How to Find the Right Coach in ANY Industry

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Investing can be super intimidating, especially when you’re investing in a coach!

You don’t want to waste your time or money by choosing the wrong company or coach, but you also don’t want to sit around waiting for money to grow itself. It can be confusing and challenging. That’s why, in today’s episode, Chris Miles is breaking down the “do”s-and-don’t’s” of choosing a coach in ANY industry.

Join us to hear about Chris’s experience in financial advising (spoiler alert: it wasn’t what he hoped it would be), what to look for in a coach, and what makes Money Ripples different from its competitors. Our top priority isn’t to make money, it is to get you the results you’re looking for!

Don’t miss this educational episode!

You can listen here or watch on YouTube!


So many reasons why people are afraid to invest in coaching is because to be honest, I don’t want to watch 20 hours of videos to try to learn something that our clients will pay less than that upfront. And if you’re really looking to see how do I know if I’m hiring the right coach in any industry, right? I like to find the people that

Chris Miles was able to retire twice by the time he was 39 years old, but he’s not content to just enjoy his own financial freedom and peace of mind. Chris wants you to have your own ripple effect so you can live free today. He’s not the financial advisor you expected. He’s the anti Financianal advisor you deserve. He’s jumping behind the mic right now, ready to make waves. Here’s Chris Miles.

Hello my fellow Ripples. This is Chris Miles, your cashflow expert, an anti financianal advisor, one of the show that’s for those of you that work so hard for your money and you want your money to start working harder for you today, not 30 or 40 years from now, but right now to live that life that you love with those you love, but you’re not just here to get rich, but you want to live a rich life where you can create a ripple effect through the lives of others by blessing them as you prosper financially. Thank you for tuning in today guys. Thank you for allowing me to create a ripple effect for you. And of course, thank you for binging sharing. And guys, thank you for being a part of this movement because that ripple effect cannot happen without you. Thank you for being a part of this today, and thank you for not just being a hero of the word but a doer as well by taking action.

Many of you guys have been reaching out lately. Many of you guys have been working to make your life better so that you know can make lives better too. As a reminder, guys, if you haven’t done this already, we’ve got two YouTube channels you could subscribe to. One is of course the Money Ripples channel where we’ve got lots of great videos. In fact, new contents could be coming out here if you haven’t seen already, it’s already been coming out, so check that out. As well as our max ROI, infinite banking, Chris Miles channel where we have a lot of our shorts and some additional things that you can learn from right now. So check that out. So I actually want to talk about this today because it’s funny where you have conversations with people and there’s been two people I’ve talked to that are actually you guys, listeners like you, just like you guys, where one person’s been following me for a few years, the other one’s been more recent.

However, I actually ran into one of you at the gym, one of you actually, I’m not going to say his name, but he’s listening, he knows who he is, but I ran into him at the gym. He lives in the same town that I do and I hadn’t seen him in over a year, haven’t talked to him much. And I got some updates and it was interesting just as we were talking about a conversation, we were talking about some of the stresses in the real estate market and some of the fears that he’s had because he’s done a lot of real estate investing himself already to create passive income. And as we were talking about it, I started talking about some of the things that I’ve learned over the years and the coaching and things like that. And as I started telling him the different programs that actually had started and how there’s actually other coaching companies, other people that are competitors out there that actually copy our stuff or have been using our stuff for years, specifically the stuff I created for them.

And he’s just like, I never knew that I followed you for years. I never knew you did that. And I told him, I said, honestly, I don’t want to brag. It seemed like I’m bragging because one of our core principles here is humble confidence. We know we’re awesome, we know we’re the best, but we’re not going to beat our chest about it. And he said, honestly, Chris, if you explain it like you did just now, I don’t think anybody would take it as bragging. In fact, I think people need to hear it. And this kind of ties with another email where someone even asked, what do you guys do that’s superior to what other people do? So I mean, if you guys don’t mind, I would actually like to share a little bit more about what we do. I know a lot of you guys are like, I don’t even know what you guys do.

