What You See Is What You Get


Recently, I was speaking with one of my friends about politics and economics (I know. Great topic, right?) 

She started to tell me how so many women are victims that are being oppressed from becoming the powerful women they are, and that women don’t have the same opportunity as men.

I countered and said, “I see women stepping into their own personal power now, more than ever. They have just as much opportunity as us men.”

I even brought up the documentary I watched on Netflix called “Runaway Slave” where a similar viewpoint was shared from inner city residents who believed they were less free now than before the civil rights movement. It’s interesting to note that the interview was done by someone who was proving them wrong in his own situation.

Despite my retort, my friend insisted that women are being oppressed, and she has seen it true in her own life because my business has become more successful than her, even though I came onto the scene much later than her. I could tell by her response and the way she began crying that this hurt her deeply. I reassured her that I want her to succeed to ensure our message is heard, and that there doesn’t need to be competition between us. And then I said something that made me realize that making my point was well…pointless.

I said, “I can understand why you see what you see, but that’s just not what I see from my own perspective. Maybe that’s because that’s the way I choose to see it.”

At that moment, I realized that no matter what I said or what evidence I gave, or that she gave in reply, we would be of the same opinion as we entered the conversation having. I learned several years ago that how I see the world isn’t what’s necessarily true, but it becomes “my truth” and my reality.

There have been several studies done where two people can see the same thing differently. This happened with scientists when they would argue whether light rays were particles or waves. Both sets of scientists were convinced they were right. In the end, both were accepted as truth, and it is now called “Wave Particle Duality.”

Opposing viewpoints can both be correct. I can find plenty of evidence of people being victimized. The real question is:

Whether you think it’s true or not, is it useful?

I point out this same question to people that deny existence of there being a God. Even if they’re convinced there is no God, can you really argue that many who do believe and act accordingly are very happy and live by a moral code that is useful to us as a society?

How we see the world is typically how we see ourselves, and also how the world will see us.

If we see the world full of untrustworthy people, is it possible that we don’t trust ourselves?

If we see the world full of oppressed people, we will find ourselves oppressed.

If we see the world where we are victims, we will remain victims to our own minds.

If we see the world as a place where there’s never enough, there will NEVER be enough.

If we believe that money corrupts people, it’s because we believe WE would corrupt ourselves with more money.


If we see the world where people are inherently good, people will be good to us.

If we see the world full of opportunity, we will always find the opportunity.

If we see the world where we are the hero of our own story, we will rise to be the victor.

If we see the world as a place full of abundance, we will never feel poor.

If we see money as evidence of serving others, we will always desire to have more money to continue serving.

You can always find evidence that both sides have proof, but the real question is:

Which perspective do you feel will serve you best?

If you might think I’m naive, great! I’m happier for it. If I believed everyone else’s opinions, I would have never started my business, my clients wouldn’t have saved well over $40 Million in the last 4 years alone, my wife wouldn’t have married me, I would never have hope of financial freedom, and I would be suffering with high blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritis, and not able to eat fresh vegetables (true story).

My viewpoint (for what it’s worth)?

We write our own life stories. Although we can’t control all of the events around us, we can control how we respond and think in any given situation. Our prosperity and freedom is in our control, and cannot be granted to us by governments, bosses, spouses, parents, or anyone else for that matter. WE are the creators of our own destiny, and we will find that which we seek!