Best Podcast Episodes Of 2022 | 773

MORI 773 | 2022 Best Podcast Episodes

It’s that time again for our top 10 episodes of 2022! Which ones were YOUR favorites?

Chris Miles reveals Money Ripples’ Top 10, and which ones you might have missed out on. Find out what they are now!

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Best Podcast Episodes Of 2022

Welcome to the show that’s for you, those that work so hard for your money, and you want your money to start working harder for you. You want that freedom of cashflow today, not 30 or 40 years from now, if you are even alive then, so you can have that life that you love with those you love. Most importantly, it’s not about getting rich. It’s about living a rich life because as you are blessed financially, you have a greater capacity to bless the lives of others.

Thank you for allowing me to create this ripple effect for you over the last 8 and a half-plus years, going on for 9 years now. Happy holidays to all of you as well. I’m excited about this. Happy New Year is coming up. As a result, we are going to talk about the top episodes of 2022, the ones that you loved, at least based on those of you that tune in to this show.

It’s a little bit different with the YouTube videos now. Based on your downloads, we are going to talk about those top ten episodes today. As a reminder, go to our website. If you want to create an amazing 2023 and improve your life now when you have more passive income today, not 30 or 40 years from now, but right now, go check out our Cashflow Calculator at today.

I talked about how it was going to be the top ten episodes. We are even going to throw in a few honorable mentions as well. It’s hard to do this because when you get those episodes from early in 2022, they are going to have more downloads. That’s why I threw in some of these honorable mentions that you liked a lot more than even some of the other episodes.

I’m excited to share that with you today and invite you to go check out these different episodes on your own as well, whether you do this directly through BlogTalkRadio, Apple, or iTunes. You can even find them on YouTube. I will give you the episode numbers and everything. I’m pretty impressed, and in some cases, surprised by which ones you liked the most. Let’s dig into that right now.

Number ten came up earlier this year. Fernando Angelucci joined us to talk about self-storage, specifically how COVID and everything going on recently affected self-storage. As an update to this, it is interesting. I was talking to self-storage operators these last few weeks earlier this month. I will tell you, self-storage is an amazing opportunity right now. Fernando talked about that. In episode number 570, he talked about how COVID has affected it, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Check that episode out.

Number nine was one that we’ve referenced before in several of our interviews. This one was talking about the Minnesota couple that has hopes for financial freedom. It is episode number 580. This was the couple, Joel and Michelle Ostrom. Shout out to you, guys. I know you tune in to the show as well. I had them on talking about their experiences. In fact, they were clients of ours that started to create more passive income for the sales and create financial freedom. They are getting pretty close to doing it. They are almost out of the rat race even today. That was an exciting one to have there at number nine. Check out number 580, How this Minnesota Couple Has Hope of Financial Freedom.

Number eight, this one is episode number 584. It is a few episodes later. It’s talking about how to turn $1,500 into $1 million with Airbnb. We had Lazaro Vento on this episode in particular. We were talking about his experience of how his $1,500 turned into $1 million. It was the beginning of an empire with Airbnb rentals. I know many of you are excited about Airbnb and want to know how to do that. Check that episode out. There are some pretty cool tips and tricks on how he did it in a matter of years. Check that out.

Number seven is episode number 575. It was with me. It wasn’t the guest this time. It’s amazing because the guest often will get more attention from you. I’m not offended. Honestly, that’s why I bring on guests. I’m happy to know that at least I made the top 10 for at least 1 episode. This is number 575, Are You Going to Be Able to Retire, where I got blunt and in your faces a little bit to say, “Can you do it? Is that possible given all the headwinds you have coming at you right now?”

It is a very important episode. I would recommend reading number 575, Are You Going to Be Able to Retire. As you are going into 2023, that should be the question you should ask yourself. Even if you are younger and you think maybe you’ve got time, look at the people that we’ve had on this show that have been in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s saying, “I did everything right and it didn’t work.” We dive into that. Are you going to be able to retire doing the things you have been doing? Check out number 575.

