Friend Or Foe? The Truth on Mutual Funds And Financial Advisors | 761

If you’ve listened to this show long enough, you know that I often critique what’s being taught by financial advisors, and experts, like Dave Ramsey. But are they the true enemy here? Who teaches THEM these financial myths? Chris Miles dives into his true feelings about advisors and why he’s doing this podcast instead of… Continue reading Friend Or Foe? The Truth on Mutual Funds And Financial Advisors | 761

Is Turnkey Real Estate Doomed In This Market | 710

  Real estate prices have dropped, and interest rates have climbed, is it a bad time to buy turnkey properties? Are the days of 12% cash on cash returns over? We invite Heather Marchant from RP Capital back on our podcast to get an update about what is REALLY happening in the real estate market right now.… Continue reading Is Turnkey Real Estate Doomed In This Market | 710

Is Passive Income a Myth? | 653

  There are so many out there teaching about “passive income.” But are they just trying to bait you into something that’s NOT passive at all? What do WE mean when we talk about passive income?   The truth is it’s good to be skeptical when someone claims it will be passive. You might get… Continue reading Is Passive Income a Myth? | 653

Are Stocks Or Real Estate the Best Investment | 645

  There has been a long-standing debate regarding stocks and real estate about which investment is best. Which one has the higher return? Which one creates the best income and lifestyle? Is there a reason to do both? In this episode, Chris Miles digs into the numbers to settle the debate once and for all!… Continue reading Are Stocks Or Real Estate the Best Investment | 645

Are 401k’s The Best Way To Save For Retirement? | 641

For Americans, a 401k is the go-to for retirement savings. But has it worked? Do you really get a 50-100% return from your employer’s match? Is a 401k a big hoax? Is there something better? Chris Miles digs into the math and the myth behind the match. He also shares an alternative that could provide… Continue reading Are 401k’s The Best Way To Save For Retirement? | 641

What to Do When Stocks Hit All Time Highs | 519

Is it a good sign when the stock market hits all-time highs? Does your average return represent your actual yield? The stock market can create great opportunities for you, or it can cause you a lot of pain in the future. Tune in and find out if investing in stocks is worth the risk. Key… Continue reading What to Do When Stocks Hit All Time Highs | 519

Will YOU Be Financially Independent by 2030 | 503

  Will you be financially independent in the next 9 years? What kind of income are your investments going to produce in retirement? If you want to be financially independent by 2030, now is the time to act! In today’s episode, Chris talks about cash flow, investing for retirement, and shares the cons of mutual funds. Key… Continue reading Will YOU Be Financially Independent by 2030 | 503

What’s Missing in the FIRE Equation | 473

  Most people think that a Mutual Fund is one of the best options to use when retiring but not totally aware of its limitations. FIRE method is one of the most important things that everyone should understand as this term seems to be not familiar to a lot of people. This episode, Chris Miles talks… Continue reading What’s Missing in the FIRE Equation | 473

Take Back Control Of Your Money | 471

  A lot of people are being misinformed on how they can grow their money for retirement. They are afraid to commit mistakes in handling and managing their own funds and this is where financial advisors are getting involved with people’s money. In fact, there’s no need for you to deal with what they call… Continue reading Take Back Control Of Your Money | 471

If Not Mutual Funds, Where Should I Put My Money? – 14

You obviously know I’m not a big fan of retirement plans. The inevitable question I get is, “If not retirement plans, where should we put our money?” Find out some safe, and powerful places where you can trust your money can work for you. Listen in! — Listen to the podcast here   If Not… Continue reading If Not Mutual Funds, Where Should I Put My Money? – 14