Honestly, you share great content, but I dunno exactly what it is. So simply put, we do two things that I believe that we do best in the industry overall. One is max ROI, infinite banking. If you want an infinite banking policy that actually is the lowest cost, therefore giving you the highest yield, allowing you to have more cash to be able to use the double dip and make money two places at once, or even just to store cash safely so that you can actually make more money versus paying it all to insurance costs. That’s one thing that we do really well. And the second thing is we actually really help guide people and work with them one-on-one side by side and help ’em create a game plan to create passive income in their life. It’s like an anti financianal plan, right? We’re not financial advisors at all, but we more help you do something the opposite.

The more in the alternative investment space, we can create enough passive income where you’re working optional, you work because you want to, not because you have to. Essentially, we help you guys actually implement what’s taught in Rich Dad, poor dad, but actually do it versus just reading a nice little book about it. So that’s really what we do, really helping connect people and strategize with passive investments in the alternative investment space. Things that financial advisor will never help you do. And so let me give you more of my background and what’s led me to where I am today. So if you’re new, just tuning in, you may not know the story, but I didn’t always start out as a financial advisor. I only went into it because I was going to become a business consultant, but in college I realized I should have real life business experience.

And I understand that growing up I was always just taught that money. There was never enough of it. I would hear phrases like, we can’t afford this. What do you think? I’m made of money. Money doesn’t grow on trees, don’t waste this. Eat all the food off your plate. They’re starving kids in Africa and maybe you’ve heard some of these things growing up too, all that stuff. That’s why I became a chubby kid later in life and I had to start doing sports to not be so chubby. And so anyways, I mean grew up believing that you just save everything you can because my dad was an ultra penny pinching saver. Save everything, spend nothing, just live cheap and hopefully you’ll have something now and later as a result, when I started looking for what kind of business should I have, if I’m going to be a business consultant, should I have real life business experience?

The first business that came up was being a financial advisor. I thought, worst case scenario, not only do I learn how to run my own business and become an entrepreneur, which can help me in my business consulting, but worst case, I learned about money. So I started to do that and I loved it so much. I actually dropped out of college. I never finished my degree, dropped out of college and became more of an entrepreneur. I was a hundred percent commission only financial advisor. I was a salesman in suit selling you mutual funds, life insurance, all that kind of stuff. I even talked about doing debt programs and things of that nature. I’ve actually had quite a bit of a variety of experience, but really I was the traditional financial advisor that was series six and 63 in life insurance licenses where I sold you mutual funds and whatnot.

After four years of doing that, I sat down with my father. He actually asked me, he said, Hey, look over my stuff when you going to financially advise me if you’re a financial advisor. And so nervously, I did it because this is the guy that changed my diapers and as I sat down with him, I looked at all his money and he paid off his debt in 18 years, including his mortgage. He had stuffed money in his 401k for years and years getting his match, doing everything Dave Ramsey and all the financial experts teach you to do, including me as a financial advisor. And then I had to tell him the heartbreaking news of Dad, if you want to retire today at 61 years old, you better hope you die in five years because that’s when you’re going to run out of money. And when I didn’t have any good answers for helping him retire, then right then and there, at least not without knowing how long he’s going to live, I was lost.

And a few weeks later, that’s when I ran across my friend Doug. I had trained him to be a financial advisor. He left to go do real estate investing and he’s telling me how he and his dad have partnered on real estate deals. They were flipping properties and whatnot, and his dad had now doubled his income as a professor at the local university and not just from flipping properties, even just lending his money, like getting passive income from investing and things like that from other investors paying him. And I was shocked. I didn’t think it was true. I thought it was too good to be true. There’s no way it could be real. But as I started really research into that world, I started to realize that it was true, especially when my friend pointed out, he says, Chris, how many of your clients are financially free where they don’t worry about money?

Well, none. They all worry about money. Even the ones that’ve had decades of help, they still worry about running out of money in retirement. Hey Chris, well, how many of you guys are financially free not off your commissions, but actually doing these investments you’ve been recommending? And when I was really honest with myself and there was guys working in my office the late 1970s, which was about almost 30 years up to that point, I said, well, none of ’em are financially free. There’s your problem, Chris. So he hit me right between the eyes. I realized that if financial advisors or their clients can’t retire, why would I keep selling this Now I kept doing it for a few more months, but after a few months and getting more into this alternative investment space and having this whole world open up to me, I eventually quit being a financial advisor in March of 2006.

