Monetize Your Divine Genius | 145

MORI 145 | Monetize Your Divine Genius


How do you create money YOUR way? What resources do you have within you that can create money from what seems like thin air? Cash Flow Expert and Host, Chris Miles, shares how you can take your talents, passions, experiences, and mindset to create more wealth and freedom RIGHT NOW!


Chris Miles Bio

Chris Miles, the “Cash Flow Expert,” is a leading authority on how to quickly free up and create cash flow for thousands of his clients, entrepreneurs, and others internationally! He’s an author, speaker, and radio host that has been featured in US News, CNN Money, Bankrate, Entrepreneur on Fire, and has spoken to thousands getting them fast financial results.

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Monetize Your Divine Genius

We’re out today for a wonderful show and a great week. I’m super excited to be alive and to be here. As reminders, be sure to check out our website, We’ve got events coming up. I’m relaunching it. We’re updating this website here pretty soon. There’s going to be some new things on that. Keep up to speed, keep watching, and check it out. If you’ve got questions or show topics you’d like me to cover, give me an email. Give me a shout at Email me the questions, topics that you’d like to hear, things like that.

I love the questions I’ve been getting lately. That’s what inspires this show. If I know what’s on your mind, I can guarantee it’s on other people’s minds, too. To able to ask those questions helps me at times to be able to address that with you, too. As one of those things, I’ve noticed there’s been several people have been asking about different creative ways to make money. You’ve heard me talk about several ways to make money with money. This still applies to that too. Whether you’re a business owner, an employee, or someone who’s trying to figure out how to get your money making more money for you, this show topic I’m talking about today applies to everything.

In fact, it’s interesting because lately I’ve had a lot of people coming to me. They have IRAs or 401(k)s or whatever it might be. They’ve got different savings. Some of them have money sitting on the sidelines and savings or something like that. They’ve got money. They’re trying to figure out what to do with it. What can they do to start generating some income or cashflow. It’s easy to find places to put money. That’s not the hard part. There’s plenty of options out there. I even have people coming to me and we’ve got mutual connections where they’re saying like, “Here you go. Here’s a mortgage fund. It’s going to pay you 12% a year, but pay you out monthly. Here are some real estate properties. Here are ways to bank on people’s life insurances,” and whatever it might be.

There are many ways more than I even want to talk about on this episode here. That would be a whole entire episode by itself. Even that could be crazy. As those people come to me, it was interesting because I was having a conversation with one of my clients this last week. It brought to my mind this conversation of it’s a topic that I’ve mentioned before called monetizing your divine genius. How do you monetize your divine genius? The reason this came up is because we talked about different investments he could be doing. He can make some passive residual income of good cashflow with the money that he had, even to the point where he could probably get him to retire or close to it within the next year or two, within probably the next 3 to 5 years.

Not bad for a guy who is in his prime still. I remember him saying as a reply, he said, “I could probably do better myself.” He was right, because he wanted to be what I refer to as being an active investor. I see many people will say, “I want residual income. I want something that’s passive that comes in.” That’s perfect, too. He’ll probably be there as well. We talked about that, is that that will probably be a big part of his portfolio. For right now, he’s like, “I want to supercharge what I do in these first few years. I know I’ve got some experiences and knowledge here that I could go and create some better returns by being more actively involved in this investment.”

This is specifically towards real estate. He wanted to do something like you’d see if you ever watched HGTV or the home network there on TV, where they do a lot of these fixer upper shows and things like that, or flip or flop. He wants to do a flipping type of thing. He wants to fix and flip some properties. I was like, “That’s great because you’re being actively involved.” When you get actively involved, your return goes up. That’s what I’m going to talk about here. That sounds great.

That’s for him, and that may not be for you. People always say like, “Chris, where should I park my money?” You already know if you’ve heard me enough. The answer is going to be, it depends on you. I want to get to the heart and the core of what that looks like. This is where monetizing your divine genius comes in. What is divine genius? Your diving genius means what makes you special. What makes you unique that no other person this planet has or is. Obviously, you have this unique fingerprint you can leave on this planet that nobody else has. You have a unique combination of talents, passions, experiences, education, upbringing, and even energy in the way you move and the way you do things and how you operate.

