Attract More People To Your Business | 91

MORI 91 | Attract More People

Wouldn’t it be nice if people sought YOU out? How do you get people to want your products or services without you coming across as desperate? And how can you do it FAST?! Cash Flow Expert, Chris Miles, will teach you how you can be seen, attract more people to you, and make more money in your business right now! Tune in now!

Chris’ Bio:

Chris Miles, the “Cash Flow Expert,” is a leading authority on how to quickly free up and create cash flow for thousands of his clients, entrepreneurs, and others internationally! He’s an author, speaker, and radio host featured in US News, CNN Money, Bankrate, and Entrepreneur on Fire, and he has spoken to thousands getting them fast financial results.

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Attract More People To Your Business

This is Chris Miles, your cashflow expert and financial advocate for entrepreneurs, welcoming you out once again and grateful to have you on. I’m grateful, especially these last few weeks. We’ve seen our numbers jump up dramatically on this show. That’s a great deal in part because of you because I know you are tuning in and you’re taking it in. You’re using it, applying it and sharing it. I appreciate that. I appreciate the fact that you allow me to create a ripple effect in my own life and the lives of those around me and the lives around you as well. Thank you so much for sharing this and making this part of the day.

I’m honored too because I have a wonderful show and a wonderful topic I want to bring up. I think this is going to be a favorite. I know we’ve had a lot of great episodes already in the last few weeks especially. This one is going to be fun because I want to talk about how to attract people to your business. There was a person that posted in a group that I participated in on Facebook where she asked, “I want to know how I can get people to be attracted to want to buy in my business. I don’t want to come off desperate. I’m not sure about discounting my services, but I wanted to know what I can do to get people to be attracted to me, to my business, and ask about me.”

This person has reached out. She has been working to try to live her passion and live her dreams but she wants to see it happen. She wants to see it happen fast. I want to give you my reply to this because it’s something that’s so critical. It’s something that many people don’t talk about. It is not, “How do I attract people to my business?” It’s, “How do I do it quickly? How do I do it fast?” I want to start with three main points to help you here.

Offer Value And Deliver On It

The first one is you need to offer value and then deliver on it. What is it that you offer that’s valuable? What problems are you solving? You have to stop looking at your business as something to make money. Start looking at it as a way that you solve problems. What solutions are you providing? What are you giving people? Focus on that. Focusing on what people are asking for especially if they asked for something that you can deliver on or something that you have a solution towards.

If you got something like that, then people want it. It doesn’t have to be complex. It doesn’t have to be difficult. I mentioned the people over the years in a neighborhood I was in before, my previous neighborhood I lived in. When I first moved in, the neighbors said, “You should probably talk to some of your neighbors. They got kids that can take out your trash cans to the curb.” I said, “That’s cool.” They said, “You don’t have to remember which day is trash day. They pull out the trash can to the curb for you.” I said, “Cool. How much is it?” “It’s $2 a month.” “$2 a month. Are you kidding me? I would pay $5 a month easily to have them pull up my cans once a week.”

You could offer the best thing in the world, but if you aren't telling anybody about it, it doesn't matter. Click To Tweet

They would have to pull it out like 30 feet and they’re there. To me, $5 even would have been worth it. What’s crazy is I told the kids, “You can even charge up to $5,” and they wouldn’t do it for a while. I remember I offered them $20 to clean out my garbage cans. I said, “If you could dispose these things and clean them out so they don’t reek, that would be awesome too,” so they did. I came over and hose them out and said, “Sweet, thanks. Here you go.”

What’s amazing is if you think about the neighborhood that went around, maybe they spent at most an hour a week pulling the trash cans out and putting them back. In total, they probably made easily $50 to $100 a month. I’m sure it was probably more than that, but let’s say it was between $50 and $100 a month. If you’re only working like four hours a week, that’s making more than what some adults make if you think about it that way. That’s if it was four hours a month. I don’t know if it was even that much.

The point is that it’s not hard to make money. You have to offer something of value, then go and deliver on it. You can’t promise value and then not deliver because then you’ll quickly ruin a reputation. Whatever quick money you made, it’s going to be hard to get back. It’ll be hard if you try something else in the future if you got a bad reputation for not delivering on value. It has to be there. Number one is to offer value and deliver on it. Remember, dollars follow value.