I would never to go back again. I did stay on as mortgage broker with a different company, one that I had used when I was a financial advisor, but then just went on with them independent. And actually I was even a stock coach, so guys know this. I wasn’t just a fan of mutual funds, wasn’t just a fan of the Dave Ramsey. Pay off your debt, be cheap, save everything, and then hopefully someday you’ll have something. I was also a stock trader. I was trading stocks and options and teaching others. I taught a couple hundred people how to trade stocks and options. I knew that world too. I did that for a few years as well, even while I was a financial advisor. In fact, I had to drop my securities license 2005 because they didn’t like me teach people how to trade stocks and options and selling mutual funds.

Even though I wasn’t giving advice, they thought it was just too close. And so I had to drop my license to keep stock coaching. So I know that’s a little known fact that many of you don’t know even if you follow me for years. So I was doing that as well, and I started to see the reality. What were people’s lives really like? I wanted to see congruence. I wanted to see integrity. I wanted to see if people practiced what they preached. And the only place that that happened was in real estate investing. And of course even then there was people that were actively flipping, which isn’t passive, and there was even people creating passive income, but they were gambling with their money, putting with people they shouldn’t have put it with in the first place. So when the recession hit, they lost money. I fortunately didn’t get hurt as much by them, but the repercussions of what was going on in the real estate marketplace did affect me with my own real estate investing.

So long story short, anyways, I lost a lot of money during that time, but to back up a little bit, 2006, I actually had enough passive income coming in that I could retire. I was making about four or $5,000 a month. I only needed 3,500 a month to live. I lived cheap, especially back in 2006. But I was later that year able to have enough passive income from my investments and other streams of income that really I was only spending maybe a couple hours a week working and I had enough money coming in that I was okay. And that was a weird place to be. It was weird because I mean, I just didn’t, I never thought I could ever be retired and financially free when I was 28 years old, especially that young. And it was hard because all my friends were working full-time jobs.

I couldn’t just tell ’em, Hey, stop working so we can hang out in the middle of the day. It was a really weird place to be. And what happened to me, and I’ll share this too, June of 2006, one of the guys I followed, he was actually a former partner of Garrett Gunderson, if you guys know him, I’ve mentioned him on a few podcast episodes. Two of those partners, actually the two senior partners of that old firm died in a plane wreck. They had crashed in a plane wreck right after they were teaching at an event. They were actually the people I was following at the time when I was listening to that am talk radio show about those real estate investors. So when that happened, I went to a funeral of one of ’em, the one that was most influential for me. He was the most charismatic.

Just so you know. Gary Gunderson was not charismatic at all. Nobody even really knew him other than he was like the junior partner. He was the young kid where those guys were in their mid thirties at the time. I was 28 at the time. As I went to that funeral, I mean it was packed to the back of that funeral home, that chapel that it was in. It was a big, big chapel too, just packed with people that were really blessed by the things that he taught. I remember coming home and I canceled the few little stock coaching appointments I had at that time, and I told my ex-wife, I said, you know what? I feel like there’s something more here. I feel like I need to do something. I feel like I have some part in continuing on this legacy that he started. And so I started to create my own thing.

Actually while I was getting to the point where I was able to get out of the rat race myself, which just happened later, that next month, I was also building my own team. I was building attorneys and accountants and people like that. The same thing that I actually have today in my company, money Ripples, where you have those financial people like insurance specialists and people like that. Heck, even now we’ve got more investors and whatnot. I was just starting to get to know some investors. At that time, I was pretty new and fresh. In any case, I was already starting to build my own thing. Well, December, 2006, there’s a meeting called, one of the guys that I was trying to create this partnership with said, you know what? Gary Gunderson called this meeting. He asked me if he a partner in this new company. I told him I wouldn’t come on unless you came along with me.

So I went to that December, 2006 meeting. Garrett laid out his vision of this Freedom Fast Track company, which was the predecessor of the Wealth Factory, and I thought, okay, I see the vision looks cool. It took me till the afternoon. I was the last one to say yes. The rest of the guys were all little groupies. I wasn’t as impressed. I was like, okay. This guy, obviously after the partners died, he was kind of a little bit frantic. He was a little bit lost for a while, but I was like, I feel like this is the right move. So 2007 we launched that company, freedom FastTrack. I was one of the founding members there. Many people don’t know that. So basically I’m kind of the predecessor of the Wealth Factory, one of those, and it was a great philosophy system, but it almost went broke through the recession.

