Should You Copy Successful People? | 367

  To Model or Not to Model Successful People. Are many gurus practicing what they preach? Does ‘Finding someone successful and copying them’ work? The answer will shock you. Is the Guru model outdated? What are the Keys to Success? Chris Miles, the “Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor,” is a leading authority on how… Continue reading Should You Copy Successful People? | 367

Little Money To Invest? | 365

  Have you ever asked, “What can I invest in when I don’t have a lot of money?” When you get extra cash, what do you usually do? Pay off a loan? Save it? Invest? Party? Chris gives you his winning formula for building a strong financial foundation and investing, even if you have little… Continue reading Little Money To Invest? | 365

Are You Sabotaging Your Freedom? | 366

  What’s your next “thing” after you hit your cash flow goal and can retire? What is your legacy or bigger purpose? Are you sabotaging your financial freedom because you don’t know what your “next” is? Chris shares some pointers based on his personal experiences. Chris Miles, the “Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor,” is… Continue reading Are You Sabotaging Your Freedom? | 366

The Power of Now | 364

There are lots of opportunities. If you miss one, remember there is another one coming. However, you have to balance that against procrastination, where you miss opportunity after opportunity… Don’t Let Emotional Scars Mess with Your Mind and Your Financial Future! You do not have to go for everything all at once. You can grow… Continue reading The Power of Now | 364

What Should We Learn From The Coronavirus? | 379

Is the Coronavirus the wake up call you need? Is Cornavirus going to start a modern Great Depression? How do you prepare yourself when something negative happens? Are you relying on the stock market to create your financial future? Is it too risky now? The Key to Freedom is revealed in today’s show. Listen on… Continue reading What Should We Learn From The Coronavirus? | 379

AirBNB Investing – Fad or Long Term Real Estate Play? – Chris Miles, Money Ripples | 378

  Do you need to own property to leverage AirBNB investing? How much do you need to invest? What skills do you need? AirBNB can 3-5x your cashflow! Kyle Stanley shares real life examples of houses he rents out on AirBNB. He brings in $800 to $1200 a month net on one AirBNB. http://www.fearlessflipping.comairbnb… Tune… Continue reading AirBNB Investing – Fad or Long Term Real Estate Play? – Chris Miles, Money Ripples | 378