How This Investor Got Mr. Wonderful to Say Yes in 5 Minutes

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With Guest Shawn Finnegan

Shawn Finnegan is the perfect definition of a successful and tenacious entrepreneur.

From jobless during the 2008 recession to building a multimillion-dollar first business, he has been through multiple trials to get to where he is today.

Today, Shawn is an investor and partner in many businesses including Taxhive and The X Room.

Listen and learn how he used relationship building to gain success and even win Mr. Wonderful’s favor to invest in his businesses.

Watch on YouTube here!


I wrote down some of the rejections. One of the rejections was this one company was producing at a high level, and I remember him turning to me and says, what’s a day like as a shark on that show? I can tell you the answer is

Chris Miles was able to retire twice by the time he was 39 years old. But he’s not content to just enjoy his own financial freedom and peace of mind. Chris wants you to have your own ripple effect so you can live free today. He’s not the financial advisor you expected. He’s the anti Financianal advisor you deserve. He’s jumping behind the mic right now, ready to make waves. Here’s Chris Miles.

Hello my fellow Ripples. This is Chris Miles, your cashflow expert in anti Financianal advisor. What I’m going to show, that’s for those of you that work so fricking hard for your money, you’re not ready for your money to start working harder for you today. You want to be work optional where you work because you want to, not because you have to. You want that money today. You want that passive income and that freedom now so you can live that life that you love with those you love. But most importantly, guys, I know, not just about getting rich, it’s about living a rich life because as you’re blessed financially, you now have a greater capacity to bless the lives of those around you. Thank you for tuning in today, guys. As always, if you haven’t done so already and you’re wondering how do I create more passive income, what is possible in my situation, go to our website, money, check out our passive income calculator, fill it out, fully fill it out.

If you don’t, you won’t get a good number, you won’t get any number, but if you fill it out, you’ll get a pretty accurate number as to how much you could actually create in the next six to 12 months. So be sure to check that out. Alright guys, so I’m really excited about this episode today and I know I always seem like I’m excited about something, but it’s true. I’m really excited to hear to bring Sean Finnegan on with us because Sean, I just met really recently, just in the last year I got to know him. But the thing is if you don’t know Sean, you might know his company that he’s a big investor in which is Tax Hive. If you’ve ever seen Kevin O’Leary, the Shark Tank, Mr. Wonderful, obviously he’s a partner in that firm as well, but these guys are just rock stars and be able to do not just accounting type stuff, especially if you’re a business owner, oh my gosh, they’ve got amazing ways to support you system wise, but they’ve also got things that support you in other ways, including entity set up and things of that nature too.

But I want to bring him on because one, not only is he just an awesome girl daddy, right? Obviously he’s got, he’s a father, but also this guy has had so much business experience through the years everywhere from a OL Time Warner to obviously now he’s here with Tax Hive and has even done event companies too. So Sean, welcome to our show.

Thank you so much. It is so good to see the beginning part of what you do. I absolutely love the value you bring in the money ripples and everything else. I follow all your stuff. It’s phenomenal. So great to be

Here. Appreciate that. So well give us a little bit more backstory about who Sean really is here.

Yeah, I’m a big believer. I think a lot of people that follow you, watch you. A lot of people who do word of mouth marketing. I’m a huge believer the greatest way to scale is building relationships and business. So I spend a lot of my time creating relationships and business and doing transactions with people and I feel like that is the greatest way. If you want to scale your business fast, really go build a relationship, create an allegiance with someone, put your product on their stuff, do an affiliate deal, that kind of stuff. I’m a huge believer in that. So I’ve built really my own private community over the last several years. So I spend a big percentage of my time networking, going to live events, spending time on zooms like this and everything else to build relationships.

That’s one thing I noticed about you. You’re very much a relationship builder and it’s always kind of nerve wracking sometimes. You never know what you’re going to get, especially when you get guys in our positions. You either get somebody who’s salt of the earth, humble guy like yourself or you get the chest thumper to play nicely and definitely I never got that impression from you from the first second I met you, which really impressed me a lot.

Yeah, I think you got to meet people with your really true self and people fill that. And so good about you is, I mean, you meet people where you are. Exactly. And you’re an authentic person and people fill that truth and they fill that authenticity and they want to work with you and do business with you, and that’s really where you should spend your time. When you go to live events, the chest thumping gets you absolutely nowhere. That’s all surface level stuff and surface level relationships happen from that and only surface level depth of value in those relationships versus actually, hey, just talking like a normal business owner that we all have problems, we have issues and let’s chat real people do, right?