Use your uniqueness in a way that creates the maximum amount of value in the world. Click To Tweet

You have a unique attitudes and personality that comes with that. Everything that makes up who you are, that is your divine genius. More specifically, not just what makes you unique, but how you use that in a way that creates the maximum amount of value in the world. Why do we care about maximum value? Dollars follow value. How many times have you heard me say that? Dollars follow the value you create for other people? What happens sometimes is that even with people I get where they have a lot of money, they sometimes forget the importance of your own human capital, not just your financial capital.

How do you take your human capital and create with that? Sometimes the people that end up making the least amount of money are those that take their money and make returns from it. They have a lot of money. They get lazy sometimes and they forget that there are two parts of this equation. Yes, you can get your money making money for you, and you can make a lot of money doing that. Yes, you can make more money by you figuring out how to use your own personal human capital to create more.

This may not be passive because this might be more active, but it can create more return. That’s where the power lies. That’s something that I was reminded of this week, as I’m talking with my client is, “You guys, it’s a real thing. This is something that’s real.” I want to break down some of these components. I can’t get you to figure out how to monetize it all in one show, obviously. This is where I’ve done trainings that sometimes I’ve gone on for days to teach this stuff, but it is a process of self-discovery. It’s a process that you can go through. We can at least get you started. We can at least get some work and understand the principle here of how to start on that path.

Even in my own life, this is where I’ve made the most money. It’s funny because some people will say like, “Chris, where do you put your money?” First off, it shouldn’t matter you where I put my money because I’m not you and you’re not me, but it’s good to see an example. Where have I made the most money? I’ve done investments of all sorts. I’ve also done business. I’ve done things where I’ve paid off debt. Sometimes paying off certain loans will end up being your best investment, depending on your situation. I’ve had clients do that. For me, the number one place that I’ve made the most money is often been in putting into my own talents and how it created value for people.

That’s been in forms of business and creating streams of income there. I have created the great residual streams of income, but a lot of it’s been in business. Some of it’s been with real estate and things like that. The number one place where I’ve been able to leverage the most for me personally has been in business. Let me talk about that. I’m going to talk about four aspects of this equation of your divine genius.


I’m going to talk about talents, passions, experiences, and attitude. Number one, talents. What are your strengths? What are those unique abilities that you have that you can deliver value in a way that other people can’t? What’s that unique combination of talents that you have that you can use? I’m going to use the example of going back to HGTV, TV shows, and I’m maybe thinking about this because my wife loves HGTV. She loves shows like Fixer Upper, for example, with Chip and Joanna Gaines. It’s interesting because they are a couple. They have the next component, which is passion. They have a passion for what they do, but it’s interesting because when you see them on TV, they’ve got talent, but they’ve got talents that other people have too.

For example, Chip is not the only person in the world that can go and renovate a home. Joanna is not the only person that can do a design. It is unique that they as a couple can do both, that he can renovate and she can design. That is a unique thing. That’s where you get a little power couple combination. That does make it unique, but there’s more to it than that. That’s where Leslie has come through. I’ll talk about those more as we go on. Even if you want off talents alone, off your strengths, you’ve got the unique set of strengths that nobody else has. Even if you can do something well, there’s another angle you bring in. There’s something else you bring to the table.

MORI 145 | Monetize Your Divine Genius
Monetize Your Divine Genius: Everything that makes up who you are is your divine genius. You have a unique combination of talents, passions, experiences, education, and energy in how you move, do things and operate.


For example, for me, in my situation, I understand money. I can also teach money at a much higher level, meaning a simpler level. A lot of financial people get so into the details that they don’t know that they get you all confused. You don’t even where to go. It’s funny, I’ve had people coming to me lately about the life insurance conversation, how to leverage that. I mentioned on some other episodes here previously how do you get returns making it twice. It’s funny because I know other people that teach some similar things, but they don’t always get asked because they explain it deeply that you’re lost in the details versus saying, “You leverage money. You’re able to make money twice a day at the same money twice.”

That’s ultimately what it comes down to. Being able to explain that, too. Even when people do ask for the details, explain it, but not overwhelm people. You’ve got to have those talents and bring them together, those unique combinations. I love being a teacher. That’s not just a talent, that’s also a passion. I also have unique abilities that I see the bigger picture. I see things how they work. I see things that most people miss in the financial realm. I’m focusing on the cashflow, which became a niche. I had to understand this a lot when I was going through my crap when I was flat broke, no credit, no money, nothing.

