Where Is the Best Place to Invest

Are you struggling to keep up with contradictory investing advice?

Do you feel like your finances have plateaued?

Are you looking for true and lasting investing advice?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, this episode was made for YOU!

Join us now, to learn about why we see so much unhelpful advice on the internet, learn about different types of investors, and how you can see through all of the misguided advice and increase your cash flow!

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I’m telling you that’s a dangerous place. Our clients cannot do that because if they try to just be a syndication being the owner, actually you get paid last people that get paid before you. Why would you follow everybody else when everybody else isn’t creating real wealth in their life?

Chris Miles was able to retire twice by the time he was 39 years old, but he’s not content to just enjoy his own financial freedom and peace of mind. Chris wants you to have your own ripple effect so you can live free today. He’s not the financial advisor you expected. He’s the anti Financianal advisor you deserve. He’s jumping behind the mic right now, ready to make waves. Here’s Chris Miles.

Hello, my fellow Ripples. This is Chris Miles, your cashflow expert, an anti financianal advisor. I’m the show that’s for you. Those that work so hard for your money and you’re now ready for your money to start working harder for you today. You want that freedom and cashflow now, not 30 or 40 years from now, so you can live that life that you love with those you love. But most importantly, it’s not just about getting rich, but living a rich life because as you’re blessed financially, you can now create a ripple effect through the lives of others. Thank you for tuning in today and allowing me to create a ripple effect through you. Again, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out our website, money ripples.com. Check out. There’s plenty of information there and if you haven’t done so already, whether you’re listening to audio, if you haven’t, great.

That’s awesome. Just so you know, I’m going to talk about a little visual here, but if you’re listening to audio version, be sure to subscribe to YouTube channels. We got the max ROI, infinite banking, the Chris Miles one, and we have the Money Ripples channel as well, so be sure to check that out today. So I’m going to share a story with you. It’s actually about an Uber driver. This Uber driver was driving along one day and just driving along, and of course the guy in the back seat chatting away on the phone and just going on and on saying like, oh my goodness, this is a stock to buy. You should be buying Nvidia right now. The AI tech boom is amazing. It’s awesome. You got to be buying Nvidia, right? So he’s just going on and on about it in the backseat. So of course the Uber driver just kind of takes mental note of that and drops ’em off at the airport.

Well, then the next guy who picks up the airport comes into the back of his car and the guy that’s sitting in the back just kind of calmly says, he’s like, so tell me, you get lots of different people in your car, you, he’s like, oh yeah, plenty of people. He’s like, oh yeah, like who? He said, oh yeah. I had a guy that came in that actually just dropped off recently that man, he was recommending Nvidia best stock. In fact, I might even go home and buy that. And so the guy in the back said, oh, interesting. So that guy gets on his phone, he calls up his people and he says, sell Nvidia right now, and it hangs up the phone. Now, I want to talk to you today about where’s the best place to invest? Where is the best place that you could be putting your money right now?

I’m going to say this right off the bat. As a disclaimer, I’m not giving investment advice. I’m not telling you exactly where you should be putting your money, so just kind of calm down a little bit. Plus, if I’m wrong, which is always possible, I can always be wrong. I don’t want people getting mad at me, but however, these three things I’m going to share with you are things that if you apply it, well usually prove correct for you, okay? And so I am going to give you something, but I’m not going to say this is the magic bullet. The truth is by the time you listen to this, that could be different, right? It could be good true today and not be true in a few months from now. So I want to make sure that you understand these principles so that it makes sense, but I’m going to use real life examples here too.

Now, why did I share that story about the Uber driver? Why did I share that? Because here’s the thing that I’ve noticed, and I’ll come back to it too, but the smart investors know how to time the right investments, the ones, the masses, the most people that you hear in the media, the most people hear talking on social media even, right? You start seeing stuff on that. You start seeing celebrities promoting things, that’s when it’s probably not a good investment. So where’s the first place? First and foremost is in you and in your education. Obviously, if you’re here right now learning from these podcasts, you’re already investing yourself to some degree. Now, you may not be getting that personalized attention that you probably need to really succeed better, but still, you’re still trying to build up that education, but also investing in, you can go beyond that, and I don’t want to say investing in you is the number one investment because you hear that it’s kind of cliche, and usually it’s just people saying, buy my crap.

