Friend Or Foe? The Truth on Mutual Funds And Financial Advisors | 761

If you’ve listened to this show long enough, you know that I often critique what’s being taught by financial advisors, and experts, like Dave Ramsey. But are they the true enemy here? Who teaches THEM these financial myths? Chris Miles dives into his true feelings about advisors and why he’s doing this podcast instead of… Continue reading Friend Or Foe? The Truth on Mutual Funds And Financial Advisors | 761

Why Is Net Worth Is WorthLESS | 759

  Many tell you that net worth is your ultimate financial goal. But is it really? Is there a better measurement of financial success? Chris Miles digs into the myth of net worth and which metric will give you both net worth AND financial freedom faster. Here’s how to do it! — Listen to… Continue reading Why Is Net Worth Is WorthLESS | 759

How Much Do You Need To Save For Retirement | 749

How much do you REALLY need to save if you want to retire? Why are so many scared to find out? Is there an easier way to do it? Anti-Financial Advisor – Chris Miles will share exactly WHY many have no idea what it takes and why so many aren’t making it. He’ll also share… Continue reading How Much Do You Need To Save For Retirement | 749

What You Need To Do If Changing Jobs Or Getting Laid Off | 745

Have you recently been laid off from your job? Maybe you are changing jobs for a better position or pay? Did you know this could be the BEST time to get your money working for you? Chris Miles shares how you can put your 401k or 403b to better use in case you get laid… Continue reading What You Need To Do If Changing Jobs Or Getting Laid Off | 745

No Money Down Real Estate With Robert Allen | 742

Is it REALLY possible to buy real estate with no money down? How was bestselling author, Robert G. Allen, able to make that happen? With his nearly 50 years of real estate experience, Chris Miles finds out from Robert to find out what he sees as the best real estate opportunities in the current market.… Continue reading No Money Down Real Estate With Robert Allen | 742

Which Freedom Is Most Often Overlooked | 737

  Many think financial freedom will solve their problems and ultimately give them what they want. But is that really true? Which freedom is MORE valuable than financial freedom? Chris Miles shares the secret here. Tune in to find out more! — Watch the episode here   Listen to the podcast here   Which Freedom… Continue reading Which Freedom Is Most Often Overlooked | 737

How Much Do You Need To Save To Retire Comfortably | 727

  Many financial experts say you should save up to 20% of your income. But is that enough? Right now, EVERY generation, from Baby Boomers to Zoomers, are behind on their savings goals. Why? In this episode, Chris Miles shares why everyone is behind on their savings goals and what you can do about it.… Continue reading How Much Do You Need To Save To Retire Comfortably | 727

Leveraging Your Business And Investments With Chaz Wolfe | 718

  How can you generate multiple streams of income through franchising or passive investments? What should you do BEFORE quitting your job to do these activities? That’s exactly what my friend, Chaz Wolfe, serial entrepreneur and business leader, shares with us in this episode, including the #1 thing that has helped him become a millionaire… Continue reading Leveraging Your Business And Investments With Chaz Wolfe | 718

Is Passive Income REALLY Passive? | 713

Growing your money is like planting. You don’t leave it to grow. Instead, you nurture it. It requires management and patience. In this episode, Chris Miles reveals the difference between passive income as a myth and a marketing ploy and when and how you can make it a reality. He highlights the value of being… Continue reading Is Passive Income REALLY Passive? | 713

How This Client Retired So She Could Live Her Passion With Pamela Reed | 700

  How amazing would it be if your investments would pay enough passive income so you could focus on what YOU are passionate about? That is exactly what one of our clients, Pamela Reed, had done in her own life! Learn how she did it, and what she sees as the next phase of her… Continue reading How This Client Retired So She Could Live Her Passion With Pamela Reed | 700