So while I was going broke with my real estate, also our company was going broke. We were nearly bankrupt. Even Garrett J White, if you guys know Warrior Code, wake up Warrior, Garrett White, he’s the one that launched, helped launch Sean Waylon and Lion’s, not sheep. That guy even came on to work with us for about a year and helped mentor me a little bit while I was there too and learned a lot of stuff from him. And then of course, 2009, after all the crap that I went through, I started to learn a lot about cashflow and getting resourceful. I stopped teaching people how to get out of rat race. I was back in it. I was going broke. I was over a million dollars in debt. I just foreclosed in my house by 2009. But in the meantime, I was creating my own system, my own program about cashflow, how to get resourceful, how to find money, how to plug up money leaks.

That was what happened to me. So by the summer of 2009, almost everybody had quit and left. Garrett White was gone, several other people had left or they went broke. It was really just Gary Gunderson, I and one other guy, and really I was the one coaching people and we were kind of looking at each other across the table and pretty soon as we lasted just long enough, I started bringing in my own cashflow process. I started teaching the Cashflow Index. Some people might know that about how you pay off debt more effectively. Yes, that’s mine, not Garrett’s. In fact, Garrett didn’t even learn it until 2010. He had several clients that knew about the Cashflow Index before he knew it because I was teaching all of Garrett’s clients. So I was the financial architect, the head financial architect, teaching all these people. Again, not to say this to brag, but really the cashflow process that Wealth Factory has today is my old process from 2011 and 2012, and it has not changed to this day.

It is the same exact system. So I innovated that system really, Garrett had the philosophy and the principles he would teach, but there was no real meat to it. In fact, that was the biggest complaint we had into 2008 and 2009. There’s no real meat to it. There’s no real financial implementation. In fact, the best that people got was like, just invest in yourself. Invest in your sole purpose, which is kind of a way to say, here, just keep investing in coaching, right? It’s kind of a lame way to do that. So we started bring a real financial process to it that worked and it actually fit within his, I got it to eventually fit within his system so that we had an implementable process, and once that got in place, once we had these chiropractors and dentists coming in, the thing exploded and we went from almost bankrupt to making 5 million in 2010 and so on and so forth.

Well, 2012, we decided part ways. That’s where I talked about the termination letter I got because things were getting a little bit tougher in our relationship between us. I wanted to do more. That wasn’t happening. So we split. So I launched Money Ripples in 2012. I let, I told ’em verbally they can keep teaching all the stuff that I brought to their system. Honestly, the reason I told ’em that is because I thought I was going to outlast Garrett. Funny enough, Garrett actually quit that Wealth Factory is now out on his own retired so to speak. But I actually saw that happening in the future. I said, I will outlast this guy and in fact I will take over Wealth Factory. But then eventually we got to that point where it just wasn’t working. It was clashing, and so we made a good choice. We split part of ways and I’m glad I did.

I think they’re glad they went their way too. I would assume so at least, and that’s what happened. So if you’ve ever heard of Wealth Factory Cashflow Banking, also Wealth Formula Banking is something I brought in 2017 with Buck Joffrey. I co-created that. Really, it was my philosophy that Buck White labeled as Wealth Formula banking. So if you ever talk to guys like Christian and Rod, those are guys. I introduced to Buck to work with him because eventually Buck I got it started and then I said, all right, I’m going to focus on Money Ripples instead. So a lot of the things you see out there, and even recently I was meeting with a guy, awesome guy, if you guys ever follow Caleb Williams, he does Better Wealth. I got to know him as well. We’re talking about, Hey, do we white label the Money Ripple system inside his process?

We started talking about ideas like that because here’s the truth is that in the industry right now, and this kind of goes on with an email I sent to someone who’s been kind of shopping us around and looking at other people as well, I imagine I didn’t ask them which ones, but I imagine Wealth Factory might be one of them, and I told ’em like, Hey, we’ve since innovated a lot since then. The one thing is there’s a lot of systems that if they aren’t copying us, which there are several companies that have started to copy our stuff. Cashflow Index has been taught. I’m starting to find on the internet now. I’m like, wow, it’s being taught primarily. There are some people like Gary Gunderson that are better marketers than I am. Like, yes, I got a podcast in the top one half of 1% of podcasts, but there’s some people out there that have got some really big marketing channels, and so I’m grateful that my stuff gets taught out there, even if it’s kind of like who’s the true rich dad poor dad guy, right?