That’s really what they’re usually telling you to do. I’m not telling you to do that at all, although, hey, if you guys are looking for support in that way, in consulting, we offer that too, right? So I’m not telling you to do that. Of course, what I am telling you is that you want to invest in things that allow you to not just grow personally, but also professionally too. So the things we teach you about with helping, with investing and with money principles and strategies and things like that, great. That can help you there. But also what develops you personally, what helps you become a better person, a more influential person that allows you to create more opportunity and also essentially be around better people have better opportunities and better opportunities to create more wealth in your life, not just money, but in all areas.

This is also true too, if you’re looking to develop yourself professionally, we say this all the time. I tell you this all the time in the podcast about how creating value is the real true economic engine. The true way to wealth is how do you go about providing value, providing solutions, providing answers or something that adds value in somebody’s life or solves a problem in such a way that money is the easy byproduct, right? Because they want to have that in their life because what you offer makes their life better and want to pay. You’ll pay whatever it takes for you to pay for that, that you believe is more valuable than the money. That is the key to wealth in general. That’s the key to making money. It’s simple. It’s easy to formulate. When I started asking how do I create more value for more people, what do people want?

Even when I listen to you guys, heck, I look at the comments. You guys will email me questions and stuff too. I write down the questions you ask so that I can do a podcast on it. Why? Because it’s on your mind. I want to be able to answer that. Now, I know that, let’s be honest, the vast majority of you probably won’t pay me a dime, and I’m okay with that. That’s not what this is about. It’s about delivering that value because there are going to be some of you that are more the cream of the crop. Those of you that are saying, Nope, I want better results. I want to get the best results possible for my life because not only am I worth it, but my family’s worth it. Those are the people that will seek us out, and that’s great, and so I of course deliver that value because I know naturally as we serve people, it comes back and there’s been many of you that I know.

You’ve followed us for years. Some people have told me, they’re like, man, honestly, I followed you for five years, or some of ’em say one or two years. I’ve been listening to your podcast and then finally decided that we needed to hire you guys. We do that on purpose. We deliver value on purpose because we know it always comes back. It’s that law of reciprocity. You can’t sow where you don’t reap. You got to sow first in order to reap something, and we don’t just do that to make money. We do that because we know we can impact more lives the more we serve. If I didn’t serve you guys, you wouldn’t be following the show anyways, right? So remember that. That’s the number one place to invest for yourself. Think about how you serve, how you show up to deliver value for people. How do you go about helping people that way find that out?

It could be a job. It doesn’t have to be a business. It could be a simple job, but figuring out how you can overdeliver. What drives me nuts is when there’s people that say they want to demand more money. Maybe we contract people or whatever it might be, they want to ask for more money, but they don’t even do the things you ask for in the first place. They don’t even hit the minimum standard and then they want more money. It’s like, no, you’re not entitled to Jack Squad just because I’m all about you. Creating value doesn’t mean you’re entitled to getting more money, and so you got to find ways to overdeliver go that extra mile to always be developing yourself because the more you develop yourself and develop your skills, the more you can get paid, the more you can command premium compensation for that ability.

And so remember, the more you invest in you, the more you develop yourself personally, professionally, and yes, even in your financial knowledge, the more you can make and create wealth in your life, that is the number one investment, always. Number two, investment number two is invest in the things that you understand and know well, and a bonus even the things that you can control well, so for example, if you’re a business owner, your number one investment’s going to be your business almost hands down because you understand that industry, you understand your business, and you have good control of that business too. You can not manipulate, that’s not the right word, but you can influence the way that you earn money, or heck, you can influence the way you lose money in that business too, but you have a lot more control over it versus someone who works a job, they won’t feel like they have as much control because they know that at the end of the day, it’s about somebody hiring them.

