Financial Collapse from Scarcity | 397

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Hello, my fellow Ripplers! This is Chris Miles. Your Cash flow Expert and Anti-financial Advisor. Welcome you out for another show. It’s for you and about you. Those who work so hard for your money, and if you’re ready for your money, start working harder for you now. You want that freedom. That cash flow. That prosperity today. Not 30 or 40 years from now, but right now. So you work because you want to. So you can do what you love. With those you love whenever you want to. But it’s more than just your own fun and comfort and convenience and becoming rich and things like that. We’re not talking about driving extravagant cars and yachts and airplanes and things like that. We’re talking about having a life that really has meaning. A life of freedom and prosperity for yourself and your family that creates a legacy beyond you. A legacy of abundance and prosperity, not of scarcity.

But even more so, it creates a ripple effect through the community and the lives of those that you touch. That you’re allowed to bless more lives because you are a Rippler. Out there creating a ripple effect by doing good in the world. You guys, we need more of you than ever. And I’m so excited to be on this bandwagon with you guys, be able to join it on this cause. To be a ripple or to create a ripple effect through you. And I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you guys have been a part of this movement. Again, not just because you guys are listening to the show. And I see that the show is growing every week, but on top of that, it’s actually incredible to see and hearing the stories you guys come out with.

You know, like when I hear people say, Hey, just listen to your show. I found 2000 a month. Or, Hey Chris, like, Hey, I’m starting to do some of these things right now. And I’m now creating a ripple effect. Or, I’m teaching my kids and, and that kind of stuff lights me up guys, because all the pain and the hassle that I went through for years, right? Especially during the last recession. You know, all that time. I remember thinking, man, all this pain I’m going through being over a million dollars in debt, you know, learning how to retire twice. They do it a second time to make it work again. Make sure that these principles are proven to be true. And I remember thinking, if I could just help one person because of the things I’m going through, that would be worth it. And guys, you guys are into the thousands and tens of thousands. And I know this ripple effects gone way beyond that too. And so I’m grateful to be a part of this. Thank you so much.

Hey, as quick reminder, check out our website, There’s good stuff on there. Check it out.

Okay. Today guys, like I know I just kinda went on a little gratitude rant and I hope you don’t mind because I am grateful for you guys. But I want to talk about things that have been on my mind lately, especially with everything going on. Right? You know, the thing I see that there’s so many, so much speculation, so many people are like, they want like, you know, a prophet to come out and say, here’s what’s going to happen. Right? Here’s what’s going to happen with this or with that or whatever, and sure I’ve got some things right. Like things that I’ve been saying that come true. Even when I’ve talked about before I said, Hey guys, get those lines of credit open and get the cash out now.

Wells Fargo just last week announced they’re shutting down lines of credit, like including home equity lines of credit. Bank of America said the same thing. The bigger banks already doing it and guaranteed the smaller banks will file a suit. Right? Those are things that I’ve said. But I want to go deeper. I want to go into, what’s really the danger here because everybody’s talking about a stupid virus, you know, and they’re talking about this and that. And yeah, I get it. It’s rough and it’s not nice. You know, it’s not pleasant, especially for some people, you know, I’ll tell you though, prosperity can never be lived in fear. You cannot expect to live in fear and prosper and be abundant. You can’t be an abundant when you have feared scarcity in your life. Fear and scarcity and doubt, and all these things only drives money away from you. Drives prosperity away for you.

You want to talk about prosperity guys. I’m not just talking about making a lot of money. I’m mostly talking about happiness, joy, meaningful relationships in your life with your family or loved ones, you know, mental health, right? All of these things are part of the same whole. These are true principles. Whether you want them to work or not, they work. So even if you say, Hey, I don’t believe in them. It doesn’t matter. They’re going to work anyways, or they’re going to work against you either way. And so there’s something that I fear a lot more than a virus right now. In fact, honestly the virus to me is not that scary. You know, I know some of you guys will be ticked by me saying that, I’m sorry. You know, I’ll come out and say it. I don’t wear masks because I don’t feel the need to. Plus there’s nobody really around me anyways.