I know Robert Kiyosaki always, he got a lot of flack because the real rich dad person wasn’t the guy. He said it was a guy that now says, I’m the rich dad. So in some ways it’s kind of like that for me and I didn’t care. I would laugh about it even when I know Garrett tried to claim the Cashflow Index was his or the cashflow process as his, I kind of laugh because I know that they haven’t done anything to it. They were still using my graphics. I created, and by the way, I’m not great at graphics, but he’s still using the same graphics that we created in 2011 or 2012, and I’ve since adjusted it. So the Cashflow Index, I’ve even adjusted over time the cashflow process. I’ve adjusted, and that’s the thing guys, if you’re really looking to see how do I know if I’m hiring the right coach in any industry, how do I know it’s the right person?

I like to find the people that one are the innovators, the people that actually are not just regurgitating some information, and it’s okay if they do, but just know that sometimes when people just copy stuff, they really don’t have the context. They really don’t have that creativity. The one thing I learned working with Garrett is that Garrett’s a great speaker. I would say he’s a much better speaker than I am. I mean, the guy is amazing on stage, but the one thing he doesn’t do is that he doesn’t know how to innovate things that actually generate results. He’s a great philosopher. He writes great books. I hate writing books. He loves it, and I think here through the grapevine, he might be writing another one, which is awesome. I love the fact he writes books because honestly, some of you guys find us because he writes books, and so there’s people that are great markers out there that teach stuff, but remember, they’re not the innovators.

Innovators are the ones that are always trying to become better. They’re always trying to, in my opinion, I’m always trying to build the better mouse trap. Just remember that the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to get results is to hire a coach or a mentor to help you do it. That is the best way to do it. That’s why I don’t go just buy people’s online coaching programs, right? Because let’s be honest, I don’t want to watch 20 hours of videos to try to learn something that I could go to somebody, one-on-one, pay a higher price. I will pay a much more premium price. Have somebody coach me one-on-one to say Here, what do I need to do in my situation right now? Cut through the fluff. What do I need to do? Yes, I know I need to have basic education, and there’s a lot of times I will at least get the basic education that they require me to have.

I’m like, skip all the stuff that I might already know. What do I need to know and then implement on for this to work? And yeah, it might require me to go back to their online videos from time to time, but I love hiring mentors that I know are innovators, that are creators, they’re producers, not just copiers or imitators. I don’t want those people, those people that just copy or imitate, oh man, I’ll tell you, they just fall flat. They just fall short. They never had that depth of experience to call from to really help you in that situation. This is why many of those companies, including companies like Wall Factory, have stopped doing the coaching process. The one-on-one process is gone. They are really just doing their education. One, it is easier, I’ll tell you that much. It’s a lot easier and it’s a lot cheaper to just offer the education, let people go through it, maybe have an online community.

I always love when people have their own mastermind groups. Someone just told me recently that I was looking at our company that they want to pay 24,000 a year for a mastermind group that really just has a community of people that are like the blind leading the blind, promoting their potentially risky investments, and they might have some in their little repertoire. They have their own little investment portfolio operator list that they have to pick from. But really even then, it’s like you’re gambling big time to pay a lot of money from a yearly membership. Our clients will pay less than that upfront, and the retainer on the backend is dirt cheap in comparison, even compared to getting a financial advisor who just sells you crap. I tell people all the time, we’re not the cheapest, but man, we are definitely not the most expensive. But the thing is that we get amazing results.

The vast majority of people that work with us do get results. I say vast majority, I don’t want to say a hundred percent because there’s one guy about four years ago that decided not to do anything. He had $900,000, didn’t invest it at all, didn’t do anything, got zero results. If you don’t take action, surprise, you don’t get results. And so we let him go. We’re like, alright, you’re out of here. See what’s funny. Just recently one of his friends in another mastermind group just hired us and he knew about that too. He knew he hired us, but that guy still said good things about us, which I appreciate. So even though he’s one of the few people that never got any results, he didn’t do anything. At least he still talked nicely about us, which I appreciate. And that’s the thing. That’s another thing I said is a difference, and again, I’m trying not to sound like I’m bragging, but I mean really we do care deeply.