In truth though, let’s be honest, even if you’re a business owner, at the end of the day, it’s about people hiring you or buying your product, and if things shift and change, you got to do it fast. And so business owners have just learned that they have to adjust quickly where if somebody has a job and let’s say eventually the demand is not there anymore, they get laid off, then they’re lost, they’re not sure what to do because they’re never really planning for it. They always want to just sit back and relax. So remember that the best investment for you is the one you understand well. So if you’ve done rentals and you’ve done them well and maybe you’ve learned the different questions to ask because you’ve had good and bad experiences, great, that could be a good fallback for you. It doesn’t mean that that’s where you invest all your money, but that’s a great place to always look as your fallback plan, a great place to always invest, right?

Warren Buffett, look at him. Now, people say he’s a stock investor and we know that’s not true. He buys companies, he’s really a business investor, not a stock investor, but when he buys businesses and right now because he’s seen the way the markets are going, he’s not putting a lot more money in those industries or in those companies. He’s actually more liquid in cash than he’s ever been at Berkshire Hathaway. Why? Because he’s waiting for the right opportunities to show up. He’s not seeing ’em right now because it’s overvalued in the stock market right now. It’s overbought. So as a result, he’s kind of holding back his chips a lot more, keeping more in cash and waiting for those right opportunities to show up. He’s basically waiting for things to go on sale is what he’s doing, and so remember that you invest in the things that you understand and know deeply, and yes, can you develop your education in different places?

You sure can. That’s why I definitely encourage, I encourage our clients to look at different types of investments in the alternative space. Many people go for the comfortable thing of just stocks or bonds or just the stock market, but the truth is they’re not really being a wise steward or an active investor that way. What they’re doing is they’re just set it and forget it. They’re just hoping and praying that things work out, and that’s a very low level of ways to build your wealth. In fact, it’s the level that ensures you probably won’t build real wealth in your life. In fact, you’re almost got to guarantee you won’t build wealth that way because people don’t save their way to wealth, especially when they’re brain off and they just throw money in places. I’ll tell you as a warning, I have seen clients that sometimes don’t want to change that philosophy.

Sometimes they forget about that whole stewardship philosophy of being a little bit more proactive and managing your money and really being a wise steward of your money. Sometimes they just want to switch from brainless investing to brainless investing, and I’m telling you, that’s a dangerous place. Our clients cannot do that because if they try to just set and forget it, that’s where they can be open and exposed to more risk. Yeah, they might be better off potentially with certain real estate backed investments, but if they always have that thing of I’m just going to give my money to somebody else and then they handle it, you always have that. This is why we don’t manage money. This is why we’re not investment advisors or investment brokers or someone who just has a fund fund they throw money into. That’s one thing that drives me, and that’s when I see podcasters that just are promoting their fund.

I’m okay with people having funds, but when they’re always just trying to push people into a fund, it’s like, well, okay, where’s the conflict of interest here? A little bit. So you got to be careful of that, but that’s why we again want people to be brain on with their investing, not brain off. You got to be a wise steward. Anyways, I kind of went on a tangent on that one, but really investing where and or developing more knowledge in that area so that you start to know it more. I’ve even had seen some of our clients become really good. They’ve taken the education from some of the investment operators and such and the oil and gas industry, and they’re spouting off things. I’m like, my goodness, you learn that. They’re like, I learned it from the same guy you invested with Chris. I’m like, oh, well that’s awesome.

You must’ve been on a couple more calls than I was on myself, and it’s cool. I like seeing that. I seeing people become very well educated to where they know why they’re invested there and they know how really they know the risks. They know that that’s never risk free, but they also know how to feel safe in that investment. My mantra for my own self personally with investing is when in doubt stay out or if I’m in that investment, when in doubt, probably I need to get out. That’s the truth there too. So anyways, so that’s where you go start with what, so start with yourself. One, investing yourself and developing yourself personally, professionally, and even financially. Two, invest in things that, and then three, the third one, invest in places that people don’t want to invest in or are scared to invest in. Warren Buffet always says, he says, when people are fearful, get greedy.