Communicate The Value

Number two is to communicate that value. I had a marketing coach and a mentor of mine, James Malinchak. He said, “You’re never in the business that you’re in.” For example, if you have a business where you’re a coach, you’re not in the coaching business. If you have a business where you’re in health and wellness, you’re not in the health and wellness business. You are in the business of marketing that health and wellness business. You are in the business of marketing your coaching business. You are in the business of marketing your trash-caring services. Whatever it might be.

Your business is not the business you think you’re in. My business is not just a financial business or a financial coaching type business. My business is in marketing that business. You got to be communicating the value offer. You can be offering the best thing in the world but if you aren’t telling anybody about it, it doesn’t matter. You got to be communicating it. The key to making this work, you cannot just pitch people and say, “This is what I do. Buy my crap.” That’s what people are going to think. It’s probably crap.

MORI 91 | Attract More People
Attract More People: When you communicate value, it has to come from a place of service.

You can’t come across as desperate. You cannot come across as someone pitching your value. When you communicate that value, it has come from a place of service. You have to come from a place where you’re coming from abundance. You know that you’re able to serve. You’re able to deliver value. Maybe you’re communicating because you said, “I’m going to do a webinar for free. Here you go. Let me give you a taste or a sampler of what I offer. Check it out,” whatever it might be. As people know, like and trust you, then they’ll buy from you.

If purely, all you do is pitch things all day long, and I’ve seen lots of people do it, especially on Facebook. Where all they do is pitch an offer, you’ll get people that’ll buy for sure. You’ll get more people to buy if you do that than if you don’t pitch it all. Don’t use this as an excuse to never ask for business. What I’m saying is don’t be someone who’s just pitching and never offering value first. Even if what you have is very valuable, people still want to know how it’s valuable.

I do these shows because I know that I’m offering something of great value. I know that it’s valuable and you can get a little bit to apply even when you’re not with me one-on-one. You’re able to get great value here. You start to understand what I teach and you get to know what I teach. You know that Chris is not the same in-the-box type of financial advisor guy. This guy is somebody who’s completely out of the box. This is the guy that teaches stuff that applies to my business and helps me make money now. That’s the stuff I want you to understand. That’s why I deliver this stuff.

I want to serve. I want to do all those things and I know you get great value. You may never buy anything from me, but I know there are lots of you that will say, “Chris, I want to engage higher. I want to get a deeper value from you because I’m getting value from what you teach for free. Why not do more?” I remember I had a lady from Texas. She googled my old shows. The ones that I did from 2008 until 2012. She found those online. She reached out to me. She called me up and said, “Chris, I loved your show so much I listened to all 70 some odd of those shows. If I found $5,000 doing that, I can’t imagine what I find working with you one-on-one.”

I know that there’s great value in delivering this because if I deliver value first, value oftentimes comes in return. It’s reciprocity. You want to make sure you communicate value but communicate value in a way that there is some reciprocity, that you’re offering value first. As I said in number one, offering value but then values come and return because you’re communicating that. You’re showing what you do is amazing, that you’re able to bless lives, and you’re able to serve people. It’s got to be communicated.

The way to be attractive is to live and stand your power in your divine genius of who you are. Click To Tweet

Don’t think you can just be good at what you do. You can’t just be good. You got to offer hope and solutions, offer something and communicate that in a way that people say, “Yes, that’s me. I need what you have. In fact, my life would be better having you in it than not in it at all. That’s why I pay you.” Number one is to offer value and deliver on it, then two is to communicate value. Three is the most important one because what I said is what you do but three is the thing that ties it all together.

Be Attractive

If you want to attract more people to your business, you must be attractive. I’m not saying you’ve got to be a supermodel or anything like that. Maybe your looks may not be your strength according to your opinion or whoever it might be. The fact is you can be attractive and not have to be a supermodel. What I mean by being attractive is that you have to be someone that attracts others. Be someone that people get fascinated by. How do you fascinate people? How do you get people to want to have you in their life?

As I mentioned, your attitude. Your state of abundance is key. Do you come across as desperate? Do you come across as someone who only wants to take value? When you’re talking to people, are you monopolizing the conversation and telling them why you’re awesome? Are you asking questions to figure out where they are and see where you can best serve them, even if that means that it does not lead to you making more money? It might mean you’re referring them to somebody else to make more money.