Number six was one that came in later in the year. It was episode number 588 with John Briggs, who’s a CPA talking about the tax strategies to help you save big. I know this one was a popular one. I’m not too surprised because who doesn’t love saving money on taxes? Especially at this time of year, some of these strategies might be too little too late if you didn’t go back and binge that far back. There were some great tactics you could use to help save on taxes.

The great thing is that a lot of these strategies he’s talking about are more evergreen. I’m not saying they are going to be true forever but these are tax strategies that I had heard them teach even ten years ago. These are great strategies you can use, especially for a business owner. If you are a business owner, you’ve got to check out this one. It is episode number 588, which is Tax Strategies to Help You Save Big with John Briggs.

We are getting to the top five. Here we go. This is episode number 574, How to Tax Free 1031 Transfer into Multifamily Syndications with Stephanie Walter. This one, I have forgotten about but I know for you, this was a big topic with many questions around 1031 exchanges, how we take the equity from a property and move that, particularly in this case, into a multifamily.

Whether you got single-family properties or multifamily properties, it is taking the equity out and moving over tax-free into multifamily, at least fourplexes or even bigger. You are talking about small apartments or even large apartments. Stephanie Walter talks and teaches us about how to make that work. If you are in a place where you’ve got a lot of equity in your properties, that would be the one to check out, which is episode number 574.

Number four, which is a few episodes later, is number 577. This one’s How to Invest When Inflation is Killing Your Savings. I made it to the top five. There was another one of my episodes, which is How to Invest When Inflation is Killing Your Savings. I’ll tell you. I will give you a little follow-up bonus tip on this one. This is a great episode talking about what are inflation, not a resistant type of investment but an inflation-friendly type of investment. When you are buying real assets, that’s the case.

I will tell you as a follow-up, though. It’s not a bad thing to have cash on hand. Many times, people think, “Inflation is killing my cash, deploy, and everything.” I’m seeing a trend right now where people got a little too aggressive. They went a little bit too much on the offense versus keeping their defense in place, deploying every dollar they have. When something starts to happen, whether it’s an emergency that happens with their own personal income, business income or investments, they feel cash-strapped. I’ve had a few people that have reached out saying, “I’m feeling cash strapped currently,” especially as the economy is starting to take a little corner here, not for the better but for the worse.

I would add that cash is not an enemy. In fact, cash might be one of the best places to store money. It doesn’t mean you don’t invest. I’m saying keeping a good amount of cash on hand would be good if you are trying to fight inflation, which is going on right now. Check out number 577, How to Invest When Inflation is Killing Your Savings.

Keeping a good amount of cash on hand would be good if you're trying to fight inflation, which is going on right now. Click To Tweet

We are in on top three. Number three is number 572, How to 4x Your Money in 5 Years with Raw Land with Brent Bowers. Raw land’s always a fun topic. This one got a lot of attention. In fact, these top three were close to each other. They were within votes and a few downloads from each other. It was this close. This one was a big one that you liked. It’s how to invest with raw land or even how to quadruple your profits. Number 572 is How to 4x Your Money in 5 Years with Raw Land with Brent Bowers. Check that out.

We are hitting close to number one. Number two, this one was with my good buddy, Michael Marcial. This is episode number 576, The One Thing to Make More Money in Less Time with Your Business. What is that one thing Michael shares? This one is great, especially if you are moving to 2023. Especially if you are a business owner, this is a must-read. Michael Marcial has built many companies for himself but he has also helped others build their companies, too. He gives some good sound advice. Check that out. Number 576 is The One Thing to Make More Money in Less Time with Your Business. We want more free time, not less.

For the honorable mentions, we will talk about some of these. These were the ones that had a lot of downloads. They weren’t in the top ten but if you had given them a course of about a good year, it probably would have been in the top ten. One was number 608. This one is How to Become Successfully Unemployed with Dustin Heiner. It’s a topic of how to become successfully unemployed and how to fire yourself. Especially when you are talking about firing yourself, whether it be from your job or from your business, there are great tips here from Dustin.