When people are greedy, be fearful. Think about that statement when people are greedy. Now, I mentioned this earlier, I mentioned this about that Uber driver story, but that Uber driver, remember the guy that was in the back, he was a smart investor. He wanted know what is the Uber driver considering as a good investment? What is he hearing from other people? That’s a good investment and that’s the investment not to do. There’s rumors that Joseph Kennedy, the father of John F. Kennedy, the president of the United States, Joseph Kennedy, that one of the ways he made a lot of money on Wall Street before the Great Depression started was he would actually talk to the shoeshine boy. Now, this is a rumor, it’s not verified as truth, but he would listen to the shoeshine boy, say, Hey, we’re the best investments right now, and then the shoeshine boy would say something and then he would know not to do that.

He would know not to invest there. Let’s be honest, if there’s somebody from your high school that really doesn’t know anything about money that’s asking, how do I buy a Bitcoin? You probably should be selling Bitcoin at that point, selling it to them because that’s when dumb money goes in. That’s usually when the smart money pulls out, and then there’s the later people. Now understand there’s different investors like this. I think there’s really four different levels of saving or investing or really of wealth building. The first level I say is the spender. They never think about it at all. They never think about developing themselves or investing in themselves. It’s always just survival, and I get it. There’s times I’ve been in survival too, but you can still be developing your education and getting to that point to where you can help pull yourself up by your bootstraps, pull yourself out of that muck in that mire and get yourself to prospering again.

So that’s the thing. You can be the hero of your story, not the victim or even the extra off the side. You can actually be the hero here. And so there’s the people that are kind of like the spenders. The second one are the savers. These are the set and forget it. People that really just want to be brain off with their money. Now, they might watch it, but the truth is they really don’t know how or even why their fund is investing the way it is. They don’t get to talk to the money manager or the mutual fund. No, they never do. By the way, as financial advisors, we rarely ever got access to even talk to a fund manager because the fund managers wanted to be left alone. They wouldn’t have to answer all the questions, so they would usually stay away from financial advisors and definitely would not talk to any clients.

So savers are the ones that tend to be, again, brainless investing just brain off, and as a result they don’t get results. Now there’s the more passive investor. Passive investor is more like what our clients are. They’re in that third level where these people say, Hey, I want to be more brand on. I want to be very intentional, make sure I’m investing in the right places, and then I invest for places that actually do build wealth and have been proven to build wealth and cashflow, right? That’s why they start looking at things like real estate where there’s a backing to it. There’s a little bit of security behind it, although it’s not risk-free, a lot more security than you have with stocks which are up and down all over the place, and they also have the ability to generate income now, and so they can actually create wealth faster and have proven to do it.

So this is why there’s people that are multimillionaires that have done it seriously just by owning few properties, sometimes not even having a lot, just having a few properties and still working their job. Those are the people that we often train. And then the fourth one are the active investors, and these are the people that are really putting a lot of their time and effort into it. Now, if they’re not careful, if they don’t employ at least a little bit of that level three, which is a little bit of that passive side where they can at least get their money working for them, they’ll always be stuck. Now they’ll make the most wealth potential. I mentioned before in a podcast about really the get rich quick scheme is really having your own business and if you do it because the majority of people won’t do it, right?

But for those that do, they tend to do it right over and over again and they build a lot of wealth with their business. But again, they need to have that level three of investing too so that they have money coming in without having to rely on their business. Otherwise, you just get a very high paying job that you’re always trapped in for the rest of your life. But I do put that fourth level investors really those that cannot be brain off at all, at least with our clients, they realize they can be hands off, although they aren’t brain off. Does that make sense? Hands off, but not brain off where the level four investors tend to be hands-on and have to be brain on as well. And so there’s a lot of attachment and a lot of effort being put into that, a lot of time and energy as well as money being put into that level.

And so that third thing that I was talking about, which is going where people aren’t investing, going where people are fearful can be a great place. This is why now you’re starting to hear whispers, and again, I like the whispers and I’m not shocked, but you hear whispers about things coming to pass. For example, multifamily apartment investing. If you’ve been watching a lot of these podcasts and listening to different shows including ours, you’ll hear that the last two years have been the roughest on multifamily apartment investors really even before the last recession of 2008. 2008 was nicer to them than right now from 2022 to 2024, and as a result, a lot of them have lost a lot of money because of that. There’s a lot of fear now. It used to be all about apartments and hype and stuff, and now that hype is dying down and now it’s flipping, that tune is flipping and people are like, don’t touch apartment investing.

