The Most Affordable Health Insurance with Keaton Patey

The Most Affordable Health Insurance with Keaton Patey

Here’s the thing – many people don’t realize that there are other options for health insurance aside from what the government and their advisors are giving them, and that’s what our guest, Keaton Patey is talking about in this video.

Keaton Patey is in the space of health insurance and he has helped me, along with many other people, get the most affordable insurance they can. Watch this video to learn more about health insurance, why you need it, and why you don’t need to pay thousands for it!


“They dumb it down and say ‘Hey, if you’re healthy, you should pay less.’ If you’re a business owner, we can give you tax benefits and other ways to innovatively offer this in your company.”

“The biggest thing is, healthy looks different in people.”

“If you’re working with someone, especially the person who gave them that plan, the broker will get points for how many grandfathered plans he gets to keep.”

“The person who’s telling you to keep that plan has the incentive to do so.”

“The place that I see where most people miss out on is the holes in your bucket where that money is draining out.”

“The reason why I love working with self-employed or any type of innovator, is that we’re going to make that “necessary evil”, not only be as less evil as possible, but then let you focus on your gift to the world.”

“Why spend more money on something that doesn’t give you any benefit?”

“If you have no moving violations, no DUIs, no parking tickets, no speeding tickets, what do you get? You get lower insurance and better benefits because they know that you are a lower risk.”

“With plans like US Health Advisors and United Healthcare, we’re not using the marketplace as a middleman, we’re shopping directly to the health insurance company.”


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