So, other than my family, my 5 million kids. Right. But the truth is I’m not going out in public that much anyways. But you know what? I choose not to live in that fear. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t respect. And I want people to be kept safe. Especially if they’re older, they’re immune to compromise. I get that. But here’s the thing guys, is that when it comes to prosperity, you cannot live a life hiding. You cannot live your life. Just hunkered down in a hole. I have friends in Spain right now. Guys. I got friends in Spain right now that have been quarantined for months. For over a month and a half now. And guess what? The numbers are barely started to decrease. It didn’t take two weeks. Remember, we’re suppose to be two weeks in quarantine and then we’re supposed to be fine, right? It didn’t take that much time, but now there’s more fear going on.

Now. Finally, they’re actually able to go on little walks without a dog. They can go more than 10 meters away from their house now, but only for a few hours, like for an hour or two a day, you know, that’s it. And that’s going to get better. But guys, the thing that’s in a danger or country is not a virus. It’s not about whether or not you’re going outside with a mask or not. That’s not what’s in trouble right now. The true thing that’s the trouble is SCARCITY. As I said, scarcity drives away money. It drives away resource. It drives away happiness, joy. It drives away people. That scarcity is a disease. That is a virus that keeps coming back. And it has been since the beginning of time. That is something that’s destroying much, much more. It’s destroying governments. It’s destroying jobs. It’s destroying people.

People are giving into scarcity. There’s more people dying here in the state of Utah from suicides. Of the increased number of suicides and our deaths from a virus, right? There’s way more deaths from that. From drug overdoses and things of that nature. Guys, the real thing that kills us, the real scare here is OUR MINDS. You know, and I’ll tell you, there’s two primary things with scarcity that I’m worried about. One is a concept called learned helplessness. Now I remember taking my psychology classes in college and maybe you guys did too, is that they did a study. They said, all right, we’re going to take a dog. Right. And this is back before, before we had PETA, right? This is back before those days when they protected animals, but they took a dog and they had a floor and there was a little separation between the two floors, right?

So one side they could have electrified. So they had like a little kind of cage that they could electrify the floor. On the other side of this little mini wall, is this like a short little wall that you could hop over. There’s another side of that electrocute as well. So of course they won’t, just like with Pavlov’s experiment with ringing the bell, they said, Hey, let’s see what happens if we shocked the floor. So they shock floor in the dog. And naturally the dog jumps over to the other side to get relief. It wants to avoid the pain. They said, all right, we’ll shock. The other side. He was shocked the other side and jumped right back over. They said, look at this, we’re manipulating a dog. Look, what a bunch of chipped bullies.

So anyways, they started doing this and then they said, Hey, let’s test this out. What would happen if we shock both sides at the same time? So kind of the “Dang if you do, Dang if you don’t” that scenario. Right? So they shocked both sides. The dog hops over realized that shocked over. It hops back over again, hops back, back and forth a few times. And after realizes that no matter where it goes, it’s going to be shocked. It went to a corner and it started penal over itself. It got to a point where it said, why should I keep jumping? And so it stopped. And it just sat there shivering, right? Obviously this is really cruel treatment. It makes you feel for the dog obviously, or the dogs. They probably I’m sure they did some more than one. So anyways, that concept that came out of that was called learned helplessness, which comes from the whole “Dang if you do, Dang if you don’t” right? I’m editing this to keep this PG.

But that’s true. What it truly is, is it’s trying to say that many cases, we think if there’s no hope, right? There’s no way out, many guys might feel this way about your own money. Anyways, some of you guys might be thinking, Hey, I just started going ahead. And then all this crap hits the fan and now I’m right back in a struggle. Right? And I get that, you know, some of you thinking like, Oh, I was just about to retire and then bam! There went my stocks, you know, they’re on my mutual funds. Right? And all that kind of stuff.

That’s the kind of thing we’re talking about with learned helplessness is that when people start to believe that no matter what they do, when no matter what choice they make, they’re doomed. That they’re doomed to a life of misery or the doom to a life of lack. You know, lack of money, lack of joy, lack of time, whatever that might be. That is what I mean by learn helplessness. That right there guys, there’s a lot of that happening right now. People think, Oh, we just came out of recession, you know, over a decade ago, now we’re going into another one, possibly even a depression. What’s the use, right? And when people get depressed, they start doing crazy things. We’ve already seen this, right. We’ve already seen some craziness happen. I mean, you know, you’re hearing stories about people clapping for their balconies when people get arrested on the streets because they want out, you know, we get that. I get why you’d feel that way, you know? But we start to realize that, you know, when you get into a weird place, especially when it’s a place of scarcity, when you’re feel like there’s a scarce amount of freedom, right? There’s a scarce amount of time or scarce amount of resources or whatever it might be. Scarce amount of air to breathe, right? Whatever that might be like, that’s where you start to have issues. And that’s when you start to make really bad decisions.