Don’t touch multifamily, don’t touch self storage and self storage still. I mean there’s still a lot of going on there, but a lot of people are starting to say more and more like, oh, I’m losing money in this and I’m losing money in this. You don’t hear people saying that about single family homes though they’re not saying that because single family homes kept appreciating, they kept growing. It was only the commercial side and really the commercial side you’re hearing about now is like office space. Malls are going empty right now. There are some that legitimately are doing that, that are suffering, but there’s industrial space that people aren’t talking about as much that has been doing all right. That’s actually been doing pretty well. There’s been even more kind of a trend of where multifamily might be getting close to a bottom where there’s more opportunities because now people are desperate, but not so much buying from the equity side, but as you’ll hear on a podcast coming up soon, here are more on the debt side of investing in those, making sure that you have more of a priority over people that are owners.

By the way, little known bonus tip for you. Did you know that being an owner in a real estate deal, like in apartment buildings, like in a syndication being the owner, actually you get paid last people that get paid before you or those that lent money to those investors. So if you’re a lender, you get paid back before those that are owners. And so a lot of the people that have lost money have been the owners, not necessarily the lenders, although there’ve been people suffering there too, depending on the deal. So anyways, it’s a little bonus tip for you. So again, people are talking about that’s a bad place, and remember too, it actually came down and corrected. They showed that multifamilies, depending on the part of the country, has lost anywhere from 15 to 20% of their values just two years ago, and the only main reason is because interest rates went up so fast and they couldn’t adjust rents quickly enough to adjust for that, and as a result, profits went down and those apartments, the values are based on how much profit you have, so if all of a sudden there’s less profit because they’re paying higher interest rates, well of course the value of that comes down.

The value of that business of that apartment building goes down. That’s why it went down, not because real estate values per se have gone down. It’s been the opposite. They’ve gone up. It’s because the profits have gone down with multifamily investments, especially when they had debt that was short-term debt and the variable rates basically cost ’em a lot, or even the new rates if they’re fixed rates still cost ’em a lot more than it used to. That’s why those values came down. That’s why there’s a lot fewer people buying those deals right now opening up an opportunity, and so that’s the difference. Now, that’s not the case with precious metals. I love the fact that my gold and silver gone up a lot in just the last half of a year even that even said, even though it’s almost doubled, even more than crypto recently.

I mean crypto went up a lot too, right? They went up a lot too, but they took about a full year there, but just in the last several months, precious metals like gold and silver shot up like crazy. Now, eventually, if this continues, you’ll eventually hear not even whispers, you’ll hear people yelling from the rooftops, here’s how I made so much money in gold or silver, here’s how much I’ve made money in crypto. By the way, I get crypto friend requests from people all the time. They’re always a bitcoin trader. I never accept those friend requests ever because I already know these people are just scam artists out there. There’s so many scammers, and then you start hearing celebrities bring it up, and when that’s the case, that’s when you know it’s hot and when it’s hot, it’s really not. That’s when you’re about to see it tank.

I’ll share an example of this too, even in a more mainstream way is right here. Here’s an example of the stock market cycles. I was trying to find one that was much more recent. They’ve been out here and there, but I finally found one that was actually updated through the end of 2023. Now notice this is going from really 1963 all the way to the end of 2023. You’ll see the blue is the percentage it went up during those years, so that bull run that they had when it goes up and then the little bear market that goes down, so you can see that right there, like the mid sixties there was a little drop about 22%. Then it roared up even at the height of one of those times went up to like 48% gains, and remember, this is the average return. They even show you the average returns and the durations of the ups versus the downs, and they’ll tell you, oh, the downs only for 11 months at a time, right?

