Should you keep money on the sidelines? Should you pay off debt right now? Is the stock market a good place for your money? Learn how savers are becoming losers right now, and what you need to do about it. Facebook: YouTube Channel: Contact us if you’d like a cash flow analysis today! Listen to… Continue reading Savers Will Become Losers | 425
RD Tax Credit – Interview with Justin Maxwell | 424
Research and development tax credits are a great way to offset expenses and add cashflow to businesses. But many business owners don’t even know they qualify for these credits. In this episode, Chris Miles and Justin Maxwell, Tax and Wealth Strategist at Big Life Financial, explore research and development tax credits and what business owners… Continue reading RD Tax Credit – Interview with Justin Maxwell | 424
Your Golden Opportunity | 423
What is today’s big opportunity? Where can you find cash for investing? How does the CARES Act help? Is your 401k available now? In this episode, Chris Miles shares why NOW may be the best time to get your hands on more money. Find out how! Watch this 15-min episode now. Facebook: YouTube Channel: Contact… Continue reading Your Golden Opportunity | 423
Get a College Education for FREE – Interview with Grant Aldrich | 422
Is it possible to get a college education for FREE? Grant Aldrich is on a mission to make college more affordable and accessible for everyone. has now become a leading educational platform to help millions of people go back to school who’ve been unable to take that first critical step. Grant firmly believes in the… Continue reading Get a College Education for FREE – Interview with Grant Aldrich | 422
401K Rip-Off | 421
Are 401K’s a good idea? Is it possible that you are worse off with a 401K? Where can you invest instead? Chris runs the numbers to see what happens if you invest with a 401K. It is catered for you and is filled with the information you need to make the right decisions and making… Continue reading 401K Rip-Off | 421
Living Your Life By Design as an Investor – Interview with Chase Maher | 420
Today, Chris Miles talks with Chase Maher. He started real estate investing in 2008, which is the time that everyone was running away from it. Chase ran towards it instead and was born out of the fire. Chase also does wholesale, house flipping, he is an entrepreneur, and he is an investor. So today, what… Continue reading Living Your Life By Design as an Investor – Interview with Chase Maher | 420
You Can’t Eat Gold | 419
I want to talk about gold in this episode and the basic concept behind it. Where it’s good and where it’s far off the mark. It’s about buying real assets. But here’s the thing, you can’t eat gold, silver, and even property. And this is the key thing that we are going to focus on… Continue reading You Can’t Eat Gold | 419
Investing in PreREO with Barry Owens | 418
Chris Miles (00:00):Hello, my fellow Ripplers! This is Chris Miles. Your Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor. Welcome you out for a wonderful show. A show that’s for you. And it’s about you guys. It’s about those of you that want to work. You don’t want to work so hard because you’ve been working… Continue reading Investing in PreREO with Barry Owens | 418
Creating Karmic Debt | 417
What is the number one thing that pulled Chris Miles through his hard times in the last recession? How can you get karma working FOR you? Is Karma instant? Trolls beware! This episode will be hard on you. Learn and understand the concept of Karmic debt by watching this 22-minute video. Facebook: YouTube Channel: Contact… Continue reading Creating Karmic Debt | 417
Achieving impossible goals – Interview with Rod Khleif | 416
Have you ever noticed a big opportunity before anyone else… and just felt like the slowpokes who miss this are absolutely insane? Well, that’s Rod Khleif when it comes to multi-family real estate. His love affair started in 1977 when he was just 17. Mom bought a neighbor’s property that grew in value $20,000 in… Continue reading Achieving impossible goals – Interview with Rod Khleif | 416