Lifelong Coverage: Securing Your Family’s Future Forever

Life is full of uncertainties. While we strive to build a secure future for ourselves and our loved ones, unforeseen events can disrupt our best-laid plans. Securing your family’s financial well-being is paramount, and traditional life insurance can play a crucial role. However, what if there was a way to leverage life insurance beyond a… Continue reading Lifelong Coverage: Securing Your Family’s Future Forever

Maximizing Cash Value Growth in Infinite Banking Policies

Infinite banking policies (IBP) have gained significant traction in recent years, touted as a powerful tool for building long-term wealth. An IBP is a whole life insurance policy strategically designed to leverage its cash value component for financial goals beyond traditional death benefits. Policyholders contribute premiums that accumulate cash value over time, accessible through loans… Continue reading Maximizing Cash Value Growth in Infinite Banking Policies

Why Is Net Worth Is WorthLESS | 759

  Many tell you that net worth is your ultimate financial goal. But is it really? Is there a better measurement of financial success? Chris Miles digs into the myth of net worth and which metric will give you both net worth AND financial freedom faster. Here’s how to do it! — Listen to… Continue reading Why Is Net Worth Is WorthLESS | 759

How Can Life Insurance Increase Your Cash Flow? | 679

  Everyone knows that life insurance provides a death benefit. Fewer know that you can use it to supplement your retirement. But did you realize you can use life insurance to increase your passive income THIS year? Chris Miles shares how you can essentially “have your cake and eat it too” by using life insurance… Continue reading How Can Life Insurance Increase Your Cash Flow? | 679

How Do Higher Interest Rates Affect Multifamily Investments With John Casmon | 654

  Could higher interest rates destroy the returns when investing in apartments? What things should you watch out for that could cost you dearly? Multifamily investor John Casmon shares with us what really happens when interest rates go up, and how that could affect YOUR investment. — Watch the episode here   Listen to the… Continue reading How Do Higher Interest Rates Affect Multifamily Investments With John Casmon | 654

Our 10-Year Anniversary Podcast | 651

Money Ripples is celebrating its 10th birthday! In this episode, Chris Miles is taking you a bit deeper into how Money Ripples came to be, its purpose in YOUR life, and what they can mean for YOU in the next 10 years. — Watch the episode here Listen to the podcast here The #1 Cause… Continue reading Our 10-Year Anniversary Podcast | 651

Are 401k’s The Best Way To Save For Retirement? | 641

For Americans, a 401k is the go-to for retirement savings. But has it worked? Do you really get a 50-100% return from your employer’s match? Is a 401k a big hoax? Is there something better? Chris Miles digs into the math and the myth behind the match. He also shares an alternative that could provide… Continue reading Are 401k’s The Best Way To Save For Retirement? | 641

Should I Pay Down My Debt Or Invest It? | 119

  One of the most common questions I get from my followers is…. “Should I focus on paying down my debt, invest it, or do a little of both?” How do you know which is right? In this episode, I (Chris Miles) will tell you how to know which one to do and why. Tune… Continue reading Should I Pay Down My Debt Or Invest It? | 119

From Saver to Cash Flowing Investor with Tomomi Itakura | 514

  What are the principles that can help you create greater wealth now? How can you overcome fear and take action? In this episode, Tomomi shares her experience working with Chris and investing in real estate for the first time. Tune in to be inspired to make the shift into a cash flow mindset and… Continue reading From Saver to Cash Flowing Investor with Tomomi Itakura | 514