Well notice that it’s always about every few years, and then there was a big gap of course in the seventies. They started to recover there during the Reagan end of Carter into the Reagan administration, and then it dips down a little bit as Reagan got into office. By the way, the market went up because inflation was high, sound familiar, so inflation was high. It was driving the market up higher, but then it went down, especially with those interest rates skyrocketed, and then it shot up and things started taking off again. Now, notice that it came down there in the late eighties. You had the bond market crash that happened in late eighties and then look from really about 87 again, 88 all the way to 2000, roughly about a 13 year period, the beginning of 2000. The market soared uninterrupted, no down trends, right? It was just soared and soared away and it soared a lot because that internet boom and then it tanked for Y 2K started to recover, tanked again into the right recession, started to recover.

This is why if you had money in the year 2000 with fees that were coming out, even if you were in the s and p 500, it took you until at least 2014 to 2015 to get back to where you were in 2000. It took you roughly about 15 years to get your money back and how do I know this? Because real life taught me that because there was real life clients that said, Hey, I had this much money I threw into this variable annuity tied the stock market or this indexed annuity or whatever it might be, right? I threw my money in this mutual fund here and guess what? Finally by 2015, they said, I finally got my money back from where it was in the year 2015 years. Remember, inflation kicks their butt. Now look what’s happening here. We had all this run, and then of course it was they show that little down in 2020, I don’t even count 2020, that blip was not even meant to be there.

That was just because people had no clue what was going on. So again, that one month blip, I don’t count, and then it started to come back in 2021 and then 2022, we finally had a down year for one year and look now 2023, it started to come up in 2024. It’s still been going up, although it’s been, depending on which index you look at, it’s hard to see which one’s big, but obviously there’s another tech ai boom that’s going on right now, kind of like 1990s internet boom, right before Y 2K, so notice that really 2009 was the last down year other than 2022, so out of the last 15 years, we only had one negative year. Kind of reminds me of the late seventies, or sorry, the late eighties going into the year 2000, very similar. This is why I don’t trust putting my money in the market.

Now, here’s the thing guys, because that’s way out of whack, it’s way overinflated from what it was. Yes, inflation’s helped. Yes, money printing and money supply has helped there too, but what happens when things come back into balance? What will happen in the market then? Will we have something just like the two thousands, right? Going into the early 2000 tens where you may not make any money? Could that happen again? Sure could. Again, I’m not giving investment recommendations. I’m not saying that you cash out all your stocks or anything else. Heck, if you wanted to, you could always take your gains from the stock market, take some of ’em and then leave the rest in just in case it keeps going up. I did that with Bitcoin too and that’s why I made more money on Bitcoin. By the way though, when I did Bitcoin, I made sure I only invested money that I didn’t care about losing.

It wasn’t like I was really counting on that money. So many people I’ve seen that are gamblers have done, don’t do that kind of stuff again, I was just gambling money. It’s like, Hey, let’s try it out. I see an opportunity. I saw that everybody was freaking out and there’s panic in the Bitcoin market, and so I took advantage of it and bought it when it was low and then sold it when it was higher and it was at the height height, but it was pretty darn close to the ultimate height because again, I listened to what people were saying like that Uber driver or the guy that was in the backseat of the Uber listened to what people were saying and then responded accordingly. So again, I’m not telling you to sell out all of your assets at the stock market and hold it in cash like buffet is.

I’m not saying you go and just get rid of all your retirement plans. I’m not saying that at all. What I am saying is go back to those three rules. Remember, first and foremost, invest in yourself and your education and develop yourself personally and professionally so that opportunities and doors open that allow you to create more wealth faster. Two is also investing in what you’re familiar with, and if you don’t know about it, invest in going back to number one in your education so that you can learn more, so you can kind of help diversify yourself, maybe get yourself a little bit more protected that way and safer. And then three is of course is invest opposite of the masses. The masses will be wrong. That’s why the masses don’t get wealthy. They’re wrong. Why would you follow everybody else when everybody else isn’t creating real wealth in their life?