Guys, I was this way, even just in the last recession, I was thinking like, man, no matter what I’m doing, it used to be. I thought, whatever I touched turned to gold. But then when I got humbled. By the other circumstances, I started thinking, man, no matter what I do, it seems like I’m failing. And that’s a bad, deep, dark place to be in. Like, I remember just being in that place thinking, Oh my goodness, how am I going to get out of this mess? Right. And that’s a hard place to be. So be aware of that. The other one I would be aware of now is also entitlement.

Entitlement is very much a scarcity driven type of emotion and belief even, right? We’re already seeing this right now. Like there’s a family member that recently absolutely despises government money. And so he got a stimulus check, right? You know, I wasn’t fortunate to get a stimulus check, but that’s fine. You know, but he got a stimulus check and he’s like, Oh! I hate that. They sent me this check. And then when he was asked, are you going to give it back to the government? He’s like, Oh no, no, I’m going to spend it. And there’s a lot of people thinking that somehow the government should bill them out. Like they are somehow responsible for the freedom or have even the key to their freedom. And so they start thinking they’re entitled to it. Hey, you know what? I’m entitled that somebody should pay my rent for me because I didn’t do this.

This isn’t my fault. Guys, life happens. You’re not entitled to squat. You don’t deserve anything. The only thing you deserve is to align yourself with principles, follow them and then accept the consequence. Good or bad. So for example, you know, like I know that if I create value for people inevitably prosperity follows, you know, and it’s not just money, you know, sometimes it’s appreciation sometimes it’s love, you know, other times it’s just, you know, the fact that the joy that I have, that I know I’m blessing lives, that personal fulfillment, right? There’s lots of ways you can get paid from creating value. That is true principle. And always has been, always, will be since the beginning of time and will be till the end of time, right? Those kinds of things are true. I’m not entitled to anything. I just create as much karma as I can in my favor.

And then I let the principals govern and the consequences follow. That’s all it is guys. It’s purely just about that. It’s how we let those consequences follow, doing good, doing, you know, following your line, yourselves, the principles. When I violate principles, especially if it’s consistent, I will get a result. The results usually not prosperity. It’s usually in becoming impoverished. You know, that’s the thing. And that’s why you always got to check yourself with the emotions and the belief that you have. Guys. You’re not entitled to give them money. In fact, the one thing I’m worried about is that when people start becoming entitled to that money, then they believe that somehow people got bailed them out and they stop producing. They stop being creators. They start becoming consumers and creators are what drives this economy. You want anything to be resolved? If you want true prosperity for a whole society, we’ve got to go from a place of consumerism, to a place of being a creator. We gotta be in a creative mindset. Otherwise it doesn’t work.

So guys, that’s my thing. I want you guys to really take this in depth. Avoid the entitlement, avoid feeling helpless because there always is hope. I am telling you guys there’s many of us prospering right now. Not because we’re just got lucky, but because we follow and align ourselves with principles. You do that. You become a master and a student of those principles. And many of these episodes in the show talk about many of them. If you do that prosperity will inevitably follow, one way or the other. And I remember it happened to me in 2009, August, 2009. I remember I released myself. I said, God, I submit myself to you. I know that I’ve been going through this for the last year and a half the struggle. Right? Really. It felt like the last two years I was going through that struggle of scarcity.

And I finally just said, listen, I know these principles work. They’re from you. I’ll just follow them. I don’t care if it takes 20 years, I will keep following these principles so that I know they have to work. And you know what happened, guys? It was after I got to that place of submission, that place where I was able to just say, you know what, I’m okay. I’m going to keep doing what I know is right. And let the consequence follow. That is exactly when by October, just two months later, that’s when everything turned around for me and I started to pull myself out of that hole. Guys, these things work get to a place of hope, get to a place of abundance and prosperity and watch what will happen. Your life will be drastically different than the lives of those out there. And around you in the world today, if the world could just hold onto this and truly grasp this. Guys, most of these problems that are in the media right now, the media wouldn’t have that much to report. They would just come up with crap, which they already do anyways. But guys give them something new to report on. Do and be something better. That is my challenge for you guys today. I hope we make it a wonderful and prosperous week. We’ll see you later.