Many worked so hard for their money and want their money to work harder for them too. We want that financial freedom today so we can live the life we love to live with the ones we love. But with interest rates skyrocketing, how can we access our home equity to invest, pay off debt,… Continue reading How to Pull Equity from Your Home with NO Mortgage Payment Featuring Matthew Sullivan | 662
Tag: Home Equity
Is Debt Dumb? | 513
What is the best kind of debt? How can you use borrowed money wisely? Debt can be dumb, or divine, depending on how good a steward you are. Tune in today to learn how to use debt wisely. Key Takeaways To Listen For: Using debt wisely Rule of thumb about debt Using home equity… Continue reading Is Debt Dumb? | 513
What Huge Asset Have You Forgotten About? | 147
What is probably the biggest asset you have that is keeping you from creating financial freedom now? Your home! In today’s episode, Cash Flow Expert, Chris Miles, teaches how you can turn your home into a real asset that can make a MASSIVE impact in your finances RIGHT NOW. Listen up! Chris Miles Bio:… Continue reading What Huge Asset Have You Forgotten About? | 147