You want to follow the people that actually do create wealth, and they’re not just flash in the pan they just did in the last few years because of a Bitcoin boom or because the stock market boomed or whatever. Those things are deceptive. You want somebody who knows how to create it not just now, but that knows how to do it, and no, it’s not just from saving, although having savers habits can help, but it’s actually from investing in things like business real estate, things that actually grow much better and can even be safer if you know how to put the right safeguards in place to lessen your risks. Again, nothing is risk-free, even if you have a hundred percent control of something, it’s not risk-free, but there are ways you can do it better. It requires you to turn your brain on a little bit more, and I know a lot of you, you’re here because you’re that kind of person you want to turn your brain on.

You want to be intentional. You want to live a different life than everybody else out there who’s really just trying to figure out how to survive. You don’t want to be a survivor. You want to be a thriver. I would imagine that’s who you are. If you’re not, you’re probably going to, let’s be honest, if you’re a survivor, you’re probably may not even feel like you have time to even learn about this stuff, and that’s not where you want to be. You want to be in a place where you say, I want to do this better. I’ll give you this little bonus for myself personally what I do, because when I want to develop myself, when I’m going back to investing in myself, investing in my business and things like that, I always like to invest in things where I know there’s greater opportunity. And I’ll tell you this, people ask me, what’s your favorite podcast?

Well, I’ll tell you one that I listen to right now is Diary of a CEO. I don’t listen to all the episodes too dang long. They’re not like ours or they’re shorter, but they’re too long for me even if I put ’em on super speed. But I listen to podcast, but I usually buy online education that often, and I’m not saying there’s nothing wrong with online education, but when I see somebody that I like and I’m following and I’m like, I need that person in my life. Usually if they try to offer to sell me something with online education, unless it’s part of them, them one-on-one, I don’t do it. I know it’s like I could watch more videos and read more books, but I’m doing that anyways. I’ve realized for me that for investing, when it comes to investing in myself and my education, for me the cheapest, the fastest and the easiest way to get the best bang for my buck, the best return on my investments, and remember I mentioned cheapest and easiest and fastest way to really get the best ROI on my money is to invest in people as mentors, invest in them so that I get that one-on-one customized type of assistance.

That’s what to me is so important. That one-on-one is that key because I can go watch stuff and I’ll tell you I’ve done that before, but it’s not the same as when someone says here, a lot of that stuff is good, but here’s what you need, Chris. You need this. This is what your next step is. Do this or look into doing this instead or focus your attention on learning these things or applying these things. When that happens, I make the highest return on my investment when I do it that way. The worst thing I could do is just buy another book. Again, I love books and I buy books, and I’ll do that sometimes to test things out just like you test out someone on a podcast. But the next best thing when I realized I like this person because they’ve been there, they’ve done that, and they’re still applying what they teach today.

They weren’t just a flash in the pan or a has been, right? Those are the people I invest with as well. So anyways, I mean obviously if you want us to support you in some way like that where we have one-on-one consulting, we even do the infinite banking design as well, you want that actual one-on-one attention of how to actually create those things. Feel free to reach out to us@moneyripples.com. Again, I’m not saying you have to work with us or anything like that. I know that we’re right for the right people. The people that are looking for a much more extraordinary life, they want something more than the average status quo of Americans, which are just trying to survive, that want their life back, and they want it sooner than later. Those are the people we work with. So I’m not saying that that’s you, but for those of you that are awesome, feel free to reach out to us.

You can fill out that passive income calculator, see if it’s time for you to do it, because if you’re going to work with us, you need at least $150,000 minimum that you should be able to invest so that you can diversify in the right places. Otherwise, you’re going to try to find one strategy because you 50,000 bucks and you got to put it in that one strategy. And if by chance, even though the chance might be less, even by chance that doesn’t work out, then you’ve kind of gambled everything. So you need to be able to diversify, and that’s what we often will suggest and teach people to do is how you diversify into different things. So again, if we can support you, let us know, but I just challenge you guys to do this. Remember these three principles, put them to heart and put them to use. Invest in yourself, invest in what you know and can control, and then three, invest in the opposite of what the masses tell you when it’s hot. It’s not. Those are the key things that have always worked in any market, and that’s how you can find the right investments at the right time. Right now, guys, make a wonderful prosperous week. See you later.

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