We really want people to get results. That’s why we have the passive income calculator. Do you realize that that calculator, it is kind of a cool tool to use just to see how much you can create in passive income in the next 12 months or so, but we also use that to screen you to kick you out if you don’t hit at least 15,000 a year on that calculator and we still have to verify the numbers. If you do, we want to make sure that you’re actually qualified to work with us because we don’t want people to hire us and spend all that money to just hire us and not get results. That’s us not cool. There are so many companies out there that will just take your money, teach you good education. Maybe they teach you great education, but it’ll take you years to make that money back us.

We don’t want that to be the case. We want to be able to make their money back as soon as possible. We want people to make way more than they pay us. I want you to become wealthier than we do off of the information and off of the action that you take. And so that’s another thing I think makes us different as well. Not to mention, we have all the network people talk about family offices or whatever. We don’t have a family office. We don’t invest for you. We don’t believe that’s even smart. We believe that we teach in stewardship that you should be a wise steward and learn how to become interdependent with us, if not independent, learn how to actually do the investing, not just be reliant upon everybody to say, Hey, what do we do Now? Granted, I’ve got people that have been paying us on retainer for a decade or longer, but that being said, they do that because they want perspective.

They know what to do. They know almost probably what I’ll say or what our coaches will say, but they really want someone to really help offer that perspective that maybe they don’t see because emotionally involved. So again, we care. We want to make sure we get results and we’ve done a great job having a great track record of results for people. Some have even become financially independent and some do it sooner and some do it later. But I mean we love and relish in the fact that we get people results. That’s something I think is so missing in the coaching industry today. So many reasons why people are afraid to invest in coaching, and I’ve heard from some of you too is because you’ve either one heard about other people hiring coaches that really didn’t do anything, or two, you hired a coach and they were awesome upfront.

They were awesome to get you to buy from them, and then once you bought from them it was like crickets. I think the one thing that shocks people is that we actually communicate. We actually talk to you. They’re even shocked that I’ll even reply to emails and things like that. That will all throw in my perspective. We have a whole community and group too. That’s the thing. We kind of have not really a mastermind. I wouldn’t say a mastermind some people have where they just always do events a couple times a year. We only do one event a year that people can get together and mastermind live, but we have an online community mastermind that people can use. They can ask each other questions and yes, I’ll pipe in with my own feedback. Well, not to mention monthly calls that I’ll do with clients as well or VIP calls where I teach stuff faster than what I teach on this podcast.

Usually things I’m talking about right here on the podcast are things that I already taught our clients. Just like when you heard that episode a few times ago, I talk about Dave Ramsey being too late. I mean, I was telling our people back in December, Hey, rates are dropping. You’re going to see in the first part of the year, you’re going to see house prices appreciate. And then of course, what do we find out? House prices started to appreciate some of the people took action on that and made it work, and so that’s one of the advantage that our VIP clients get is that they get that information faster, they get it real time, and I’m talking to investors and other people out in the markets in different markets real time. That’s why I go to other mastermind groups. See, I’ll go to mastermind groups and I hire coaches.

I do both because I got to keep improving. I can’t just sit on my laurels and expect me to be good, and so there’s always that constant improvement coming back to you. This is why when we take people through a process, one, we take ’em through really this launchpad meeting. We have a first meeting when they’re one-on-one with a coach. There’s this launchpad meeting that says, where can we find the low hanging fruit? Where can we make the biggest moves right now to improve your cashflow? Sometimes it’s paying off debt. I’ve had clients like that even recently strategizing with them, like using the cashflow index, which debts do we pay off? Which ones we leave alone right now we will talk about even which investments should you be looking at based on your timeline and your goals and your objectives. You want cashflow growth, all that stuff we start talking about and then we kind of move into that really that discovery process.

We’re really researching to find out like we explore options, start exploring what kind of investments are best for you. Then you commit to those investments. Eventually you start to say, here are the ones I feel most comfortable with, and you start to go in those investments. Again, we have people in our network that we use. We never give investment recommendations. We’re not investment advisors and we don’t even tell people they have to use our people. They can invest wherever. I tell people about something that I’ve invested with or people that I’ve come to trust over the years as well. And then after they start to commit, then that’s when the cashflow starts coming in. We work on preserving wealth. That’s why you start. You need the right attorneys and the right accountants and CPAs working in your benefit and working together, having the right insurances and other things in place, legal work and everything else.