It might mean that you’re just offering a listening ear and for that, you become a friend. Whatever it might be, you have to be attractive. The way you do that, you’ve got to be living and stand in your power and in your divine genius of who you are. You’ve heard me talk about this in the past episode or so. You’ve heard me talk about this divine genius. You’ve got to be the person that’s attractive because the way you’re most attractive is when you show up as authentically you.

You show up as your authentic self and the person you truly are. If that means you’re a dork like I am, then great. You allow that dorkiness to come through. I still remember one of my old marketing coaches, the same guy, James Malinchak. He saw an interview with Stone Cold Steve Austin. For those who don’t know who he is, he was a professional wrestler. Now he’s in a more public eye. They asked him, “Are you like this in real life? Do you crush beer cans on your head and those kinds of things?” He said, “No, of course not. What kind of idiot does that?” There are some people that do that. He said, “I took what I had and I turned the volume up.”

MORI 91 | Attract More People
Attract More People: To attract more people to your business, you have to be attractive.

That’s a challenge I have for you. How can you take what you have and then turn the volume up? How can you figure out and discover those divine geniuses within you? How can you understand what that is and turn the volume up? This is why I’m doing an event on this too, because I want to see so many of you turn that volume up. Once you start to do that, like live it and not just understand it and know it, but live it.

If it means that you’re a little quirky and if it means you’re hyper, then great. Let us see that in you. If it means that you come across as awkward, then great. Let your awkwardness come through because the thing is, you come up through with sincerity. It doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk. Some people might say, “I’m authentically a jerk.” That doesn’t mean you have to be that. You might take some aspects that you might say, “Maybe I’m a jerk when I’m not playing at my highest level, but when I’m playing at my highest level, I am very candid. Maybe I’m very candid. Maybe I know how to simply say something,” and say the way that hits us with some power.

It hits people square between the eyes. They say, “That was a truth bomb.” You get that kind of thing. Use that. You don’t have to be a jerk. You don’t have to be rude. You don’t have to be desperate. You don’t have to be someone who’s constantly vomiting down people’s throats. You don’t have to be that person. You can simply be the best of who you are. If you don’t know who you are, then the first step is you got to understand who you are.

Once you know who you are. How can you connect that with your passions? How can you connect that with your gifts and abilities and talents? How can you connect that in a way that delivers value to people in a way that no one else can? Even if they claim to do the same thing you do, they aren’t you. When you show up as you, you come across more powerfully. People will say, “I don’t know what it is about the person but I like him. I trust him. He seems like the person that I like. He talks to me.” If any of you have been around people like this where you felt the way about somebody, you just say, “I feel like I know them. I feel like I understand them.”

It makes sense. When you’re being fake or you’re being phony, they’ll walk away and say, “I don’t know. There’s something about that person that doesn’t feel right. It came across as arrogant or maybe they came across as rude. They seemed a little awkward or a little different.” It’s not about being different as bad, but being different as amazingly good. That is your divine genius. You’re different from everybody, but if you start to come across as being inauthentic, like you’re trying to copy somebody else. If you’re trying to be a copycat or you’re trying to copy someone successful that you like, you’ll find that you’re doing a poor job and it won’t come across with as much power.

No matter your business, allow yourself to shine through and allow the best of who you are to come through. Click To Tweet

When you start to do what you do best and do it in your own unique way, then people say, “I like that.” That’s when you become attractive to other people. You’ve had those people. You’ve met people that sometimes are just shameless. I think of one of my friends. She talks about embracing your inner hotness. If you go back far enough, you’ll see the episode with Leta where she talked about embracing your inner hotness.

Soon after, I did one with Jason Hewlett about your signature moves, all relating to the same concept. It’s funny because Leta is a crazy person. She’s hyper. She lets all of the awkward dorkiness come out and people find it so endearing. It’s refreshing when you see people like that. You don’t want people being too polished. It’s okay if somebody is polished if it’s who they are. When someone tries so hard to come across as perfect and polished, it loses our trust, doesn’t it? It drives you nuts. How can you be more of who you are?

You got to understand who you are at the core. Understand what your gifts are and understand yourself and embrace them and love them. Use that and let that shine through. That’s where you do allow yourself to come through. That’s why you’ll hear me not so much on these shows because I try to be very short and concise because that’s one of my gifts, but a lot of you who see me speak live, you see that, “Chris, you’re crazy. You’re cracking jokes left and right or quoting movies and things like that.”

