Increasing Profits to Scale Your Real Estate Business with David Richter

Increase your business profits with David Richter

A lot of people are starting to get worried about last year’s or next year’s taxes. These are usually the business owners who make a lot of money but don’t get to keep a lot of it because they don’t know how to do it. If this is something that’s very familiar to you, you don’t want to miss this episode!

Today on the show, we have David Richter, the CEO of Simple CFO Solutions. Simple CFO Solutions helps business owners, especially real estate investors, make sure that they know their numbers and that they are keeping profits.

David is an active real estate investor and through his years in the industry, he learned to understand the business side of it too. Coming from around 5 deals a month to over 25 deals a month, David is now close to about 850 deals as an investor.

He is helping real estate investors keep their businesses profitable by getting into the right mindset and providing a roadmap, support, and the tools that they need to achieve it. Listen now to learn more about the importance of keeping profits!