You need to protect you and your wealth and your family, so that one event cannot take away all that you worked so hard for. And then we move into the fifth stage, which is focused on that income avalanche. And that’s something that’s very different, right? Because it’s not about accumulating money, it’s about accumulating and increasing your income year after year as you reinvest that money, keep building and growing that snowball in a way, it just gets bigger and bigger as you take your income and reinvest with your savings and make it work harder for you. So again, you become more optional. You don’t have to keep working so hard for your money. And I’ll say this one thing that I think is unique, and actually this was something that really made me feel very happy. I had a few clients I went out with. In fact, you probably heard a recent episode where I was talking about going and doing the Boston Marathon, met with a few clients out there and then came home to Utah and then a guy was coming to visit Utah.

And so this client, I went out to lunch with him. So I really had three client lunches all within about a week or two. And the one that came to Utah, we were sitting there talking and he said, Chris, I’ll be honest, I actually started asking around about you. I started talking about people that had known you or even worked with you. I think he was in a mastermind group with some of these people. I asked him to their opinion, they said to him, I want disclose his name. But they said, you know what? The way you see Chris on these podcasts is exactly what he’s like in real life. There’s no difference. He’s not faking it at all. He is who he genuinely is. And I’ll tell you, there’s a reason that felt amazing to me in more ways than one. I mean, one, I appreciate the fact that people recognize that I am very authentic at caring for people and wanting people to get the best results.

Sometimes I almost get upset because I care so badly about people’s results more than they might. Sometimes I get a little bit impatient, maybe more impatient than they get, and sometimes they get impatient too depending on what kind of investments they’re working on. That might take more time than other ones. But I’m always so excited. It’s like Christmas Day wanting to see people get the results and see that change in their life. But on the same note too, I think it means a lot to me because I used to believe that I couldn’t be me. I used to believe that I had to be somebody else for you to, to even trust. I used to believe that I had to be more charismatic than I am. I used to think I always had to crack jokes all the time and entertain you and all that kind of stuff.

And if you notice, and especially if you follow me for a long time, you probably notice that I am a little bit more serious. I’ll still do a little quip here or there, but for the most part, I really try to let people know that I don’t give a crap about trying to impress you anymore. And maybe it’s just because the more wealth I’ve created, the less I care, but it’s true. I really just sincerely care that the whole reason that I even have money ripples today is because I don’t see anybody better doing what we do. If there was, I would just refer to them. It’d be so much easier not to have to run a business, and I hope you understand that. It’s much easier to say, you know what? I’ll just be a referral source for you. I’ll partner up with you in some other way.

I can generate other streams of income much easier by just being a referral source, especially when you have a podcast than I ever would running my own business and now having a team to support me and stuff. But again, there is such a lack of results that you’re getting in this world right now. There’s such a lack of people doing great job in the infinite banking space. There’s good ones out there, but there’s so few and far between, and a lot of times they’re not always consistent. Sometimes they might let their own self-interest because they’re just professionals that need to feed their families. They might do things that may not be the best for you. Where we have a rule, it has to be the best every single time. Write it like I would write it on myself every single time. No exception. That’s the case, and that also applies even on the coaching side, really sincerely, how do we get people to get those best results and make money, but also keep that money too and then grow the money on top of that?

That’s really our focus, and that’s something that I used to think I had to be an entertainer. I had to be somebody more powerful than I was. But the truth is, I know that my power is just being me and knowing that our results speak for themselves. Our client’s results speak for themselves, which I’m very proud of because it’s a partnership. It’s not just us. I don’t take the credit for them doing the work. I take a little bit of the credit that we at least help guide them along in the process and make sure they’re well educated even when they go and invest with different operators. I have a lot of those investment operators say, wow, I love your clients. They come, they’re more educated, they’re nicer, good salt of the earth people. They’re not entitled. They’re not egotistical like some groups are when they have people come out, they almost are.

