How to Break the Financial Beliefs That Keep You Stuck with Adam Mortimer

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Meet Adam H. Mortimer: Best-Selling Author, Master Sales Trainer, and innovator. Featured in, GQ Magazine, and ABC News, Adam has a unique approach to growing wealth and living life. He lives by his own personal philosophy, which is “live, give, and love.”

We all want money, but WHY? Your true motivation behind creating wealth must be discovered in order to be successful. Some people spend their entire lives chasing wealth without doing the self-discovery it takes to be wealthy AND happy. Don’t be this person!!!

Wealth is about the emotional payoff- not just the money. So, in this episode, Adam Mortimer and Chris Miles dissect the mindsets that might just help you find happiness and wealth at the same exact time so that you don’t have to choose between the two.

Check it out!

Adam’s Links:



“The Miracle Journal”-

“The Secrets of As a Man Thinketh”-

Listen here or watch on YouTube!


Okay, what are you doing different from everybody else? And I told them, so there’s two key things that I do when I’m trying to shift someone’s behavior. Okay? So you’re after the experience of fulfillment, and that’s what I try to remind people is wealth.

Chris Miles was able to retire twice by the time he was 39 years old, but he’s not content to just enjoy his own financial freedom and peace of mind. Chris wants you to have your own ripple effect so you can live free today. He’s not the financial advisor you expected. He’s the anti Financianal advisor you deserve. He’s jumping behind the mic right now, ready to make waves. Here’s Chris Miles.

Hello, my fellow Ripples. This is Chris Miles, your cashflow expert and anti Financianal advisor. Welcome. I’m going to show that’s for you. Those that work so hard for money and you’re now ready for your money to start working harder for you today. Why? Because you want to be work optional where you work because you want to, not because you have to be able to do what you love with those you love. And even more importantly, not just get rich, but you want to live a rich life because as you’re blessed financially, you never have a greater capacity to create a ripple effect through the lives of those around you. Thank you for tuning in today. Thank you for allowing me to create a ripple effect through you. Hey, as a reminder, if you have not done so recently, follow us on social media anywhere with At Money Ripples.

I don’t care if you’re going on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, we’re all at Money Ripples, so go be sure to check us out, especially where you’ve got some good video shorts and other content you can watch there today. Hey guys. So I was connected with somebody who apparently is in my backyard, lives literally a few miles from my house and never met him, but all things I have to always either go to another mastermind group out of state or somebody else makes an intro that’s kind of local here in Utah. But Adam Mortimer here, this guy is pretty dang fascinating because I know we talk about the one-two punch, right? It is good to have strategies, but you got to have the mindset to go with it. And the one thing that’s cool about Adam is that this guy is, I wasn’t going to say he’s the source, obviously we’re not that old, but when you’re talking about the coach of some of the greatest coaches out there, I mean when you’re talking about Les Brown, you’re talking about these guys like Zig Ziglar, Brendan Bouchard, who’s an old friend of mine and stuff like that when you have these guys.

But this guy meant he really addresses the heart of the mindset that we need to focus on when we’re trying to create more wealth and freedom in our lives. One of his books, bestselling books, it’s called The Secrets of As a Man Thinketh. If you guys have read James Allen’s book as a Man Thinketh absolutely must read. He goes deeper into that very concept, by the way, as a man Thinketh very short read. You could read it in a lunch break. He’s also got his own another book called The Miracle Journal that you guys should check out as well. We’ll be sure to put that in the show notes. So excited to have Adam here with us. Welcome, Adam.

Thank you. I’m excited to be here and I’m excited to know I have a new friend and neighbor close by, so that’s awesome.

I know it’s kind of crazy when you kind of live in your own little island sometimes I’m stuck in my house studio, so you don’t always get out and see the world.

Well, it is springtime in Utah, so now we all start coming out of our hibernation mode.

We get that narrow four week window when weather’s perfect before it goes from winter to sweltering heat, right?

That’s right, that’s right.

Well, Adam, tell us more about you and your story. You even start to go this direction, especially in the personal development world.