That’s how have relationships helped you in your life, whether it be personally or professionally?

So early on in my life, I started my first business in 2009, and you’ve been through, I could tell you’ve been through 2006, 7, 8, 9. So my idea in 2008 is when it started formulating, which is probably going back in a time, Shannon is like, why are you starting a business right now in 2008 is a really bad time. It was a bad recession as we know, and it was painful. And so I decided I’m going to start a live events business and I don’t have an office at the time and I’m unemployed at the time in 2009 and I have a non-compete where I can’t go out and do a business. And my idea at the time was I love education. I love money ripples, I love learning. I love improving your mind and your mindset. So I wanted to start a live events business.

I had no office, so I would go to a sandwich shop with three other people and come up with my plan that’s going to change the world. And my business plan was to do live events. So that was my first crack at it. My dad was a bookstore manager. My mom was the original side hustle with five children trying to manage a family with a bookstore manager pay. And so she was the side hustle person. So I didn’t come from money, I didn’t have money. And so I knew that I came up with this plan and according to my plan, I would make many millions in my spreadsheet. So I was a spreadsheet millionaire. I had this plan of doing live events, promoting big brands, selling tickets, doing the whole thing. And I’m like, I can create tons of revenue. This is going to be amazing, make impact and make money.

So I had my plan but I didn’t have money. So for the first time ever, I raised money in 2009, which was also a tough time to raise money. It is right now. And I pitched like 60 investors on giving me money, and this was pre-revenue. So I was like, Hey Chris, here’s my spreadsheet. It says, I’m going to make a lot of money and give me a quarter million. I haven’t created a dollar yet in my business, but give me a quarter million, which is a tough pitch. It’s like all you’re excited man and energy. And I convinced 23 got people to give me 1.5 million bucks at the time. So it was my first kind of crack at it. And in that moment I felt like I was literally the king of the world. If you were to go back

To that, it’s a hard time to start a live event business. I know FCC regulations were coming out, people were getting shut down left and and you’re trying to walk in when everybody’s going out of business.

And at the time I tried to pitch the big companies that were in the space, the 800 pound gorillas, and I wrote down some of the rejections. One of the rejections was this one company was producing at a high level. And I remember him turning to me and says, you know what I’m doing right now? Why do I need you mean absolutely nothing to me? Right?


And I went back home and I wrote that down in my journal, like, okay, that’s a chip on my shoulder I’m going to go after. And it was, it’s a very difficult business to run and it’s tough, but for me, I was like, I was CEO even on my LinkedIn. So I had CEO, I had 1.5 million. I could show you my bank and I could show you the spreadsheet. And I had this small team of people I built in 2009 during a hard time and during a difficult regulators and everything else. So it was a very amazing time in that short period of time.

And Kevin O’Leary says, in business, poo poo happens. And for me in the next 12 months, poo poo happened in everything I did. It doesn’t matter what mistake anyone is watching is made. I’ve probably made something similar. You’ve made mistakes in business, we’ve all failed miserably at times. And I failed miserably for the next 12 months. My first was David Bach, paid him 70 grand to speak for 30 minutes on a big stage. I did direct mail pieces where you ship them, us snail mail, my mail hit a week after the event. Oh no. So that’s not a good thing. So you’ve done promotion. Imagine standing up there, you have him pulling up in the limo. You have a hundred, let’s call it a hundred people in a room with 500 chairs in it, and you want to dig a hole and jump in there and bury yourself, right? It’s miserable. Miserable.

Oh man. Well, I mean at least he got a 70 grand I guess. But that’s not good for you, Brandon.

I was like out of anything, that’s a great gig, right? Hey, I’m going to start charging 70 grand to speak for 30 minutes. That’s when your brands hit an all time high. That’s right. Some of these guys charge 250 grand, 500 grand for an hour. That’s the power of branding and marketing.