Your people are just good, amazing people. I wouldn’t mind hanging out with. Those are the people I like attracting, and I think that really has happened because I finally accepted myself for who I am instead of feeling like I have to create a whole song and dance to impress you. So anyways, I mean, again, I am not here to brag at all, but I think this is an important point because even if you’re not hiring somebody in the financial space to create passive income like ourselves or do an infinite banking, even just in general, if you’re looking for a coach, I would hope based on knowing me, I would hope you would find somebody kind of like me. They don’t have to be exactly like me, I hope they’re just like themselves, but there’s somebody that really does value integrity, somebody who is humble, but they know they’re amazing.

Even if they don’t brag about it nearly enough, they should, and maybe sometimes other people will brag about them more than they will themselves. They got their people that really are always striving to improve and grow, and that goes with that humble confidence as well. And of course, they really are focused on being servants. They’re really trying to serve other people, and I love the fact that I tend to meet people just like that, and I tend to meet people like you who are just like that. Really, those are the people that we attract, the people that actually want to make a difference in people’s lives, that want to be a contributor, not a taker. They want to be somebody who actually stands for something. They want to be somebody who says, Hey, I know I can become wealthy and prosperous, not just to care for my family and create a legacy for my family, but to be able to really be available to do something more in other people’s lives too.

That to me is why we exist is because of you, is because we’re here to serve you and to give you the best possible chance of success. And honestly, I saw it as a financial advisor. Just like I said in my background, I’ve seen the financial advisor, I’ve been on the other side. I’ve seen how people don’t get results. They don’t become free. They end up living a life of scarcity. Even when they retire, they still wonder, will I run out of money? Will it be enough? Then that’s why a lot of times they’ll keep working even into their seventies sometimes because they’re so scared that they might outlive their money, so they’ll keep going. Versus our clients who say, Hey, I’m going to try to create more than enough income to be able to not just pay my bills, but maybe even thrive a little bit, maybe even have a comfortable life, and they might keep working, but they know they get laid off from that job.

They’re still going to be okay. They’re going to be fine. Oh man. That to me is rewarding. When I see people that will literally, I mean, like I mentioned before, there was a dentist that came to us about their infinite banking policies. I thought they were going to be fine, but when we actually reviewed them, found out in the next 20 years, they’ll save them two and a quarter million dollars of fees, meaning they’ll have two and a quarter million more of cash that they can use in their family’s life and or invest to be able to create more passive income in their life in just 20 years, apples to apples doing the same thing that they’re already doing. That to me made it worthwhile. That’s where I’m so grateful that even when I went broke in the last recession, I didn’t give up. I even brought up in a podcast interview that I was contemplating taking my own life.

At one point. I’ll tell you, I’m kind of a Ws. I don’t like pain, which is why I probably wouldn’t have done anything, but I was wondering if I was worth more dead than alive to my family, and I’m grateful that I kind of whisked out and had a little enough faith to keep going because not because that, again, people’s lives are all better because of me, right? I know there’s people’s lives I’ve helped and hopefully I’ve helped you as well, even in just some small way, even if it’s giving you a little hope or just give me more insight. That to me is why this Money Ripples podcast exists. I keep finding that these podcasts get a little bit longer. The more I share from my heart, which I’ve always tried to go from my head and just give you the how toss, but I’ve noticed the more I share from my heart, the longer it takes probably because it takes me a little bit longer to express and figure out the right words to really emphasize, to tell you how I feel, how I truly feel about it, but I know I’m not alone.

My team is the same way we hire them because they share those same core values, and I’ll just tell you, I’m excited for the future and I’m excited to serve you guys, and that’s why our mission, really our vision is to serve and get at least 1000 of you, your families financially free by 2030. That’s our goal. That’s our vision. That’s what we’re really aiming for. That’s why I won’t quit till at least that point, and even then I’m probably going to set another goal bigger than that, but I want a thousand of you financially free, so if there’s any way we can support you, let us know. But remember this, when you’re looking to hire coaches or mentors, make sure you hire somebody who’s been there, they’ve done that, and they’re still doing it today, and they’re always getting better. They’ll always improving because as they grow, you can grow along with them. Your life will improve as they grow, as well as they keep learning. That is the kind of coach you want to find someone who’s humble yet the best at what they do. Those are the people I hire. Those people I recommend you find as well. If we could support you in any way, go to money and reach out to us guys. Make a won