Yeah, thank you. Yeah, so when I first started, I actually was coaching finance, and so I’d help people get out of debt and really come up with a financial plan. And I started noticing something really curious that a lot of people, they would invest good money to have a coach, but I noticed a lot of people just not taking action. And as a coach, it really bothered me, right? Because I was like, man, it didn’t sit right with me. I couldn’t sleep well at night that these people were investing all this money and they weren’t taking action. And I really felt responsible for that. And I said, well, I got to figure this out. And so it took me on a journey, a real deep dive into human behavior. Why do people do what they do? Why do people say, yes, I’ll do this, and then they end up not doing it?

And so that really led me on an amazing journey of discovering the mind, the subconscious. I ended up networking with some of the top names in personal development, and we started to really dissect this thing we call the subconscious. And why is it that some people go out there and succeed effortlessly and others seem to struggle? Once we kind of cracked that code, we started achieving some success. In fact, at one point had I had more testimonials coming in personally then the entire financial sales floor, all the coaches combined. And so the management started looking at, okay, what are you doing different from everybody else? And I told them, well, I’m using the subconscious and I understand how it works now, and I understand if you tweak a few things and your self-identity. And I started trying to explain it and their eyes kind of glazed over and they said, well, we don’t know what you’re doing, but it’s working, so just keep doing it. So I said, okay. So anyway, that led me on a journey thousands of students later and here we are today.

I love it. I can guarantee a burning question in people’s minds right now because a lot of the people that are listening, I mean, we’re willing to question the status quo. I mean, obviously we’re teaching people to do something not the mainstream, but it works, right? It’s one of those things where it actually creates real results. But I know a lot of people still live in fear a little bit. For example, you hear people saying, I’m a conservative investor, but I’ve noticed it’s not so much they’re a conservative investor, take crazy risks, gambling their money in the stock market, but really they’re a comfortable saver. They’re comfortable because that’s what everybody else is doing. How does somebody break that mold? How does somebody actually break out of that mindset of here’s where the path everybody’s going down and it’s the road more traveled and more worn down and kind of crappy, but people still keep following it because it’s known. How do people break into something new?

Well, yeah, it’s known, but it’s also part of our conditioning. It’s part of our evolution. We’ve evolved. We are social creatures, and so there’s a piece of evolution where we’ve evolved to kind of follow the herd, and that is a very normal thing. And so first is recognizing this is a real thing, and you might be struggling with it. I mean, recognition is a huge part of it, but I would say it’s very difficult, if not impossible to do it on your own. And this is why I’m a huge advocate for getting a coach, having somebody that understands this help you. Okay, why? Because you don’t know what you don’t know. Your reality is your reality. And so it takes someone outside of your reality to kind of help you become aware of it. I think awareness is key, but also clearing what we call limiting beliefs.

And so how do you get rid of the mind weeds? And we have techniques we would call clearings that you can actually turn off the negative emotion. So there’s two key things that I do, and I’m trying to shift someone’s behavior. Number one is recognize the belief system. What is the belief that’s creating your reality? So once we identify that belief, the second thing is we really want to turn off the negative emotions attached to the belief or the emotions, whatever the emotion is that’s driving that belief. And in this case, it sounds like there’s a fear-based emotion attached to it, right? If I do something on my own, maybe it’s going to make me look weird, maybe maybe someone’s going to laugh at me if I make a mistake or whatever it is. I mean, there’s a million different reasons that people have for why they’re not taking action.

But once we get to that core issue, we turn off the negative emotion. And then the second step is, okay, how do we start to recondition a new identity? And this is a huge thing that I think not a lot of people really understand the power of how you see yourself as it relates to your wealth and your money. And so I like to do a little thought experiment with people where I say, if you were the president of the United States of America right now and you really believed that, how many of your thoughts, behaviors, and results would be driven by that belief? What would you say to that?

Just about everything.

Just about everything. And I’ve asked that question to thousands of people, people give me the same response. Well, like everything, okay, so here’s my next question. Does your current self identity align with the wealth you say you want to attract into your life?

