is, it’s possible. It’s not only possible, but it’s inevitable. These things work. Again, I’m not saying it’s guaranteed. That’s not the inevitable part. There could be hiccups along the way. There could be situations that happen where you might all of a sudden not get paid by a renter. That’s happened to me too. That cuts into the cashflow that I’m making, but I can say this. These methods aren’t new. The methods that we’re using have been done for many years. We’ve been doing these things consistently. As I said, it’s 100% success with our clients. If they invest money, they make money.

That’s pretty much how it works. It doesn’t mean that there couldn’t be hiccups along the way or it’s guaranteed, but what it does mean is they’re making money. That’s pretty awesome. I wanted to show you guys what’s possible and invite you to try the calculator. Try it for yourself and see what you think. I think it’s a lot of fun, firstly. Please don’t do it 500 times because we see every one of those come through. Definitely, try it out and put your actual situation here. If it’s more than $15,000, you should be talking to one of our cashflow evaluators to make sure the numbers were figured out correctly. If there’s a question, those guys ask me and say, “Chris, this is their situation. What do you think?”

That’s why I said there’s a couple that didn’t have any cash they could deploy or didn’t have a lot in savings. They couldn’t be saving a lot but they weren’t, and they also were business owners. Both of them had businesses between tax savings potential and tracking their money. I told them, “Let’s offer them one of our lower-level programs. Let’s get them in because we know we could help them from a cashflow standpoint, regardless if they do any passive income investing.” That’s the thing, guys. It’s very possible for a situation like yours. If it’s less than $15,000, we got other options for you like The Wealth Accelerator Academy or Cashflow Secrets. It’s great stuff you can be doing. Infinite banking is another great strategy you could do, whether you’re in either category.

MORI 719  | Calculating Passive Income
Calculating Passive Income: If you’re saving at least $5,000 to $10,000 a year, infinite banking could be a great strategy for you to save your money and have it accessible not just for emergencies but for investing, too.

If you’re saving at least $5,000 or $10,000 a year, infinite banking could be a great strategy for you to be able to save your money and have it accessible, not just for emergencies, but also accessible for investing too. I thought that would be interesting. I thought I’d give you a peek into my brain that when I see your numbers, that is what I see. It’s that calculator and it’s that formulaic. It’s that easy to predict. Check out and try the calculator out. Go and make it a wonderful prosperous week and see if we can even make it more prosperous for you and make it a great day.

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