So long story short is I lost the 1.5 in 12 months gone. I remember it was on a Thursday night. And the reason why I remember that is because payroll is due on Friday and I have 2,500 bucks in the bank down from 1.5. And during this time there’s people who have faith and confidence in you that you’ve built this business based on you have 23 people that gave you hard earned dollars from them thinking that you would perform. And you have all these employees that are banking on you and their families are banking on you. And it was very painful because that Friday I had I wake up and tell people I didn’t have enough to cover payroll. And that’s a miserable, hard thing. A lot of people talk about pain and we want to solve problems, but there’s a difference between problem and pain. So my problem is I had a failing business, but my pain was literally in fetal position, miserable pain

Thursday night. I wasn’t, was lying next to my wife is staring up at the ceiling all night long, not sleeping a wink, and I’m praying for a miracle on Friday. Miracle doesn’t come. I go to lunch, I’m sitting at lunch with my business partner. We’re like, Hey, have we overturned every rock? And we found anything? Is there any other place? The money at this point is gone. I’ve hocked my house, my cars finally, I’m like, there’s nothing left. So I get a call from my controller and she’s like, Hey, hey Sean. I found three grand in petty cash in the safe. I was digging through what do you want me to do with it? And I was like, Hey, hang on to that money. And I drove literally, I screeched my tires, I drove to the office, I picked up the three grand, I drove back to the bank, I deposited the money, it cleared immediately and I cut checks for each individual on my team and I still remember the color of the check and the shade and I signed the check and I went back to my office and I had literally a contract handed each member of my team that check and that’s how close I made payroll.

And I had, if we’re all just really laying it out there, we’ve all had many more of those that we could tell those war stories is what we signed up for as entrepreneurs. But there is a lot of pain involved that people don’t talk about. You see all the success and guys flying in jets and the high flying stuff and that’s great. I love success. But to me the real story is business and all the pain and the stuff you go through. So I realized from that experience that the pain, because of the pain, I wanted to make a change and the change I start, I wanted to make that Friday. I didn’t want to go through it again Friday the next week.

And so I did two things. Number one is I hired some salespeople. I convinced a couple of my friends to leave their job at night and come sell for me on Monday that next week somehow my first sale was Wednesday enough to make payroll for Friday. I love good salespeople. They get a bad rap. There’s great salespeople, there’s bad sales, but there’s good operators, bad operators. And then the second thing I did is I said at the time I was knee deep in crocodiles just trying to run this business. I was not building relationships like this and I wasn’t going to networking things and I wasn’t reaching out to my own network. I had my head in the sand and I had no time for anything else, and that’s probably why I failed so bad. So I said from then on in, I vowed to build relationships and I built relationships with two individuals that became my partners. They were far better at business than me and built this infrastructure, brought in relationships, and we went on this run and I was able to pay off the 1.5 plus interest to all the investors and we went on this crazy run, but it was only because of relationships. So I have this deep love for relationships and building that and business experienced it firsthand.

It’s fascinating you mentioned that because I remember experiencing the same thing. I know we talked about it in your office when we were there, but I remember just going through so much scarcity and being so absorbed with my problems that I almost didn’t want to create relationships. I didn’t want to talk to other people. I thought, you know what? I don’t want to get my negativity all over ’em. Like I had some disease on me, I was lepar or something. I was like, I don’t want to spread that. So I just, I’ll just figure my crap out and then once things are better, then I’ll open up to relationships and get out and be social. And that was probably the worst thing I could have done.

Amen to that. You’re exactly right. You don’t even want to be bothered. You’re in such a bad mental space. But it’s probably why we just keep spiraling. It doesn’t help your cause to sit around and not engage with others, not build relationships and not even unpack things. There’s so many benefits of, I go to a men’s group every other week and we just unpack our stuff, whatever’s going on in our head and all that stuff is just so much benefit and impact that it makes in your life.

For sure. Well, I mean for anybody who might be struggling, what would you recommend for them right now?

Yeah, so to me it’s like what’s your plan of action? Because sometimes the fear and the hard times will freeze you and it keeps you from moving forward. So I always tell people going through it, it’s like, Hey, what is it? Just make a list, start going down your list. There’s a lot of struggling people out there and struggling businesses in this market, and the ones who really take action and get a start are the ones that are going to have success. The most common thing I hear all the time is once this is right, once I have, I will give you an example. This girl named Demi, she’s a, she’s been thinking about doing a podcast for years. And so I was meeting with her a couple months ago. I was like, Hey, tell me about your idea, your podcast. Like, oh, it’s Demi in your cup and it’s like this, I’m going to talk to my dad and have millennial conversation, these awkward things in front of my dad.