All I had to start over is to create. How that all started to come together is I started to see that I had talents. I had a unique way of how I taught. I had an interesting way of how I could teach about money and even understand money and see the bigger picture and help people. Because of what I went through, that made a big difference. When I was ballroom dancing, and I mentioned it on another episode, even ballroom dancing, it wasn’t because I was the best dancer. I was pretty crappy when I started. I have this persistence bug. I have this one strength that I love to persist. I keep doing things over and over and I mess up.

Even though it’s painful, and I don’t like messing up still because I mess up and because I have to perfect it so to speak, I ended up getting better. Also, at the same time, I was teaching it. As I taught it, I became better and more skilled at what I do with dancing. It’s the same thing I would do with money, too. I have to eat my own medicine. I practice the things I teach on the show. In fact, I can’t teach well when it’s not from experience. I sound like an idiot when I try to teach when I don’t understand something. I’ve learned not to teach something I don’t know. This is why I stay in my lane. I stay in what I do and I let other people teach their lane.

That’s the thing. I have a great ability to do that. Those same talents I learned on the ballroom dance floor, I was able to apply with money and in business and everything else. I also have a great ability to relate to people, too. Most people usually come to me because they feel like there’s an affinity to me. You’ve got these kinds of talents too. You may not be the ones I listed. I hope that you’ve got a whole list of yourself, but start ask yourself, what are those talents? If you’re not sure, start asking some people, people that are been around you. Either people have been around you for years, or maybe people who have only known you for a few meetings.

You might even ask them like, “What was your first impression of me? What impressed you as you’ve gotten to know me?” Pull people, ask people, research, it, ask people what makes you unique, what can they count on you for, what do you do that makes them think, “That’s amazing.” Ask them and watch what comes out because I can guarantee you’re going to find some pretty dang good feedback. If you take that and internalize it and capitalize on it and do what people already think is amazing, even whether you think it’s amazing or not, by the way, you never think what you do is amazing because you’ve done it your whole life, that’s how you know you have a gift. Figure out what those are.

Even focusing on your strengths and talents, this alone can make you more money no matter what role you’re in. This is going to be applied across the board in any role or situation you’re in. Use these talents to your advantage. By the way, when people pay you, they pay you for your strengths, not your weaknesses. This is why you want to be able to do this where you deliver the most value.

The more excited you are about your life, people and opportunities show up with great money, wealth, and health. Click To Tweet


Let me get you the second part here. It’s not just talents. It’s passions. What are you passionate about? What do you love? What fires you up? What gets you ticked off or fired up and passionate? What are some things that you could do and maybe do into the hours of the night or maybe something you’ve lost track of time doing it because you’ve loved it so much?

I have some people that they love researching, not just researching, sometimes searching. Sometimes they love the hunt. That’s a skill. There’s value in finding people that like to hunt for things whether it’s on Google, whether you’re hunting for great properties and you’re like, “I found a great property,” a great opportunity that you wouldn’t find otherwise. There are people hiring people to do that stuff, that would pay people for that talent. By the way, that’s a talent, but it’s also a passion, too. Here’s what I’ve learned.

Whenever I have a passion, it amplifies and accelerates the talent. The talent amplifies when there’s passion involved. I’ve seen many talented people get passed up by other people, maybe not so talented even though they have some of the talents that the seeds are there, but they grow because they get watered more by the fuel of passion. They get nurtured by that passion.

Like the ballroom dancing. For me, that was a big thing. I loved it. I get excited about it and I would do it. That’s what allowed me to do it over and over. I loved teaching it to people, too. That also helped me develop my skills and perfect my technique and eventually my performance and everything else that allowed me to do better and even place nationally as one of the top competitive amateur dancers out there. This thing also applies as well, what are you passionate about? 1) It doesn’t feel like work. 2)It amplifies your talents. It allows you to accelerate your progress faster than others. That passion has to come through. If you’re not sure what you’re passionate about, journalists dig deep. Ask other people what it seems like you’re passionate about.

