Why Passionate Income Is Better Than Passive Income With Brian Luebben | 698

  Is there really anything better than passive income? What is “passionate income?” How does that play into everything? Brian Luebben shares how he became financially independent at age 27, and where his passions led him. He shares his grand journey to travel the world full time by buying real estate and monetizing his podcast… Continue reading Why Passionate Income Is Better Than Passive Income With Brian Luebben | 698

How to Pull Equity from Your Home with NO Mortgage Payment Featuring Matthew Sullivan | 662

Many worked so hard for their money and want their money to work harder for them too. We want that financial freedom today so we can live the life we love to live with the ones we love. But with interest rates skyrocketing, how can we access our home equity to invest, pay off debt,… Continue reading How to Pull Equity from Your Home with NO Mortgage Payment Featuring Matthew Sullivan | 662

The Strategy I’ve Kept Quiet From You | 224

What’s the one strategy that I’ve been teaching my clients, but not you? How can you get your investment money to pay you TWICE? In today’s episode, I’m breaking my silence! Join me (Chris Miles) as I share how you can earn an extra 3-4% a year ON TOP of the money you can earn… Continue reading The Strategy I’ve Kept Quiet From You | 224