I was like, that’s a great idea. How long have you been thinking about it? She’s like, oh, a few years now. A few years. Well, what are you waiting on? Oh, I need the right technology. I’m waiting to get the right cameras. I’m waiting to get the right production and all this stuff. And I was like, yeah, it’s what I hear all the time. So I was like, Hey, you know what it is, it’s the start that stops you, so why don’t we just get your start where your focus goes, your energy flows. Let’s pull out the calendar. So she did. She’s like January 25th is when she came in with her, Deb and did her first podcast in my office and got her start and now she’s done four episodes and now she’s like, oh, I want to put it here, I want to put it there. It’s like, and that’s how it is. It’s like how many times do you hear that? It’s like I’m waiting until things are just perfect before I do something.

That’s right. It’s funny, we just had our 10th anniversary of this podcast, keep forgetting to say happy birthday to our podcast, but we just had our 10th anniversary in early April. Congrats. And I remember it launched, I believe it was on a Tuesday, but the previous Friday I was talking to a friend, some people may know him, sat Gali. I was actually chatting with him a little bit and I was telling him how much fun I had being interviewed on somebody else’s podcast and how I used to do a podcast before but hadn’t done it for a few years. And he’s like, why don’t you just do it now? And I remember thinking, yeah, why not? And I removed every obstacle it could possibly be. I thought, alright, I’m going to start with blog talk radio, which we still produce it through today. I was like, I’ll start it there, paying 39 bucks a month and I’m just going to do audio only. At least that’s easier. I don’t have to get a camera. I just did the audio for really three from 2014 through 2020. Well end of 2019 there was no video, it was just audio, but I mean it was out in four days, four or five days later we have the podcast released. So it can be that easy but done. How many episodes have you to get in our own head?

Yeah, how many episodes have you done now?

Well now we’re over 800 episodes. Yeah.

Yeah. You told me that in the office, like 800, I have my own podcast, I’ve done 30 and I felt like, man, that’s a lot of podcasts. But when you said 800, I was blown away. You think about how much value you provided for people in that 800 podcast is amazing. It’s a huge accomplishment.

People got to watch me go from no beard to beard. I mean that’s how long it’s been going.

Transformation. Yeah, I love it.

Well, let’s talk about where you are today because obviously you become an investor in tax hype. How did that come about?

I met Kevin 15 years ago and I literally, he lives in Toronto and I had the 30 minute meeting set up. I mean if you’re ever around someone who is so tight with their schedule, you feel like a slacker. He’s that person he’s scheduled on the half hour is like everything is efficient. So I literally had

15 years ago, that’s right when Shark Tank was starting to come out.

So he had been in the show for I think a couple of years at that point. So maybe call it 12, 13 years ago is when it was in that range. We set up an appointment, I had a 30 minute session booked and I had a fly out to go meet with him in person and I flew out, it was the middle of winter, he lives in Toronto and I flew up there and it was below zero and I was at a Marriott two blocks from his office and my head was literally frozen. I’m like, I’m going to mess this thing up. And I stepped into a bank to warm my head up, just I have to be on, I have 30 minutes to pitch this guy. And the pitch was, Hey, let’s get you on live events.

And I still remember just thinking, what are these sharks? What’s a day as a shark on that show? I can tell you the answer is they get pitched every hour if one of those sharks goes to, I’ve gone to the mall with Kevin, I’ve seen him get pitched at the mall 30 times between his car and getting his computer fixed and it sounds like this, Hey Kevin, what about this? Hey Kevin, what about that? I want to, Hey, I got this for you. I mean, it’s the most insane thing I’ve ever seen. The second they see a shark, they want to go pitch him. So I was like, I knew this. And I was like, you know what? I’m not going to go pitch this guy. He gets pitched all the time. I would rather turn the tables and try to make him kind of tell me what he really wants and then I’ll show him how we fit.

It’s Steven r Covey, seek to understand them and then to be understood. So my first question, I sat down and said, Kevin, I’m obviously a fan of show. I’m fan of you. I’ve seen all this stuff. Tell me where your brand is going in the future and where do you want take it? And then he unpacked all of his stuff instead of me saying, Hey Kevin, here’s my ecosystem at tax, at our live events at the time. Here’s where you can fit into my world. I was like, Hey, I want to see what your world is. And he started all of his ecosystem at the time he was running for Prime Minister of Canada. And in my mind I’m like, I do live events and I could do live events in Canada and help him promote. And then he had a book that he was coming out.

