How Much Do You Need To Save For Retirement | 749

How much do you REALLY need to save if you want to retire? Why are so many scared to find out? Is there an easier way to do it? Anti-Financial Advisor – Chris Miles will share exactly WHY many have no idea what it takes and why so many aren’t making it. He’ll also share… Continue reading How Much Do You Need To Save For Retirement | 749

New Study Reveals The Best Investment Mix | 725

What is the ideal investment mix to provide retirement income AND leave money behind? Is it better to invest all of your cash? Should you buy term insurance and invest the difference? Or is there some other method PROVEN to be better? In this episode, Chris Miles shares what an independent study discovered with over… Continue reading New Study Reveals The Best Investment Mix | 725

How We Compare To Traditional Financial Planning | 705

What would Money Ripples‘ plan look like when toe to toe with a financial advisor? In this episode, Anti-Financial Advisor Chris Miles illustrates an apples-to-apples comparison of a particular financial advisor’s client. How do they compare? Can this 54-year-old attorney retire by the time he’s 65? Find out here! — Watch the episode here Listen… Continue reading How We Compare To Traditional Financial Planning | 705

How Does a Reverse Mortgage Work with Mark Hammond | 652

Have you ever heard of a reverse mortgage? Are they a good idea? How can you use them to increase your income in retirement? Today we’ve brought on the go-to reverse mortgage broker, Mark Hammond, to teach us the do’s and don’ts with a reverse mortgage. Mark is the owner of Legend Financial Services and… Continue reading How Does a Reverse Mortgage Work with Mark Hammond | 652

I’m Putting Retirement Plans on Trial | 643

  Isn’t it about time someone put traditional retirement plans on trial? Where’s the proof that mutual funds actually create financial freedom? Wouldn’t there be witnesses? Chris Miles digs into the reality of what it takes to retire with mutual funds and shares REAL stories of four individuals who’ve saved millions of dollars but are… Continue reading I’m Putting Retirement Plans on Trial | 643

Will YOU Be Financially Independent by 2030 | 503

  Will you be financially independent in the next 9 years? What kind of income are your investments going to produce in retirement? If you want to be financially independent by 2030, now is the time to act! In today’s episode, Chris talks about cash flow, investing for retirement, and shares the cons of mutual funds. Key… Continue reading Will YOU Be Financially Independent by 2030 | 503

What’s Missing in the FIRE Equation | 473

  Most people think that a Mutual Fund is one of the best options to use when retiring but not totally aware of its limitations. FIRE method is one of the most important things that everyone should understand as this term seems to be not familiar to a lot of people. This episode, Chris Miles talks… Continue reading What’s Missing in the FIRE Equation | 473

Why Real Estate Can Beat Your 401k | 196

  What debate do I get from so many employees? How is it possible, OR EVEN LIKELY, that real estate investing can beat your 401k, even WITH an employer match? I’m going to settle this debate once and for all! Tune in now! Chris Miles Bio: Chris Miles, the “Cash Flow Expert,” is a leading… Continue reading Why Real Estate Can Beat Your 401k | 196

How to Beat Your 401k | 156

Have you ever heard someone, or said yourself, that you get a 100% return on your money because of a match? Is it REALLY 100%? And what’s the stock market actually returning anyways? Is there something better than your 401k? All of these questions are answered by our host and Cash Flow Expert, Chris Miles,… Continue reading How to Beat Your 401k | 156

How To Get Multiple Streams Of Income Now | 130

Everyone talks about having multiple income streams, but how does that happen? How can you do it without having to work longer hours? How can you create a retirement NOW? Our Cash Flow Expert, Chris Miles, will address these questions in this episode today. Tune in now to learn this and MORE! Chris Miles Bio… Continue reading How To Get Multiple Streams Of Income Now | 130