What do you end up talking about that you don’t want to shut up about to? What gives you energy so that you find out you lose track of time doing it? Whatever it might be, but find those passions. For me, my own personal passion is I have a passion to create financial freedom for people. I get passionate. I’ve been getting fired up lately because there’s been people that started to dig deep. I like to perfect my craft. Over the last year, I’ve taken a lot of the things that I’ve had. I’ve been applying them over and over. I get fueled and fired up when I find out new information or new ways to make things better. Lately, I’ve been running more calculations and numbers than I have in probably a couple years with the whole life insurance conversation thing. I’ve been finding other ways to get creative with it and with investing and things like that.

I haven’t had so much fun that it’s fun because my clients get to be the benefactors of that passion, that fun that I have that is fun that I ended up losing track of time doing, because I like to perfect things. “What if I tweak this? What if I did this instead?” those little things that sometimes create massive results for myself, my own life, and my clients, too. That’s where I spend a lot of time sometimes. It’s perfecting that craft. I also am passionate about teaching. I cannot not teach. This is an outlet for me. Same thing when it comes to even with connecting with people. I go crazy even though it’s funny because people might think I’m out more than I am. I am not, but I still need to connect with people. I need to talk to people. I need to be face-to-face with people from time to time because that fills me up. That gives me this fuel to keep doing what I do.


In fact, that carries. Someone who’s passionate and excited, you can take the energy. You harness it. There are other benefits of that. Not just an amplifier to your talents, but there are benefits when you’re passionate. When you’re living the life that you love, people are attracted to you. Money is drawn to you. It’s hard to deny it because it wants to keep coming. The more excited you are about your life, good things show up. Great people, great money and wealth, great health, and everything shows up when you’re passionate and living on a mission. Focus on that. Talents and passions. I’ve spent a lot of time on this, but it’s important. Two is your experiences. What unique experiences you’ve had that could help people? What are the things you’ve gone through?

MORI 145 | Monetize Your Divine Genius
Monetize Your Divine Genius: A great attitude is not just optimism but a real belief and expectation that things will work out the way you want them to.


What have you overcome? I am always amazed by people when they overcome something. For me, my experience going through that crap in the Great Recession. I’ve had experiences where I’ve had to deal with scarcity, but having it be in the middle of scarcity and overcome it is huge. I do have a little passion of teaching and helping people overcome challenges, especially when they’re financial in nature. It’s not just that. That for me can also be draining. What I could be passionate about is the fact that I learned to be resourceful in those experiences. How do I create something from nothing? I am teaching the subject because it is something I am passionate about because I love seeing people create something from nothing and giving them that extra potential, that boost to create that freedom, and that lifestyle and the quality of life that they deserve.

You can tell also there’s passion there, too. Those experiences, the things I had to overcome, the things I had to learn were huge. That whole cashflow process came from bad experience, which became good experience. That’s now helped hundreds of my clients. I don’t even know how many hundreds of thousands of you internationally find money, create money. That’s cool. I love having that influence and be able to benefit people in their lives. The experiences, find out what they are. What have you overcome? What have you learned? Things that maybe you might even take for granted now that other people are like, “How’d you do that?” In fact, have you ever had people asking you, “How’d you do that? Can I pick your brain for a minute? Can you do something for me? Would you be willing to do something?”


If they keep asking you the same things over and over, pay attention. That’s a clue. That’s money in your pocket right there. There are talents, passions, experiences. What kind of experience do you have that you can take advantage of? Lots of your talents and passions have been developed in those. The last one is your attitude. Not just personality. There’s a unique design, there’s a human design type thing I talk about, which is great. There’s personality stuff, too, that you should pay attention to. I’m not going to cover that here. The last one’s going to be your attitude, how you approach it. I mentioned the energy, the passion that you can come through, but your attitude, do you have a can-do attitude? Do you truly believe and have faith that things are going to work out for your benefit?

It’s not just optimism, it’s a real belief and expectation that things are going to work out the way that you want them to work out. Having that attitude, that abundance mindset is everything, because that is the energy that does draw more money, opportunity, and people in general, the better of everything into your life. All of this happens with that attitude. Do you have that abundance mentality, or is that a scarcity? Focus on these four things, talents, passions, experiences, and attitude. If you combine these together, you’ve got amazing abilities to start creating more of their monetizing and monetizing your divine genius.

My challenge to you is start to discover and uncover and create using your divine genius. Shoot me an email. If you have an interest in learning more about this, I want to pull people, how many of you be interested in learning more about the subject? Shoot me an email, at If you have anything you need, let me know too. Have a wonderful and prosperous week. We’ll see you.


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