Many people are not only scared about the stock market, but even their local bank. Is there a better place to store money? Could gold be the answer right now? What are the different ways that you can store REAL gold without burying it in your backyard? Our guest is a leading authority on… Continue reading Is Gold The Safer Investment Right Now? With David McAlvany | 706
How We Compare To Traditional Financial Planning | 705
What would Money Ripples‘ plan look like when toe to toe with a financial advisor? In this episode, Anti-Financial Advisor Chris Miles illustrates an apples-to-apples comparison of a particular financial advisor’s client. How do they compare? Can this 54-year-old attorney retire by the time he’s 65? Find out here! — Watch the episode here Listen… Continue reading How We Compare To Traditional Financial Planning | 705
How Eddie Wilson Made Over $1 Billion Investing Outside Of The Stock Market | 704
 Which investments could you imagine that would pay you over $1 Billion? That’s what business owner and Chris Miles’ mentor, Eddie Wilson, figured out over the last 20 years. In this episode, Eddie will discuss what he did to scale businesses to sell for hundreds of millions of dollars. As well as the secret… Continue reading How Eddie Wilson Made Over $1 Billion Investing Outside Of The Stock Market | 704
How To Retire By 2030 | 703
 Money Ripples’ vision is to help 1,000 families become financially independent by 2030. But HOW can that happen? What if you haven’t saved millions of dollars? Today, Chris Miles shares one of his infinite banking clients’ plans to become financially independent by the end of 2029. Although you can use infinite banking to invest,… Continue reading How To Retire By 2030 | 703
Should You Look At Investing In Franchises Right Now With Kim Daly? | 702
We often speak about real estate on this show. But what about investing in a business, specifically franchises? We’re not talking about opening another food restaurant. We’re talking about businesses that can be profitable in the first year. Could a franchise be your ticket to financial freedom, despite the current economy? We have our… Continue reading Should You Look At Investing In Franchises Right Now With Kim Daly? | 702
Are 401k Millionaires Declining Right Now? | 701
There were over 400,000 401(k) accounts with at least $1 million in them in 2021. Where does that number stand today? What does this mean for YOU? Chris Miles digs deeper into the main issue with 401(k)s, which statistics you should be most worried about, and how you can more assuredly become a financially… Continue reading Are 401k Millionaires Declining Right Now? | 701
How This Client Retired So She Could Live Her Passion With Pamela Reed | 700
How amazing would it be if your investments would pay enough passive income so you could focus on what YOU are passionate about? That is exactly what one of our clients, Pamela Reed, had done in her own life! Learn how she did it, and what she sees as the next phase of her… Continue reading How This Client Retired So She Could Live Her Passion With Pamela Reed | 700
How To Protect Yourself Against Bank Failures | 699
With big banks, like Silicon Valley Bank, going out of business, where can you keep your money that’s safe and easy to use? Could it even give you a higher and safer return than the bank? In this episode, Chris Miles shares where he’s keeping his own money safe, and gives some stern warnings about… Continue reading How To Protect Yourself Against Bank Failures | 699
Why Passionate Income Is Better Than Passive Income With Brian Luebben | 698
Is there really anything better than passive income? What is “passionate income?” How does that play into everything? Brian Luebben shares how he became financially independent at age 27, and where his passions led him. He shares his grand journey to travel the world full time by buying real estate and monetizing his podcast… Continue reading Why Passionate Income Is Better Than Passive Income With Brian Luebben | 698
The Investments Your Financial Advisor Doesn’t Want You To Know About | 697
Is your financial advisor holding back on you? What higher returning investments will they not recommend because they won’t get paid? Are they just ignorant? Or are they really scared to let you know about it? Today, the “Anti-Financial Advisor” Chris Miles shares his experience about what financial advisors say behind closed doors about… Continue reading The Investments Your Financial Advisor Doesn’t Want You To Know About | 697