I like to have fun. I like to make this fun. I enjoy teaching. I love being in front of people. I love feeding off your energy. I love being able to serve and give you stuff where you say, “I learned more from you in a matter of minutes than I’ve learned in years.” That stuff lights me up. That gets me excited about what I do every day. I can’t tell you how much relief it was to me when I was allowed to be me because I tried to imitate people that I respected. People that I would look up to or people that I thought, “I want to be like them.”

I would see how people would respond to them. I thought, “What if I did that? That would be so cool.” The thing is, I came across weird. I said, “The heck with all that? I’m spending too much energy trying to be somebody else. Why can’t I just be me and be okay with it?” It’s funny, so many people have watched me over the years and not so much lately because I’ve started to get into that groove. Early on, when I got out of the awkward phase of my speaking, people would say, “Every time I hear you, you seem more genuine, more authentic and I love it. The dorkier you are, the more we love you, Chris. The more you try to be perfect, the less we like you.”

MORI 91 | Attract More People
Attract More People: Do what you do best and do it in your unique way.

That I think, is key for you as well. No matter what your business is, allow yourself to shine through. Allow the best of who you are to come through. When you start to combine that, you start to be attracted by allowing your divine genius to come through by offering that value and delivering it and communicating it. Communicate with people so that you can deliver on that value. What you’ll find is that people will come to you. You’ll find a reputation that works.

When Money Ripples was launched, I had a two-year non-compete with my old company that I had started with Garrett Gunderson. I couldn’t focus on the same old markets I was in with chiropractors and dentists because I wasn’t allowed to legally. What did I do? I went to markets that I knew they weren’t competing for. I went for women entrepreneurs, for example. I started going for that space. I got in that space quickly, not because I was amazing or I am amazing at what I do, but it was because I came across as being genuine and authentic.

I came to show up and serve. I didn’t show up to pitch people. In fact, I took the longer route. What’s interesting is the reason I was able to make money quickly is I did communicate value. I did communicate that I wanted to have a certain number of clients. I even took a discount initially when I started Money Ripples. I got ten clients quickly at a discounted price. In the meantime, I was also building relationships and seeing how it could serve them, not just pitch my stuff. That created a reputation. People said, “This Chris is a good guy. I like him.” They would even tell me, “Talk to this person. I’m going to tell you to talk to them and I’m going to recommend they talk to you too.”

I started to build a reputation. Pretty soon, people have me speak, then they have me speak and say, “You’re good. Cool. This is awesome.” Other people would hear me speak, then they would have me speak, and people would hear about me speaking. They would want to have me speak. The next thing you know, I’m speaking in all these different places and getting clients purely because I was asked to speak in front of a room.

That was not just because I was a good speaker. It’s because I showed up to serve. I showed up to offer value and deliver on it. I showed up in a way to communicate what value I was offering and give it to those people. The more I was authentically who I was, the more attractive I became and the more people talked. If you want to grow your business faster and you want to attract more people where you don’t feel like you’re begging people to work with you, you don’t have to. Be the best you can be. That sounds cliché when I say it but it’s true. Allow that divine genius to come through you.

If you’re struggling with that, check out the website, We got an event coming up in a little bit. You want to join us there if that’s the case. It’s so much fun. You can allow yourself to be you and work the business that you should be working at. Not the way you think somebody else is wanting you to work it. Not the way you’re seeing them work it, but doing it in a way that’s authentic to you. Watch what will happen. Watch how much easier business will become. Even if you got one new person from that, you can serve and show up. They become raving fans. They refer other people.

How valuable is that? Imagine if it’s many. What if it’s dozens or hundreds or even thousands of people that rave about you? That is the power that you want to do. That’s what you want to do. Remember, show up, be attractive, communicate your value and offer that value and deliver on it. Remember, dollars follow value. Be the person that’s valuable in a way that people want to give you money. That is how you grow your business fast.

That’s how you build it in a way that you have a reputation that continues on. No flash in the pan. You get real results from your business now. This is Chris Miles signing off. Thank you so much. Again, thank you for being on our show. Thank you for joining us. Check out the other ones. Subscribe on iTunes and go and make it a prosperous week. We’ll talk to you later.

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