Oh, so I’m just plugging in, these are all the things that he’s unpacking that are important to him. And then that answer was like 45 minutes. His answer was 45 minutes. I knew everything about what he has focused on. So we went way past that. We ended up, he put his stuff off and we ended up going like an hour and a half because the end was, Hey Kevin, I love your vision and where you’ve taken in the future. This is how we can fit into your world. We can support you here, here, here and here and this is how we do it and we’re not going to take much of your time and this is your schedule and you’re already flying somewhere. We’ll book you on a live stage of where you’re flying. You can promote there. So it was a close and then we worked together for years and years and years, did many events together and that’s how we built the initial relationship.

And then now you eventually go from speaking business to Tax Hive. Where did that come in?

So Covid kicks in, we’re not doing live events. It decimated the live events kind of space. We went through all that, so we don’t have that business anymore and we’re like, Hey, who do we have a great relationship with? Who is an entrepreneur brand out there that is a household name Kevin. And so this pitch was different. We sent him a text and said, Hey, where are you going to be? We want to go through a business with you. He is like, Hey, I’m in Scottsdale, Arizona this day come out. So we came out and numbers are so important as you see, if you don’t know your numbers, you’re dead to me kind of thing. So we, especially our CEO, Chris, you met Chris, he memorized the numbers inside and out. He was stressed because a lot’s writing on this and a lot of people that watch the show is like, Hey, how do I pitch another person to build a relationship? There’s a lot riding on it. If you can actually get the deal, you can get massive return on marketing and spend and everything else. And so lot’s writing on it. Chris gets up to do the pitch and Kevin stops him like five minutes in and said, I’m in, let’s do this. And so he became an initial investor and also a partner in tax side. So Kevin is the face and the brand and equity owner in tax side and he’s been an incredible partner.

Incredible. He didn’t just from what I’ve heard in the story, he didn’t just say I’m in, he said, that’s enough. I know who you guys are, whatever it is I’m in. Right?

Yeah. And I think it was because we did have that relationship with him for years and he saw how we operated business and we had a great relationship and it was because of that we had this emotional bank account and we were able to take a withdraw. He knew it wasn’t like we had to tell him exactly. We didn’t have to tell him who we were. He knew all of us very well and know our families, everything else. So for sure.

That’s awesome. And with tax side, what would you say is your guys’ superpower?

Yeah, so a lot of business owners, when you’re a W2 person, which we usually, most people start out at some point W2 and you’re going to go leap out is Elon Musk calls it into the abyss, right? You go to the edge of the Abyss two glass. So you go from W2 to 10 99 or business owner, that’s a big leap, but no one sits you down and says, Hey, as a W2 person, you can take up to 10 deductions. The HO Code tax code is not written for the W2 person. There’s only a couple that people end up taking tax. A business owner you can take up to 1400 plus deductions. There’s a whole treasure chest, but no one sits you down and says, Hey, you could take up to all these things. So most people go into it just thinking there’s only a few different deductions that you can take.

Well, the whole code is written to increase GDP and have these businesses actually be successful. So what makes us really good is we will help a small business owner jump in there and find out, Hey, what can you actually qualify in deductions? Start stacking up the deductions that you could work on for next year’s taxes and be proactive in their approach for taxes. And you can save a small business owner, 10 grand bigger business owners and the hundreds of thousands in potential savings that you should put that money back into your business product development people and expand your business. That’s where the money belongs and that’s how the code’s written. So we’re good at doing tax planning, bookkeeping, and we file taxes. Those are the three services.

And I noticed also you guys are great with continuing education too, really educating somebody who I know with a lot of our clients, if they’re just setting up corporations for the first time, if they get an accountant, you know how they are, they’re usually passive. They just say, give me your numbers and there, there’s your tax bill. But you guys, not only do you just help ’em figure out how do we save literally tens of thousands if not more in taxes, but then you’re also educating and saying, Hey, here’s how you protect yourself. Here’s how you make sure you have the right entities in place. How do you make sure that you are taking all these deductions? I mean, you guys are really offering a lot of education in your space.