I saved this one for 600 on purpose. It’s How This Entrepreneur Made $600M Working 5hrs a Day. This is with Trevor Blake. I thought this topic had to be episode 600, especially because he made $600 million working for five hours a day. Who is not going to like that? This is a huge honorable mention. It didn’t make the top ten but it was so close.

Number 625 is The 3 Lessons That Helped Me Become Financially Free Before I Turned 29. This is one of my own episodes talking about how my path to financial freedom happened. People always ask, “How did you do it?” Go check that out. It is number 625, The 3 Lessons that I learned about how to become financially independent. Number 649 is How Can You Use Infinite Banking in Your Business? It came out this last fall and already was one of the top episodes. This was no surprise, especially when you have guys like Walt Disney that have used this.

We’ve had JCPenneys and GEs. We have so many companies and many business owners that have done this already. I talk about, even on a smaller scale for a small business owner, how to use this in your business, even if it’s a side hustle, how to use infinite banking to be able to get your money to pay you twice within your business.

MORI 773 | 2022 Best Podcast Episodes
2022 Best Podcast Episodes: Even if you’re a small business owner, you can use infinite banking to be able to get your money to pay you twice within your business.


We then have number 656, Achieve Better Results FASTER with Blaine Oelkers. This one got a lot of downloads in a short time. That’s followed by number 666, Why This Couple Still Create Passive Income Even When They Don’t Need it with Jared & Amber Smithson. It came out earlier this month and has already become one of our top-hitting episodes. Check out some of those.

We are going to number one. The number one episode was with one of my dear friends and mentors. Someone that I put on my list of people that I admire is Jason Medley. He talked about how to form an elite mastermind group. He’s a guy that has helped set up the mastermind group I’m part of, what it’s called The Collective Genius. It is especially focused on real estate investors. You get a lot of these high-level wholesalers and flippers, and then some other people, too, in the real estate space.

He is an amazing guy. He gave some good tips on how to build a community. At number 578, it was the top downloaded episode of the year 2022. I invite you to check that out from my good friend Jason. We have many of my friends that are on here. We have people that we love to interview and even people that you surprised us with. You wanted that value.

I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to 2023. It’s going to be, I know, for us, the best year ever. We’ve passed our tenth anniversary. We have seen so many great things. Even in 2023, this gives us seven years to help you, which is why this show exists. We are helping at least 1,000 of you and your families to become financially independent by the year 2030. We’ve got seven years left. Several of you have already done it. Several of you have already reached out, started to take action, and have done it today. I am so excited because I’ve seen many of you hit that place.

I recently talked with one of my clients. He hired us about a year ago. The exciting thing is that he had a slow go. The cashflow wasn’t doing great. He even had a rental. It wasn’t paying well. He was like, “I’m not getting the cashflow. I have some good growth opportunities.” We finally got some cashflow being deployed here in the next few months. By the summer of 2023, he is going to improve his cashflow by over $10,000 a month.

Even though it was a slow go and was trickling in, once he hit past that one-year mark, he is easily on his way to hitting that goal before 2030. I’m super excited for him. He is a young dentist out of Utah. I am super excited for him. Shout-out to you. We keep you anonymous on purpose but you know who you are. I know you tune in to the show, too.

We would love to help serve you and help make your 2023 the best year, especially as we start to see some of the best opportunities show up that we have not seen in years as we start to move into this little reset with the recession. We have a great opportunity to become wealthy. The question is, “Do we take advantage of it or do we let it pass by like the last recession might have passed by for many of us?” The choice is up to you.

As we move into this little reset at recession, we have a great opportunity to become wealthy. The question is will you take advantage of it, or will you let it pass by? Click To Tweet

If you have questions or want to figure out how to do that, visit Send us a message. Book a time to talk with our people. We want to serve you. We want to help you. We want to make more than 1,000 of you financially independent by the year 2030, not to mention that the next few years would be awesome, too. Make it a warm and prosperous new year. We will talk to you later.


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