Good one, because if you’re out of alignment, we know that what happens when somebody has a goal here with their wealth, but their self-identity is here, eventually that wealth is going to come back to the identity. And we know this, the famous one that I’m sure everybody knows about is lottery winners. I did a deep dive into studying why is it that 70%, if you imagine that 70% of lottery winners are more broke than when they five years after winning the lottery, 70%. And so it has to do well. What’s driving the behaviors? There’s three core things. Number one is your ideology. Number two is how you see yourself, and number three is pleasure and pain. What pleasure are you seeking? What pain are you avoiding? And so once people start to really do a deep dive and understand why am I doing what I’m doing? And I think this is essential, my personal opinion, I don’t know how you could become long-term successful and make it sustainable without understanding this key piece.

Yeah, that’s a good point. I know to take this into a different realm in the physical realm, I know for me people would say, oh, you’re a marathoner. And at first you say, no, no, I’m not a marathoner. I run, but I wouldn’t call myself a marathoner. But once I remember, I shifted to, I’m not just a marathoner, but I’m an athlete and even get to the point of not quite elite marathoner, but still I’m an athlete and the top percentile, and I started to identify that way. Then it’s like my behaviors had to follow that, right? I had to eat differently. I had to make sure that the workouts were non-negotiable. It’s just what you do because that’s what an athlete does. You had to have that identity. I could see the same thing with wealth too.

Yeah, yeah, that’s exactly right. So what are you identified with, right? Can you see yourself? And it is, like you said, it’s uncomfortable. In the beginning, I had the same experience with being an artist, right? In the beginning, I did this really beautiful piece of art and I put it out there and people are like, wow, that’s amazing. You’re an amazing artist. And it was like, I felt like I had to correct people, like, oh, no, no, no, no. I’m not just messing around. I’m not an artist. That’s not who I am. And then once I started to go, well wait a minute, no, I am an artist and it does, all of a sudden it shifts. Well, then I’m going to upgrade my tools. These are the tools that professional artists use and that’s who I am. And so yeah, you’re right, it does shift everything.

And so that’s always the question is, number one, have you decided to be wealthy? I recommend people write themselves a wealth contract. Have you made that decision? Sign it, put your name by it. Then the second thing is identify with it. What type of person do you need to become in order to achieve that result? If you can do it that way, you’re going to avoid a lot of heartache of going out, making a lot of money, but your identity is still down here. We have a saying, I pity the man whose bank account grows and they don’t, right? So if your bank’s growing but you’re not growing, you’re probably going to be a statistic just like the lottery winners, and that income’s going to come right back down to your mindset.

Good point. And that was going to be my follow-up question is to what degree have you seen with maybe your own clients or associates or people in your life where maybe they weren’t quite doing that, right? They weren’t making that shift. They’re thinking they could grow their money or grow their wealth without the personal growth. Have you seen that? And then also have you seen the opposite where people do increase themselves personally and then the wealth follows? Have you seen that?

Yeah, yeah, of course. I’ve seen both of it. I think that when people try to do things without focusing on the mindset first, it looks like they’re just dragging this heavy weight. And I have seen people get there, but it’s been a crazy, crazy struggle. I mean, my father is one of ’em. He ended up becoming very wealthy, but his whole life, even to this day, he doesn’t think of himself as wealthy. He’s a multimillionaire, but he doesn’t look at himself as wealthy. And so his behaviors still reflect that he has a bank. He’s still broke. Yeah, he’s still broke. He doesn’t really live the way he could be living, and he is in retirement age, but he’s still living like he did before he had the money. And it’s like that shift hasn’t happened yet because it’s one thing to have the money. I see people all the time, they get the money, but they still live like they’re broke.

I have a friend of mine that, again, same situation, multimillionaire, but he lives in squalor. I’m like, why don’t you buy a new home? You could buy many beachfront properties, cash, but he’s living in squalor. He lives in no joke. You go into his home and you’d think it was a college student. He is got the plastic furniture still. So he’s stuck in this poor man’s mentality when he has abundance, but his mindset still just hasn’t caught up to that. And so it’s funny because even if you have the money, if you don’t have the mindset, it’s like they can’t even enjoy the money. So funny about it.