Yeah. Kevin’s a big believer in the financial education. He feels like there’s a famine out there of financial education. He spends a lot of his time educating the population, and it’s a core value that we believe it’s our tax high community. We do live trainings in person, which you were at, which you’re a member, which is awesome. And then we do online trainings that are live and we try to provide as much value all based around tax element, but also other elements that business owners that need to understand in order to scale their business.

What would you say is the number one mistake you tend to hear or see when people do show up and they’re like, holy cow, my mind’s blown. What is it usually that people say is the big thing that they get from you?

Yeah, so I think what we see is there’s a great book called Who Not How Dan Sullivan. Yeah, excellent read and essentially as we as entrepreneurs ask the wrong question all the time, which is like, how do we do this? We’ve been successful to a degree, so we’re like, I could do that. How do I do that? How do I do that? And we end up becoming a bottleneck and we end up fizzling out and it’s too tough. You can’t be everything to everyone. What I see most commonly with business owners is they just say, Hey, how do I do that tax stuff? I’ll go figure it out. I’ll go do a tax service that’s online and just figure it out myself because I’m an intelligent person. What we see in that scenario is massive mistakes and problems. They’re not taking even the basic ones correctly. They’re not doing the car, they’re not buying the car, right? All this little stuff just because they’re trying to figure it out themselves. We like being the who, so it’s nice just being able to say, Hey, you are my who to help me go save money in taxes and do it right and in a compliant way and let me focus on just doing my business. That’s number one every time.

Well, and I’ll say for my own personal thing going through it, I know I probably drove your guy nuts, honestly, like do you know about this one? Yes, I do. Do you know about this one? Yes, I do because I’ve been teaching some of these same strategies. But then he asked the next question, are you doing it

Right? Yeah, yeah.

You got 5 billion kids. How much are you paying them? Almost nothing. He’s like, you could be writing off a hundred grand a year. Why aren’t you doing that? I’m like, honestly, we teach it. But then I get myself caught in the loop, I’m confused. I’m like, wait, who needs to have the corporation? Who doesn’t? And then how do we pay them? The little nitpicky details? I’m like, that’s what I need. I need that little bit of guidance, that handholding versus just knowing the concept. I need to know the actual practical implementation of it, and that’s a big distinguishing factor I noticed for myself.

Yeah, that’s great. I think that’s a great insight right there. A hundred percent. We know we’ve heard of them, but how many people actually can implement, but like you said, a hundred thousand, are you like, how much can you actually save if you implement

At my tax bracket a lot?

That’s awesome, man. I love it.

Yeah. Well, this has been great, Sean. So if people do want to learn more about Tax Hive or follow you, what’s the best way to do that?

Yeah, so if you go to tax, there’s a blueprint offer there. The blueprint basically asks you 17 questions. It’ll actually just send you an email on ways that you can start saving money right now. We built this whole tech platform to be able to provide tons of value for people. That’s the best way to engage. Just go fill out the blueprint and it’s going to ask you those questions and it’s literally going to spit you out a report. Hey, these are some areas. Sometimes it’s like you just don’t know some, you just don’t understand, Hey, there’s all these other ones out there. Lot of ’em aren’t like you, where you’ve actually taught it and you understand the concepts. Most people don’t understand the untapped resources. So the blueprint helps send you down that path and identifying areas that you can start with right now, saving money.

Love it. Awesome. Well be sure to put tax in there and make sure people actually go and do the blueprint. That’s very important. So yeah, appreciate that. That’s really valuable. Good value add to have there too. Awesome. Well, Sean, this has been great. I know we went longer than usual, but man, you’re just this huge trough of wisdom that we got to take a drink out of. So really appreciate you being on today.

Thank you so much, Chris. I appreciate you. It is turned into a fast friendship and I really appreciate it, and I love what you’re doing and your whole mission and is awesome. So honored to be a part of it.

Yeah, likewise. Well, everybody, if you’ve got anything from this like I did, it is about relationships. It’s who not how Those relationships, that support network you have, whether you’re struggling or succeeding, you need that. You need other people. You need that help to help you get to a different level. Again, we don’t want just ordinary results. We want extra ordinary results that requires you to do extra ordinary things that most people don’t do. So guys, be sure to take action on that. Go visit text and make it a wonderful process week, and we’ll see you later.