That’s right. Yeah. Actually, we actually just did an episode recently, a three part series about stewardship. We talked about the two in scarcity, which are spenders and savers. They’re both in scarcity. Spenders can never make enough, but the savers can never save enough. They can never pay off their debt fast enough, and they’re always broke mentally. Or the steward says, how can I make the most use of what I have and how can I improve upon it and beautify it and edify it and grow it and multiply it? It’s a very different abundant mentality versus that scarcity mentality.

Yeah, exactly. Have you ever thought, and I talk to a lot of people about wealth and money and what financial independence means to them, because everybody has a different definition, but you hear things, and I’m sure you hear the same thing when you say, well, why do you want the money? And they say, well, Adam, because I want to do what I want when I want to do it. That’s kind of the typical answer you hear. But then I go, okay, well that’s what everybody says. So let’s go deeper. What do you really want? Well, I really want to go to Paris. Okay, well, why? Well, because I want to travel with my family. Why? Well, because I just feel more fulfilled when I’m spending time with my family. So you’re after the experience of fulfillment. And that’s what I try to remind people is wealth is about the quality of your experiences in life.

People get caught up in wealth thinking, well, it’s just about owning the nice house and the big house, nice cars, all that stuff. But it’s like, okay, great. What happens when you have all that now? So it really does come down to how do I influence the quality of my state of consciousness? Ultimately, that’s what everybody’s after. They’re after it because they’re chasing an emotion, an experience. What is the experience? What’s the emotional payoff that you’re after? And what I do is I reverse engineer it instead of waiting to be wealthy. Let’s find those experiences and start to have those types of emotions now. And then once you’re in that space, okay, now what do you want? Okay, well, I want this because, and it starts to help them prioritize it rather than what the Buddhist would call is an empty ghost. And those are the people that just go out there and get money just for the sake of getting money.

And it’s like it’s never enough. You could never satisfy an empty ghost that, right? And I decided early on in my career, I don’t want to create a bunch of money hungry people that are just a bunch of empty ghosts and they’re never satisfied. It’s never enough, and the house is never big enough and the car’s never nice enough, and then it’s just a bunch of people keeping up with the Joneses. That’s a recipe for depression. That’s a very dangerous road to go down. We know where that leads. And so what do I want? I want people to be fulfilled. I want ’em to be happy. I want ’em to understand why are you doing what you do? What are the experiences that you’re after? What are the emotions that you’re after? And then once you dial in on that and start to help them give those experiences, as you know, when your frequency rises, so does your wealth, right? We are magnets, right? Everything in the universe is energy, frequency, and vibration. So what am I drawing into my life? What emotional state am I in? Am I a high vibration person, low vibration person that’s going to directly impact your bank account

To that? Man, this is awesome. Hopefully you wrote down some of this stuff. If you didn’t rewind, you got to go back. You got to write that down. There was a ton of information and just if you can learn how to internalize this, not just listen to it, but internalize it, it’ll change your life for sure. Adam, if they want to follow you, what’s the best way they can do that?

Adam h My website, I’m not big into social media. I’m just not a fan of it just because of, I don’t want to say I’m anti, but I do notice that there’s a lot of mental health issues that are associated with that. So probably the best way to go to my website for people that want to learn more about me, Adam h

Yeah, we’ll definitely put adam h in the show notes as well, in case they’re driving or something like that. They’re listening to this. They can’t write it down. But yeah, this has been awesome, Adam. This is something we’re probably going to have to bring you back. Again, I’m saying I have to bring you back live for some of our events too. So this has been great stuff, but everybody, I’m dead serious. That identity and be able to really shift and align your energy and those vibrations with wealth, with money. It doesn’t matter what strategy you hear about on this show, you’ll screw it up unless that’s done. So guys, be sure that you’re not just going out and trying to do things, but you’re also trying to become the right person so that you can do those things more easily and get better results. So guys, go and make it a wonderful and prosperous week and we’ll see you.